Fairy Winner

Chapter 3101: Shut up


"Or, just reverse it!"

The speaker is a middle-aged man with a black shirt and a high crown, big sleeves floating, and a white luan tail in his hand. It is Zheng Tu, the current head of the Zheng family, who is known as "Xiaoyaoyouxian" on weekdays, but he cannot be seen at this time. There was a slight breeze, the noodles were like the bottom of a pot, and the eyes were extremely fierce.

An old man shook his head quickly, "Brother Zheng, this is not the case."

The old man is thin and dry, but he speaks like a gong, full of breath, harsh and high-pitched.

"Then what do you think, do you let people like Xie Zheng and Xie Xun attack the court?"

Zheng Tu coldly snorted, "They must be prepared this time. If I don't fight in advance, the family will be in disaster! Lin Baixu, you are not the head of the family. On such occasions, it is best to speak less! "

Lu Lun, who was pacing back and forth, paused and frowned, "Zheng Tu, don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Tu's expression was stagnant, and he closed his voice, and only muttered, "Lin Taiyi too, what are you going out to do now, knowing that trouble is coming and you are running away, will your family leave it alone?"

Lu Lun said calmly, "I let him go."

Zheng Tu stagnated and stopped talking.

The three imperial families have always been dominated by the Lu family, and the authority accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years is here, and he dare not violate it.

Lin Baixu whispered, "Duke Lu, at this time, we must not turn back. If we do this, the Four Generals will force us out without doing anything. It happens to be fooled by them. If we turn it back, we will lose. The support of all the people in the capital, the three of us suddenly pointed out that the previous accumulation was all in vain, what should we do to deal with it? It is absolutely impossible to get a good deal."

"Of course I know, they haven't moved yet, but we jumped out by ourselves? Not that stupid!"

Lu Lun snorted and glanced at Zheng Tu too, without concealing his disdain.

Zheng Tu had a guilty conscience, he touched the beard that was hanging down to his belly, as if he had not seen it.

Lin Baixu pondered for a moment, “It’s better to start from Zhou Shu and the winter solstice. I don’t know what’s going on on the winter solstice side. But in these two days, you must watch the entrance to death. No more practitioners are allowed in. I have sent People passed, almost the whole family was dispatched."

"Good job."

Lu Lun nodded slightly, "You are more practical than Tai Yi, you are a man of things."

Lin Baixu was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to salute, "Thank you, Lord Lu, for the praise.

Zheng Tu looked at Lin Baixu's appearance and couldn't help but talk again, "Hey, Lin..."

Before he could say it, Lu Lun's gaze came over, "Zheng Tu, you have to hurry up there, the country is going up and down, and I will search again. If you want to finish it in three hours, there will be any changes in the Hachi clan immediately. tell me."

"Yes, I will give the order right away."

Zheng Tu stagnated, called someone, and gave the order on the spot.

"As for Zhou Shu..."

Many killing intent flashed in Lu Lu's eyes, "Zheng Tu, are all your death guards still there?"

"Eleven death guards, there are a lot of them, they can be deployed at any time!"

Zheng Tu nodded immediately, with a lot of pride.

The Eleven Death Guards can be said to be the strongest force of the Zheng family. They are accumulated with countless resources. Both the cultivation base and the magic talisman are carefully selected, and they are absolutely loyal to the Zheng family. Outrageous orders will be obeyed, even if Zheng Tu wants them to blew himself up to kill an ant, they did not hesitate.

"You go to the jail with them and kill Zhou Shu."

Hearing the order, Zheng Tu was stunned, "I'm going too? Doesn't it need to be? Besides, Zhou Shu here should be just a clone..."

Lu Lun yelled, "Don't talk nonsense! No matter if it's a clone or something, he has a threat to us, he must disappear! You can't come out unless you see Zhou Shu die!"

"Okay, okay, but how can I get in?"

Zheng Tu can only nod his head, his face is a bit bitter, "I have been trying these days, but I can't get into the jail. There is a guard at the door, guarding the country, and keeping every step of the way. If you really fight him, it will be the opposite. It makes no difference."

Lin Baixu leaned a few steps closer, "Tianja, didn't the Zheng family and the Lu family do it together? Didn't leave any secret ways?"

"Want you bullshit?"

Zheng Tu glared at him, and said disdainfully, "I don’t understand anything! There are indeed two other entrances and exits, but they were blocked by the auxiliary country hundreds of years ago, and they used the hidden iron spirits from the treasury. , Even if seven or eight Hunyuan Jinxians attack together, they may not be able to open the entrance! Talking is noisy and useless, I still like to talk!"

Lin Baixu stepped back a few steps and touched his beard quite embarrassingly.

He is not the Patriarch, and he certainly doesn’t understand as much as the Patriarch. This time he came to participate in the secret meeting because of the Patriarch’s absence. Although it was very difficult for Zheng Tu to see him, he didn’t care. He just wanted to take this rare opportunity to please Lu Tuan. There is a chance to become the head of the Lin family in the future.

Lu Lun said slowly, "You bring all the death guards here, and I will send you in."


Zheng Tu was stunned, "What can you do? Can't do it, I remember that your formation blocks many laws, and you can't use those laws to move space."

Lu Lan glanced at him in disgust, then looked at Lin Baixu, and said condensedly, "The Lu family has a teleportation formation leading to the prison."

Lin Baixu was stunned for a while, "Teleport array?"

Zheng Tu was also stunned. After a while, he seemed to think of something, "The one 70,000 years ago?"

"You still remember."

Lu Lan nodded, "Before the tower fell, the soaring Lin Zhenyu brought the one ~www.ltnovel.com~. The guy in the Xuanhuang world is really good. He can actually study such a peculiar formation, and we have already These people who came up to the Immortal Realm didn't understand."

Lin Baixu was a little excited, "Gong Lu, that Lin Zhenyu, is that from our Lin family?"


Lu Lun sneered unconsciously, "Xuanhuang Realm is not the only Lin family of you, your Lin family does not understand Teleportation Array at all. As for that Lin Zhenyu, speaking of your enemy, he also died in the hands of your Lin family, alas, dead. It's a pity, if not..."

Lu Lun didn't say any more, but Lin Baixu didn't dare to ask any more.

He thought that Lin Zhenyu was an ancestor of the Lin family, and thought he could use this to gain some benefits, but he didn't expect to be an enemy.

Zheng Tu found the opportunity and laughed, "Lin Zhenyu is from your Lin family? Stop dreaming! If your Lin family has a genius like Lin Zhenyu, our first three imperial families will be based on your Lin family, uh..."

He was happy but said the wrong thing, and quickly closed his mouth.

Lu Lun didn't care, "The teleportation formation stayed in the Lu family. After that, all three of them participated in the research, but they didn't research anything. Only based on the jade slips left by Lin Zhenyu, they reluctantly determined a few teleportation locations. It's ashamed to say that, the power of collecting three families is not as good as Lin Zhenyu."

Lin Baixu hurriedly said, "Duke Lu, this is nothing. There are so many sects in the Immortal Realm, and I haven't researched a clue. The gate of Kongyuan is far from the true teleportation formation in the legend. , Back then, the Xuanhuang Realm could be teleported across boundaries, even to the Immortal Realm..."

"Okay, what do you say so much for?"

Lu Lun waved his hand boredly, "One of the positions set in the past is in the sky prison. There should be nothing wrong with it. If you bring people here, Zheng Tu, I will send you over, but the teleportation formation is not too big. It will be delivered several times."

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