Fairy Winner

Chapter 3104: No trouble

Xie Xun sighed unconsciously, "The old man didn't drink too much, because you underestimated Zhou Shu and Xian Shucheng too much."

"I admit that I didn't understand, but what you said is too exaggerated. It's not like you usually."

Xie Zheng still shook his head, "If, as you said, the strength of a Xianshu city is about the same as two of the three families combined, can Zhou Shu's little Xiancheng really be so strong? To be so strong, What did he hide for in Outland?"

"Because his opponent is stronger."

Xie Xun was very calm, "If you are also wanted by the immortal world, you will know."

"The old man still doesn't believe me."

Xie Zheng looked at Xiezhou, "Huguo, you have also been to Xianshu City once, what do you think?"

Xie Zhou pondered for a while, "Xianshu City’s formation is indeed very strong, and the people inside are also very strong, but I can’t see too much of the others. The Zhenguo is right, it’s hard to see theirs. The true strength, Zhou Shu, seems to hide a lot of things."

Xie Xun hesitated, "The old man estimates that there is a quasi-sage in Xianshu City, and there may be more than one."

Xie's face was slightly condensed, "You all said that, it seems that the old man really underestimated Xianshucheng and Zhou Shu."

"That's why I said you were taking risks."

Xie Xun seemed to have found an opportunity to vent, and said in a bitter voice, "You didn't say a word to Zhou Shu, and you carried such a big pot to him. Although it was to make things happen, if he knew afterwards, I have to blame us again, I am not worried, but for Hachi Country, this may be a hidden danger."

"it does not matter."

Xie Zheng was very calm, "He decided to kill Lu Yi before and didn't notify us. We need to do what we should do. You don't have to worry too much. As long as the final result is good for both parties, you don't have to worry about what happens between them. , The old man is like this, I think he is too."

Xie Xun was stunned, speechless for a moment, and took two sips of the wine, "Maybe."

Xie Zheng took a drink and said in a deep voice, "But the old man did underestimate him and Xian Shucheng this time. If things can happen, he will be compensated at that time. He will definitely get more benefits from the covenant."

Xie Xun laughed, "That should work."

"I said you guys, you are obviously going to do a big thing, and you are still talking gossip. You really don't worry about anything."

Xie Zhou looked at the two of them and shook their heads, and said slowly, "Fu Guo, what to do on the winter solstice, depending on the situation, it may not be possible after the day."

"There is a scorpion snake here. It is not a big problem if the winter solstice comes," Xie Zheng paused. "If he is sensible enough, he should abandon half of his soul. Of course that is impossible, ha ha."

"You think too much about protecting the country."

Xie Xun followed, "In fact, the winter solstice is outside, and it is better for us to be able to contain the Lin family?"

Xiezhou will come to pass, "This...it is indeed that I was wrong, haha, it means that one of the three is missing, but there is a lot of resistance."

Xie Xun said slowly, "In fact, apart from the Patriarch and the dead, the other practitioners of the three families are nothing more. The key is the Hachi tribe. As long as they realize the harm of the three families and are no longer deceived, we will definitely win this battle. ."

Xie Zhou nodded, "After all, it depends on whether Zhou Shu and Fu Guo can persuade them."

Xie Zheng nodded, and fell into a long silence.


Xie Xun smiled and shook his head. He picked up the wine jar on the ground and poured it into his mouth without any taste. It was content and empty.

But if you can't drink it all up, if you want to leave an altar for Weiguo, then it's all.

This is the first and possibly the last time that the Big Four will get together to drink.


Zhou Shu, who had been closing his eyes for contemplation, suddenly opened his eyes.

The formation has changed.

The outer formations are slowly tightening, but the inner formations are opening up, and the surrounding constraints are slowly disappearing. It is difficult to explain what this is, but one thing is certain, something must happen. .

As soon as he got up, a dozen figures appeared not far from him.

They looked a little dazed. Under what circumstances, the formation that surrounded them suddenly disappeared?

Zhou Shu had seen them all, they were all prisoners in the sky jail, and Wu Fang was among them.

"Ah, senior, you are here!"

When Wu Fang saw Zhou Shu, he greeted him and walked over, with some joy on his face.

They are all well-informed people, knowing that there is an abnormal situation that they don’t understand, first of all, find someone who is reliable, and it will be easier to handle things with the backbone.

Zhou Shu is obviously the most reliable.

Several other prisoners saw Wu Fang approaching and followed.

When at a loss, it is easy to develop a herd mentality, and these prisoners who have been held for a long time are no exception.

Seeing that Zhou Shu was just a big Luo Jinxian, some people cast a face with disdain, some frowned, and some secretly thought.

Wu Fang ignored them. Except for the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals, the others did not look good. In his eyes, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal was probably not as good as Zhou Shu. He only said diligently, "Senior, this is What's the matter, why did the formation collapse? Something happened to the prison?"

"Not a collapse, but a change."

With more than ten breaths of time, it was enough for Zhou Shu to observe a result.

Someone frowned and looked puzzled, "What do you mean by change? Does the jail need to change? I have lived in seven or eight times, and I have never seen such a situation~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu glanced at him. Faintly said, "Someone is controlling, the original eleven-layer formation is combining with each other, and it may eventually become a triple-layer formation. It should be a killing array, and it is the kind that leaves no way out at all. "

"Kill the formation, leave no way out?"

The Hunyuan Jinxian's face suddenly changed, "Why, are they planning to kill us all?"

"If you want to kill us, no matter where it is so troublesome, just come in and kill people. There is no one who has died in the sky prison." There was a Hachi prisoner who looked indifferent, "I lived in the sky prison for almost two thousand years. I haven’t seen anything, this is the first time this kind of thing has happened."

"Lived for two thousand years? Disrespect and disrespect."

A few people hurriedly stepped forward and exchanged greetings, meaning that they would hate to see each other late.

It's no wonder that no one can see anyone in the jail, and the inmates who have been there for so long have never been able to contact. It must be a pity.

"They didn't come to kill you, but to kill me, so they changed their minds and worried that I would escape."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "However, the fire at the gate of the city caused Chiyu, and you are afraid it will be difficult to escape this disaster."


"what did you say?!"

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly backed away, and immediately drew a clear line with Zhou Shu.

Only that Wu Fang knew that his wealth and life were still tied to Zhou Shu. He did not retreat, but was a little shivering, "Senior, I knew you were extraordinary, and you can come and go freely in this jail day. This time, Will you save us?"

"Killing a big Luo Jinxian, it takes so much labor to move the crowd?"

The Hunyuan Jinxian's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "You don't have to be so troublesome, I will help you to kill him!"

This sentence is obviously for those who have changed.

(Ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the wolf who eats vegetarian food, and thank the book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~~)

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