Fairy Winner

Chapter 3100: Reclaimed

Looking at the country lord who was still in anger, Lu Lan slowly settled down.

Is this acting?

It's not like it, it's not like it at all, it's not much different from the previous performance of the country lord. If it's acting, has he all been in disguise for thousands of years? That would be incredible.

But if it were not for acting, the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation.

Will Fu Guo Xie Zheng be so kind?

It is clear that Lu Yi is a believer in the corpse of Shebi. It is impossible for Xie Zheng to be unclear about this. He has a righteous roar, and investigations are extremely meticulous and will not go wrong, but this time he threw all the crimes to Dong Zhihe Zhou Shu, even want to destroy Xianshu City?

Is this planning to live peacefully with the three imperial families in the future, or do you bow your head completely to yourself?

It doesn't look like what Xie Zheng could do.

So why is he?

Is it to convene the Imperial Court meeting? Did you give the results of this investigation to the country's lord?

I deliberately said things like this so that neither the country master nor myself could object, and then tell the truth after the court meeting?

In this situation, the Lord almost completely believed in Xie Zheng’s investigation results. If he waited for the Ting Yi to turn upside down, how would the State Lord treat Xie Zheng. Even if Xie Zheng could use the Ting Yi to pull the Lu family down, he himself absolutely Can't fall well.

But speaking of it, Xie Zheng is really not afraid of losing power.

You can't bet yourself. In any case, you can't let the Imperial Court convene. The risk is too great.

Xie Zheng died when he died, and there will be other generals who will stand up, but the Lu family can’t afford it. Once they lose power, it means that the three imperial families will no longer have their previous power, and even the country may not be able to stay, or even pay. There is a danger of genocide.

Lu Lun quickly shook his head, "Subordinates feel that it is better not to be too exciting."


The old man was stunned, with a suspicious look on his face, "Gong Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Lun resolutely said, "Don't hold an imperial court meeting, it's not necessary."

The old man frowned, "You just said you must do something? What's wrong?"

"I just missed it."

Lu Lun said in a deep voice, "The matter of Lu Yi, his subordinates are very sad, but this matter cannot be known to the whole country of Haze. The matter of extravagance than the corpse should not be made public. This will make people panic, and it may lead to A bigger disaster is coming."

"Before only a few of us knew and couldn't leak it out, but now it doesn't get in the way."

The old man waved his hand, "The Shebi corpse believer turned out to be an outsider, and has already died, so it doesn’t matter. This incident happened to let the people know how brave Lu Yi was to fight against the wizard god, he would rather give up his life. Good young people must let others learn and use them as an example."

Lu Lun paused, "I still don't think it's appropriate. Even the people of the clan should not hear the words "Sabishi"."

The old man hesitated for a while, "You have some truth, and I also had concerns before. She is the most hated and feared witch **** in Hazhi country and even the heavens. It is inevitable that there will be panic when it comes to him. But, Lu Yijue You can't die in vain, you still have to tell the matter, and the real murderer has already been given the punishment in person, and you can let the people know that even if Shebishi is not an opponent of our Hachi country, believing in him is going to die, it can strengthen our country. "

Lu Lan pondered for a few breaths and shook his head, "But, Zhou Shu doesn't seem to be the real murderer."

The old man pressed his hand and signaled him to relax, "Don't worry, Fu Guo has also caught the winter solstice. It will be delivered afterwards, and it will arrive tomorrow."

"Is the winter solstice caught?"

Lu Lun's mind suddenly shook, but there was no half-hearted desire for revenge, but a lot of fear.

A Zhou Shu may not have the ability to change the situation. Even if the auxiliary country turns white into black, it is difficult for the people to believe it, but after one more winter solstice, it will be completely different. This one has fought against Lu Yi and even got the luxury ratio. The corpse snake, once appeared on the court meeting...

Fu Guo, you can find him. Could this person also be arranged by you earlier?

Really well-intentioned.

Yi'er, your sneak run has completely become someone else's pawn.

Why are you going to touch that drop of blood?

The old man took a relieved look at him, thinking that Lu Lan was happy, "When the time comes, Lu Yi’s grudge will be reported by you personally. This is also the arrangement of the auxiliary country. I originally planned to tell you when that time comes, but you have been Come, the old man can't help but say, ha ha."

"Thank you, Lord."

Lu Lu saluted, "But I still feel wrong. The Lu family has always been selfless for the country, but this time it was because of Lu Yi's labor and teachers, and even let the whole family come to see me and the Lu family for revenge. This is absolutely impossible. It’s not worth it for Haze to do this."

The old man hurriedly said, "It's worth it. Of course it's worth it for Duke Lu. Without Duke Lu, Hachi country might not be established, and everything is worth it."

Lu Lun's expression was condensed, "Is there any reason that the Lu family is higher than the Hachi country? The Lu family is dedicated to assisting the Hachi clan and has no idea of ​​arrogance. The Lord said that he really underestimated my Lu family."

"Gong Lu misunderstood."

The old man waved his hand and was quite panicked, "If I count my mistakes, don't care about Lu Gong, of course Lu Gong is dedicated to the country."

Lu Lun bowed and saluted, "Then please take back the master's order, don't hold the court meeting, the old man will go to the auxiliary country to deal with the matter of Lu Yi."

"Gong Lu."

The old man lifted him up, his expression gradually becoming solemn, "The Imperial Court's discussion is not only for Lu Yi, you know, Haze country wants to declare war to the outside world~www.ltnovel.com~ It must be made public, and all must be collected. The consent of the tribe, this is the rule for countless years and cannot be changed."

"Xianshu City is a fairy city, is it worth declaring war?"

Lu Lun sneered unconsciously, "Let the old man go over and kill them."

The old man paused and said in a slow voice, "I heard from the auxiliary country that Xianshu City is connected to the Immortal Realm and the Liangmiao Kingdom. This time the declaration of war on it is also to warn the Liangmiao Kingdom, and at the same time let the immortal realm understand the determination of Haze Kingdom. , So, although the city is small, it has great significance. It must be destroyed without knowing it, so that the teacher should be famous."

Lu Lian calmed down and said slowly, "Lord, how many things did Xie Zheng tell you?"

He already knew that things might be irreversible.

Having said so much, the Lord still has no intention to change his mind. According to past practice, it will take two or three days to change the thought of the Lord. But two or three days later, the court meeting has already been held.

The blame is that the three failed to detect it earlier, even if one month earlier, one or two days earlier, it might be different.

But it is not necessarily lost.

The old man laughed and said, "Fu Guo really did his best for you this time. I think he seems to be a few hundred years old these days. Your two families should get closer and closer in the future."

"Sure, I'm leaving, Lord."

Lu Lun smiled and saluted and walked out quickly.

There are still two days left, if you can make good use of it, there will be a chance to comeback in the court meeting.

Such as finding Zhou Shu, finding the Winter Solstice, or even...

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your monthly ticket support, thank you~~Thanks to the book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

(PPS: Every 3rd, there is always an unbearable sadness~)

(PPS: This seems to be the real Chapter 3000, so it should be considered insistent.)

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