Fairy Winner

Chapter 3110: 0 counts

Tianyao Mountain.

The hustle and bustle of people walked slowly toward the Hachi God statue.

Tianyao Mountain is vast and sparsely populated. There are about ten thousand Haechi tribes living in them, as well as three or four thousand practitioners. They rarely contact each other on weekdays. Now it is rare to get together and talk more.

"Why is the Imperial Court meeting suddenly convened? Is there any major issue?"

"This is not nonsense. It's not a big event, how could it happen? It's better to guess what the big event is."

"It probably declared war with Liangmiao again."

"The war was declared last time, but this time?"

"Isn't that the armistice? We are so close to them, we must tell a result, I agree to fight, fight hard."

"It doesn't have to be Liangmiao Country, I think it has something to do with the first three imperial families."

"what relationship?"

"I don't know, but don't you think so? A lot of things have happened in Tianyao Mountain recently, and they are all related to them."

"Who are you arresting people recently? Be careful you were also..."

At this moment, a tall guard walked quickly by, and several Hachis suddenly closed their mouths.

"The Zheng family..."

"Speaking of my little nephew, he was taken away by them, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

"Isn't he very good, what did he commit this time?"

"Who knows, maybe you have scolded them a few words?"

"I seem to have scolded, alas, the first three imperial families are getting more and more..."

At this moment, a short-sized guard walked by quickly and looked back at them, and they suddenly closed their mouths again.

"The Lu Family..."

This time, no one picked up any more questions, and slowly moved around the idol in silence all the way.

The statue of the **** as high as thousands of feet, towering into the clouds, seemed to perceive the arrival of the people, and the whole body glowed with a different brilliance.

The five-color halo spread out layer by layer, completely covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

The Haechi tribe doesn’t think it is abnormal. The deity’s manifestation is originally a major feature of the Yuqian Tingyi. If not, the Yuqian Tingyi would not appear so sacred. It is said that every word on the Tingyi will be passed to the ears of the ancestors. , The gods will also express their ideas and express their ideas through the Lord.

Not long after, nearly 10,000 people surrounded the statue.

Everyone looked solemn and never dared to whisper anymore.

The outer layer is the Haechi tribe and ordinary practitioners, and the inner layer is the guards of the first three imperial families, all with law enforcement treasures, watching around vigilantly, just like the three sculptures around the gods, like the most loyal guards. Inside are the Patriarchs or Acting Patriarchs of the three imperial families, and four generals.

They stood in a row facing each other, nodding to each other, without any hostility in their eyes.

In front of them, that is, directly opposite to the statue of Hachi, was an altar.

All kinds of sacrifices on the altar have been prepared, but the worshippers have not yet come.

The rule for thousands of years is that the court must offer sacrifices to the ancestors before the court meeting, and the chief priest can only be served by the master of the country. Whether it is the delay of the chief priest or the lack of sacrifices, it is disrespectful to the ancestors and certainly not good for the Hachi country.

Of course, this kind of thing has never happened before.

Hilltop palace.

The true shadows of Weiguo and Zhenguo were guarded at the door, and their faces were a bit bad.

"Why hasn't the country master come out yet?"

"It's only half an hour since the court meeting began. According to the rules of the past, the sacrifice will begin soon."

Xie Xun frowned slightly, "Is nothing wrong?"

Xie Nian stagnated, and quickly said, "No? Don't they dare to attack the Lord? Besides, the Patriarchs of the first three families are on the side of the gods, and the others don't have the ability to harm the Lord?"

Xie Xun's expression was slightly condensed, and he looked at him and said, "Do you know the strength of the Lord?"

"do not know."

Xie Nian shook his head, seemingly thoughtful, "No one has seen the master of the country take action, but it should not be bad. After all, it is also a strong person who has passed the trial of the country. Dead inside, none of those people are weak."

Xie Xun nodded unconsciously, "You make sense, but I am always a little worried."

"Do you want to check it again?"

Xie Nian looked at the gate of the palace, a little anxious, "If the time for the sacrifice is missed, the idol will probably not be happy, and the value of the court meeting will be greatly reduced."

"If you can't make sacrifices normally, can the court still start?"

Xie Xun paused, "Does the country master know what? What did the three imperial families say?"

"The Lord does not want the four generals to conflict with the first three?"

Xie Nian understood it, and his heart seemed to be grabbed by someone, "Oh, this is indeed something that the country master can do. No matter what happens between us and the three families, he will always be a peacemaker, but this time is different, we are all It’s ready to be launched. If the court meeting fails, the Hachi country will remain the same. I really don’t know what the auxiliary parliament will do... the next court meeting, I’m afraid it will force the country’s lord to make way. Bigger."

Xie Xun sighed, "A thousand counts, why didn't we count on the Lord's side? Did we make a mistake?"


A bell rang.

The two became more impatient. This was a bell urging the sacrifices. If the sacrifices were not started after three rings, the royal court meeting would probably be in trouble this time.

The Haechi statue is over there.

The light from the idol seems to be brighter, which is not a good sign.

The idol is not satisfied.

The four generals are all a little ugly~www.ltnovel.com~ but the first three of them are the opposite.

"Gong Lu, you told the country lord, right?"

"As long as the country's lord comes late or does not come, the four generals will be dumbfounded, and we can still turn the guest to the master!"

"Yes, the gods are dissatisfied, that is, the four generals who requested the court meeting have violated the wishes of the ancestors and must be dismissed!"

"Gong Lu is still good, and he draws a salary from the bottom!"

Lin Baixu and Zheng Tu were very happy, they were very proud of their private exchanges, but Lu Lun still had a calm expression because he was also very strange.

Before the convening of the court meeting, he did find the lord of the country at least four times, but all of them were closed doors.

The leader of the country did not allow him to meet for the reason that he must be absolutely quiet before offering sacrifices. This made him think whether the leader of the country had colluded with the four generals and had decided to completely abolish the first three in this court meeting. He even did it. Well prepared to break the boat and go to great lengths, but what is the situation now?

Seeing that the sacrifice is about to begin, the country lord who has been in the situation a long time ago has yet to show up?

Did you guess wrong, or did something happen to the host?

It seems to be a good thing, the first good thing in the past few days, but why can't his mood calm down.


The second bell struck everyone's hearts.

Not only the four generals and the first three imperial families, but the surrounding Hachis also felt that something was wrong. If it weren't for the suppression of the guards of the practitioners, it would have been a riot, but even so, there are still people who are constantly talking.

"What's the matter with the country lord? The imperial court can't open without a lord, it's about to begin."

"Don't the sacrifices come out? It's been so long, will something happen?"

"The Lord is sick, or..."

"I don't know, don't let anything happen."

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