Fairy Winner

Chapter 3103: Drink too much

A hill not far from Tianyao Mountain.

There are only a few small trees in the bare mountain, and there is a pavilion under the tree.

The three old men sat in the pavilion, drinking and having fun, the aroma of the wine spread for hundreds of miles, and there were singing voices from time to time.

At this time, a young Hachez came down suddenly, stopped in front of the pavilion, bowed and saluted, "Fu Guo, the Zheng family and Lu family are searching around Tianyao Mountain, wanton chaos, many members of the tribe have been implicated, hundreds of people have been imprisoned. Zhen Guo and Wei Guo's mansion were also affected."

"Let them go."

Xie Zheng held the wine glass and waved, "Where is the Lin family?"

The Haze Clan quickly said, "The Lin family is waiting at the entrance of the Iron Curtain. Almost all the clan have gone."

Xie Zheng said lightly, "Keep watching, don't worry about the others, go."

As the Haechi clan was about to leave, there was another "wait" in the pavilion. Huguo Xiezhou smiled and said, "Aren't you called Xie Bai?"

The Haze clan saluted and said, "The subordinates are just Xie Bai."

"Okay, go ahead."

Xie Zhou waved his hand and turned around and smiled, "Fuguo, are all your subordinates really called Xie Bai?"

Xie Zheng said lightly, "Yes, what is so strange about this."

Xie Xun was also quite puzzled, "There are ten people, how can you tell?"

Xie Zheng took a sip of his wine and said slowly, "No need to distinguish, to me, they are no different. No matter which thank you, you can do what I want them to do, and you will never betray me."

"Fuguo's imperial way is really... I can't learn it."

Xie Xun and Xie Zhou looked at each other, and they couldn't help shaking their heads, sighing with a lot of admiration.

Xie Zhou was holding a glass of wine but not drinking, as if thoughtful, "Fu Guo, shall we drink here until the court meeting begins? Then the first three companies are very busy with constant actions, so you don’t have to worry about going out. What's the problem?"

"We have done what we should do."

Xie Zhengning said, "Do what you can't do as much as possible. Besides, no matter how much we do, we can only rely on the four of us and Zhou Shu one day later. What else can we do if we don't have our energy and energy?"

Xie Xun sighed slightly, "Yes, if the conflict is really caused, we don't have as many dead men as three."

"If you have it, you can't use it. Every person's life in the Hachi clan is precious. How can it be wasted at will?"

Xie Zheng frowned and said solemnly, "I'll just wait. Since I have decided to do this, I will die if I die, so I don't need to think about it."

"It's not so easy to die, you said too much," Xie Zhou finally drank the glass of wine, and then burst into laughter, "Hahaha, hahaha, let alone the two of us, Fu Guo You are comparable to the quasi-sage of the practitioner. Who can move you in Hachi?"

Xie Zheng waved his hand, "That Lin Qian will do."

Xie Zhou's face changed slightly, "He won't come again, but speaking of what he taught Zhou Shu a lot, Zhou Shu will not..."

"Huguo, if you tell me I will really turn my face."

Xie Xun glared at him and filled him up with the wine, "I've said it twice, Zhou Shu is not that kind of person!"

Xie Zhou picked up the wine glass and drank it, and said with a smile, "Isn't I worried?"

"There's no need to worry."

Xie Xun drank the wine and slowly said, "Protect the country, it is not Lin Qian who is really worried about the auxiliary country, but the Haechi tribe and the leader of the country present. There are really conflicts, and I am afraid that many of them will be deceived by the three. The Haechi clan came out to fight us, what then?"

Xie Zhou sighed unconsciously, "I am afraid of this."

Xie Xun said again, "The practitioners can have no scruples and care about the losses of the Hachi tribe and Hachi country, and even hold the country’s lord. What about us? Even if the auxiliary country’s twelve costs can be played out. I’m afraid it’s less than 50%."

Xie Zheng glanced at him with deep meaning, "Hehe, it should be more than 50%."

"That's not enough," Xie Xun paused, and said with emotion, "The Lu Family has Dao tools, not ordinary Dao tools. I heard that I have fostered the spirits of dozens of generations of Lu Family Patriarchs. If you start your hands, I'm afraid it will be a **** situation."

"If it's easy, we won't delay it until now."

Xie Zhou shook his head slightly, his face was a little sad, and the wine in front of him seemed to be fragrant.

The original mountain wine, which has been hidden for nearly 100,000 years, is a superb product from the Dukang world. It is not sold for thousands of immortal jade.

"Will it be delayed, let the younger generation of the Hachi clan do it? I don't want to!"

Xie Zheng suddenly stood up and said straightly, "Don't gossip, don't think about difficulties, just remember one sentence, the past Hachi country has to end all the drawbacks in the future, what do you think? "

"Of course follow the auxiliary country."

Xie Zhou Xie Xun stood up and uttered together sonorously.

"Continue to drink, the old man took a lot of thought to get it. You can't stop if you don't drink it all, hahaha," Xie Zheng laughed three times, lying half-sitting, with his chest open. At least wine is a great good thing, hehe."

"Of course the wine is good."

Xie Xun simply picked up a wine jar and poured it directly down.


He wiped the wine stains on his beard, and said sighfully, "But practitioners are not only drinking a good thing, some practitioners are still very good."

"You mean Zhou Shu~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhenguo, this time if he can do what the old man requested, the old man will protect him from Xiancheng," Xie Zheng said slowly, "The Lin family led the team to Xian Shu Cheng, right? When things are over here, the old man chases out to help him take care of it."

"It's not a big deal."

Xie Xun smiled, "His Xiancheng is not afraid of such people. If the auxiliary country wants to do it, he will do something better."

Xie Zheng was slightly surprised, "Zhen Guo, as far as the old man knows, there are at least eight Hunyuan Golden Immortals going to his Xiancheng. The ordinary Xiancheng can't stop it. Can his newly built Xiancheng stop?"

"You really underestimate Xianshu City."

Xie Xun glanced at him, and it was a bit impolite to drink too much, just like watching an ignorant child, "Eight Hundred Golden Immortals, Zhou Shu didn't need to come out, and it was easy to solve."

"A bit exaggerated?"

Xie Zheng didn't notice the expression in Xie Xun's eyes, and frowned unconsciously. "Eight don't need the city lord to come out. He doesn't seem to have a few people in Xiancheng?"

Xie Xun said indifferently, "There are not many, but all of them are elites, and there are also Taoist weapons. With the formation, it is enough to deal with."

"If there is a Taoist tool, Hunyuan Jinxian really shrank," Xie Zheng thought for a while, "From the perspective of Zhenguo, how many Hunyuan Jinxian can win Xianshu City? Fifteen are enough?"

Xie Xun seemed thoughtful, "Fifteen, maybe Zhou Shu will come out by himself."

"If you come out by yourself, you can't beat it yet?"

Xie Zheng became more surprised, "Then you say, how many people are needed to take down Xianshu City?"

Xie Xun was slightly stagnant, thinking of the scene where the sky was completed, and he spread his hands, "I don't know, the real strength of Xianshu City, the old man really can't see it. If I have to estimate, maybe thirty? Or more? ?"

Xie Zheng was stunned, and then laughed, "So you are joking, haha, have you drunk too much."

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