Fairy Winner

Chapter 3108: Xie Bai nodded

The situation has changed, and Zhou Shu certainly will not miss the opportunity.

After figuring out the law of the power of the five elements, Zhou erected a wall at the most critical point.

This wall blocked the connection between the released spirit and Hunyuan Jinxian, and gradually let the power of the five elements out of control.

After attacking back and forth, just a few dozen breaths away, the Hunyuan Jinxian died.

Unlike Lu Zhongguang, he died completely, and he couldn't even keep his soul.

Who told him to put his soul in the power of law?

The only remaining death guard walked out of the killing formation, holding the short spear in his hand.

The blood-colored short spear, but it can be seen that the blood was not only stained, but deeply penetrated.

The Death Guard did not speak, but carefully stroked the short spear, his eyes filled with pity, as if he was looking at his beloved partner.

Zhou Shu was not in a hurry, and waited for a while before saying, "Are you from the auxiliary country?"

Zhou Shu had already noticed that this death guard was a Hachez clan, and when he used the soul killing technique, he couldn't attack him. The descendants of the **** beasts like the Haze clan seemed to be naturally immune to many spirit arts. Soul killing technique is also among them.


The death guard nodded, "You can tell me to thank you."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Thank you, thank you."

Xie Bai shook his head slightly, "No, the auxiliary country has instructed you to show up when you need it. Protect important people. You are the most important person right now."

"Can you show me your short spear?"

Zhou Shu smiled, his gaze fell on the short spear, and he could clearly see the battle of the talents, something that could easily penetrate the Hunyuan Jinxian's protective shield was unusual.

Xie Bai handed the short spear over without hesitation, "not the short spear, it's the Blood Killing Spear."

Upon receiving the Spear of Blood Killing, Zhou Shu trembled.

Binghan's killing intent passed along the spear, and his body instantly became cold.

"It's a powerful bloodline."

Zhou Shu took a look and handed it back. Good things are good things, but they are not magic weapons. They need the blood of the Hachi clan to use them.

"I have used the blood sacrifices of seven Haechi tribes, and they are all with me now."

Xie Bai squeezed the short spear, his eyes focused on it, with fanaticism in his piety.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Thank you, don't you need to go back and return? There are some active spirits here, but if you need it, I can help you collect them so that you will not be exposed and you can continue to maintain your identity. ."

"No need to go back to Zheng's house."

Xie Bai shook his head, "I don't need to hide myself anymore, I will wait here until you leave safely."

"It should be fine."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, walking around, collecting the scattered clouds, which is the power of the law of energy.

It’s a pity that these powers have expanded a lot after less than a hundred breaths of time. With some impurities, they are no longer pure. The collection must be very meticulous, but the power of impurities can be used barely, which is bad. point.

"No matter what's going on, I can't leave."

Xie Bai followed Zhou Shu with no expression on his face.

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't care, "By the way, thank you, how did you get in?"

It is necessary to clarify this question. Weiguo Xie Nian guarded the door, but these people came in. Is there something wrong with Weiguo?

"Transportation Array."

No matter what the question, Xie Bai answered quickly, except for nodding and shaking his head, there was no other expression.

It's been a long time since Zhou Shu heard these words. "Teleportation Array, does the Zheng family have a Teleportation Array?"

Xie Bai shook his head, "It's not the Zheng family, it's the Lu family."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is the Lu family's teleportation array, you don't know how it came?"

Xie Bai continued to shake his head, "I don't know, Zheng Tu hasn't said it."

Zhou Shu didn’t feel hesitated. It seemed necessary to visit the Lu family. Zhou Shu attached great importance to and was sensitive to the teleportation array. No matter where he saw it, he always wanted to investigate it, especially in such a remote place. Outland, maybe it has something to do with Lin Zhu.

He paused, "What does the teleportation array look like? Does it feel good?"

"Hexagonal table, one square foot in radius, black, many array symbols are messy, I can't understand it."

Xie Bai hesitated for a while, "I can only send three people at a time, it doesn't feel like... It should be a lot worse than what I saw last time."

As if he had noticed something, Zhou Shu turned around to look at him, his eyes condensed, "Last time, did you see other teleportation formations?"

Xie Bai nodded, "I have seen it in the Kuiwei Realm."

"Where is the Kuiwei Realm?"

Zhou Shu searched it again and was quite sure that there was no such world in his own world map, and there was no map of the fairy world either.

Xie Bai thought for a while, "It is a small world between Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming, near the witch world, far away from here. It will take about 50 or 60 years from here. There is a family of practitioners living there. I heard It is the Jiang family, the descendants of the human earth emperor."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed.

The Jiang family was still going on in the heavens. This was something he didn't expect. He read countless classics in the immortal world, but didn't mention this. He also thought that after the Jiang family in the Xuanhuang world, the earth emperor did not have it. Descended.

What an unexpected surprise.

He paused, "Are they studying the teleportation array?"

Xie Bai nodded, "I don't know if they are studying, but they do have a teleportation array. I saw them use the teleportation array to send people and resources to the acropolis. I saw it from afar, but it's not wrong."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "That's already outstanding."

Xie Bai nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ is smaller than the Kongyuan Gate in the fairy world, but farther away. "

Zhou Shu asked seriously, "Is there any more information about the Jiang family's teleportation formation?"

Unexpectedly, in terms of the teleportation formation, the Jiang family actually went ahead of everyone, and the immortal world was not comparable. He had to take a look at it, and it was best to obtain the opportunity to cooperate. The teleportation formation was a necessary part of his plan. , He also reserved the position of the teleportation array for Xianshu City.

"I saw it secretly when I passed by."

Xie Bai shook his head, "I have never been up there. Although the Kuiwei Realm is small, it has strong defenses, no worse than the SkyKey Realm, and there are many patrolling people." He hesitated again, "Some are not practitioners. There may be witch gods protecting them. they."

He never said the latter sentence to Zheng Tu.

To Zhou Shu is very calm, because the auxiliary country has confessed that he can follow Zhou Shu's orders.

Zhou Shu was not surprised, "It should be, otherwise they would not choose to live in seclusion there. The relationship between the earth emperor and the wizard **** has always been good."

In the Xuanhuang world, the earth emperor may be the most respected human by the witch tribe. He tasted the blessings brought by the herbs, not only to make humans better multiply and continue, but the witch tribe also benefited a lot, and many witch tribes worship the land. The emperor, and the Wu clan called the earth emperor the thirteenth wizard god.

Perhaps for this reason, the status of the emperor was far inferior to that of the emperor and the emperor.

But the emperor doesn't care. He cares about life, not race. As long as life can continue, no matter what race he is, he will do his best to help.

Except the demons, the demons have no life.

Xie Bai was confused, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Speaking is too long, if you are willing to listen, I will talk to you slowly."

"it is good."

Xie Bai nodded.

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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