Fairy Winner

Chapter 3109: Really bad

While we were talking, there was a little turbulence in the distance.

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Someone is coming."


Xie Bai stared at the formation, standing straight, his whole figure resembling an unsheathed sword, full of fighting spirit.

"No, I'll check it out."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, walked quickly into the formation, and brought in Xie Nian, who was embarrassed.

"You're fine, that's all right..."

Seeing Zhou Shu, Xie Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and his gaze fell on Xie Bai, his face suddenly changed, "Zheng Shaxie?"

Xie Bai took a few steps closer, "Weiguo, in fact, my name is Xie Bai."

Xie Nian stopped, and withdrew his ready-to-go killing intent, "Thank you? Are you also a member of the auxiliary country?"

Xie Bai nodded, "Yes, as the Haechi clan, it is impossible to be the dog of the Zheng family."

"Then your family?"

Xie Nian still had some doubts, but he remembered clearly that he ordered the killing of Zheng Shaxie's family, and the only one who did not die was Zheng Shaxie.

Xie Bai shook his head, "I was raised by the country. They are not my family. I was ordered to sneak in ten years before they were arrested."

Xie Nian said unconsciously, "So that's it, Fu Guo...I don't even know."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Shu also guessed some clues between the two before, unconsciously shook his head, and there was a hint of emotion that did not know whether it was respect or absurdity. He thought that he had a deep heart, but He Fuguo Obviously, there is still a long way to go. The auxiliary country is really scheming, lay out early, and shoot when it is time to shoot. It should be a blessing to have such an ally.

Xie Nian said slowly, "Then you have been so hard these years, thank you Bai, you have suffered a lot in the Zheng family? I heard..."

"All I should do."

Xie Bai shook his head and took out a small box. "Weiguo, please bring some things to Fuguo."

Xie Nian took it over, "This is..."

Xie Bai said positively, "It is what I have collected these days, and what happened in the sky prison just now. I have recorded it in it. Only the auxiliary country can open the box. I will stay here to protect City Lord Zhou Shu. I can’t go out for the time being, I'll trouble Master Weiguo."

"Okay, I will deliver."

Xie Nian put it away solemnly, and seemed to understand something, "You collected a lot of evidence from the three houses in the Zheng family?"

"Well, it was handed over to the auxiliary country long ago, and today's matter is also a very important evidence of crime," Xie Bai nodded, with a trace of rare pride on his face, "Zheng Tu, the head of the Zheng family, said a lot when he came over. If it’s the opposite, I’m staying inside."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Hehe, I think, with or without me, you can definitely get it done."

"Without you, it would be impossible for this imperial court meeting to start."

Xie Nian shook his head quickly, "Zhou Shu, you continue to wait inside. There are nine hours left before the court meeting will begin. When the time comes to take you out, you have to remember that apart from the country, who will take you? Don't leave."

Zhou Shu nodded himself, "I know."

"Then I will go first."

Walking to the front, Xie Nu turned around again, slightly embarrassed, "I have to trouble the City Lord to send me a ride."

After sending Xie Nui away, Zhou Shu didn't leave the formation, so he pondered inside.

In fact, the original formation was better. Zhou Shu wanted to come and go freely, but after the change, there were many loopholes. It should be because Zheng Tu's formation is far inferior to the Lu family. However, the scattered formations on the ground are not easy. They all come from the Lu family, and careful study will be of great benefit to Zhou Shu's own formation.

Xie Bai has always been standing around Zhou Shu, keeping every step of the way.


"All dead?"

Lu Lun looked at Zheng Tu calmly, but was full of fire in his heart, wishing to burn the people in front of him to ashes.

"Yes, they are all dead."

Zheng Tu trembled slightly, and whispered, "None of the eleven dead guards survived."

Lin Baixu at the side was stunned, "They blew themselves up and failed to kill that Zhou Shu, or were they just a clone?"

Zheng Tu couldn't help nodding, adding fuel and jealousy, "He put up a very strange formation in it, and it feels more powerful than ours. He went in one by one, went in a bunch of dead, and blew up and broke the formation. But he is safe and sound. I have never seen such a person."

"So you just ran away?"

Lu Lun smiled faintly, "I remember I told you, don't come out unless you see Zhou Shu die."

Zheng Tu's heart palpitated, and he hesitated, "I don't want to, but Weiguo has already noticed. If he comes in with Zhou Shu, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave. If I was arrested by them for the murder. Currently, tomorrow's court meeting will definitely lose."

Lu Lian slowly said, "How could it be possible for Wei Guo to discover that even if the people inside blew himself up, the Ten Jue Array would be enough to block everything."

Zheng Tu looked terrified, "Gong Lu, that Zhou Shu really understands the formation. If he had nothing to do, he would have entered. Weiguo must have been informed by him. If I don’t leave, it’s really too late, you know. Weiguo is second only to Auxiliary Kingdom, close to the powerhouse of Quasi-Sage, I am definitely not his opponent."

"You are really..."

Lu Lun took a deep breath, "Are you sure that the dead guards are all dead, leaving no one to live?"

Zheng Tu nodded vigorously, "I'm sure, the soul lamps on my side are all off, they all blew themselves to death, and even the souls will not be left behind."

Lu Lun said in a deep voice~www.ltnovel.com~ Does that Haze also have a soul lamp? "

"He didn't, but when I left, I ordered the other death guards to kill him and then deal with Zhou Shu, he must be dead," Zheng Tu looked at him, sinking in his heart, and said quickly, "I promise, he will not die. , I will never leave."

Lu Lun waved his hand and said with a sneer, "If he appears at the court meeting tomorrow, go and die."

Zheng Tu nodded seriously, "It is absolutely impossible."

Lu Lian slowly said, "How is the situation on Tiankey Mountain?"

Zheng Tu said solemnly, "I have caught a group of people who are usually dissatisfied with us. There are practitioners as well as the Haechi clan. They are all locked in the Zheng family for the time being. Duke Lu, are they all killed? I will send someone to do it now. ."

"Just look good."

Lu Lun frowned, "Are you stupid? When did we do this kind of thing? As long as they don't cause trouble in court, there is no threat to us. You kill them, who will help you in the future, you Who will earn fairy jade from?"

Zheng Tu said nonchalantly, "I just talk about it casually, I'm still worried."

"Go out."

Lu Lun was too lazy to look at him again and turned to Lin Baixu, "Where is your side, the Winter Solstice didn't come in, right?"

Lin Baixu stood up and said with a smug look, "Absolutely not. Tell Gong Lu that we have found the traces of the Winter Solstice and are tracking it with all our strength. I believe that we can catch him soon. Worry for the future."

"Found the Winter Solstice?"

Lu Lian was slightly puzzled, "Isn't it the clone that led you to be fooled?"

Lin Baixu was very sure, "No, it's definitely the winter solstice. From every aspect, it's exactly the same as in the information."

Lu Lun paused, "You guard the side of the Iron Curtain, I'll go over and see later."

No one can rest assured, is it really bad this time?

I can only rely on myself.

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