Fairy Winner

Chapter 3111: keep mistake

The third bell rang without expectation.

But at this time, at the gate of the palace, an old man walked out slowly, arrogantly arrogant.

"God, the Lord has finally come out!"

Xie Xun couldn't help screaming, with some excitement.

Xie Nu sighed, "The big clock only strikes three times, and now the country lord has come out, can I rush to the statue? There are at least tens of thousands of miles away from the statue, and there are some ceremonies, how can it be in time."

Xie Xun paused, "Maybe the shadow of truth has arrived? I'll go and see."

Before the words fell, the second bell had sounded.

The old man nodded to them, and walked slowly, already thousands of miles away.

The steps seemed dignified as a mountain, but the speed was abnormally fast, and neither of them could leave a trace of afterimages in their eyes.

Xie Xun stagnated, "The Lord is so fast..."

Xie Nu's expression was slightly condensed, "Did you feel that the speed of the country master is a bit like that of the auxiliary country?"

Xie Xun recalled for a while and frowned, "If you don't say that I really didn't pay attention, the auxiliary country is an astrologer and can't cultivate the true shadow, but the body's escape speed is not comparable to that of the Haechi clan, is it the country owner? Speaking of the Lord, today is indeed a little different. In the past, there was always a kind smile on his face, but today he looks extra serious."

"I'm afraid it's not just serious..."

When the last bell rang, the lord had stood firmly in front of the altar.

Describing majesty, he glanced at the crowd, did not speak, turned to the idol, bowed and saluted.

"Not Xiao Zi Xie Zuo, lead the whole family here on Yu Danri to pay homage to the ancestors and ancestors. The former ancestors were born in Xuanhuang, raised their troops in Tiankey, Jian Xia hit the ground, and Tang Ying recruited from Shiyu to drive him away. Rolling ears, the other shore of the degree, the economy cuts in a moment, the boundlessness is scorched, the land flag is popular, the water bursts with clouds..."

The sound is like a great bell, spreading far away, circling the mountains endlessly.

A sacrificial essay, thousands of words read down, the essay rises up, the mighty spirit lingers in the front of the mountain, condensed into colorful clouds.

The light emitted by the Haechi statue is much softer, like the light of the rising sun, falling on the mountain in front of Tianyao Mountain, warm everywhere.

The four generals looked at each other and were surprised.

This is not the first time they have participated in the Imperial Court meeting, but they have never seen such a vision, and this is the first time they have heard such a long sacrificial text.

It feels too formal.

Also surprised are the Patriarchs of the first three imperial families.

The lord of the country is completely different from the past. This arrogant and awe-inspiring dignified old man, just looking at his back, makes people unconsciously awe. This is really the old good man who was kind and good-looking in the past, who was willing to listen to everything?

Zheng Tu couldn't help showing his doubts, and Lin Baixu quietly took two steps back.

Lu Lu's expression remained as usual, and the hand in his sleeve moved slightly.

The Lord slowly turned around and glanced at Fu Guo. Fu Guo Xie Zheng hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, the Hachi Kingdom is holding a court meeting in accordance with national regulations today. There are three important things to announce to everyone, please The leader of the country presides over the court meeting, and I have nothing to do."

"May the Lord give orders."

Everyone saluted, neatly and uniformly.

The country leader nodded and said blankly, "Supplementary country, bring people up, I will announce the first thing first."


Fu Guo's spirit was lifted, and immediately ordered to go down.

Soon, four Haechi guards, guarding Zhou Shu, strode over.

The Haechi people were quite surprised. They didn't know why they had to bring a practitioner over, but the faces of the people from the first three families were gloomy.

The task of sniper killing was not completed. A clone of Zhou Shu actually stopped eleven strong players. It was beyond their expectation. Now that Zhou Shu appeared on this court meeting, even if they had failed by more than half, or basically did not With hope, I can only watch the situation continue to develop and prepare for the battle between the trapped beasts.

If you fail to succeed, you will become benevolent, and the three will encounter catastrophe today.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Fu Guo couldn't hide his joy.

When Zhou Shu entered the court meeting, it meant that victory was about to come. Even if he was good at hiding, he couldn't help it at this time.

Before Zhou Shu walked to the temple, he heard an angry shout.

As thunder fell, Shino was shocked.

Everyone's eyes focused on the past, and they were stunned for a while.

"The murderer who killed my son, take his life!"

Lu Lun, who was the most calm in the past, didn't know when he had a jet black long knife in his hand, grinning, killing intent overflowing, like the sea.

The light of the knife flashed, and the world was dim.

At that moment, even the light of the Hachi God statue was suppressed.

The turbulent dark cloud swept across the entire Imperial Front in an instant, except for the light of the knife, there was no gleam in sight.

Exclaimed everywhere.

Everyone couldn't look at things, but saw the sword as blood and dark red.

Covered Zhou Shu, with enough power to destroy everything.

"What are you doing? Be bold!"

The nearest Xie Xun stepped out immediately, with a single horn above his head shining brightly.

Xie Nu didn't slow down a bit, and immediately stood with Xie Xun, like two dazzling suns.

Only that light was quickly covered by the knife light.

A few successive vigorous forces that could easily shake even a realm, but failed to break the cage of the knife light, the knife light shook a little, still as before.

Fu Guo Xie Zheng's face became ugly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lian dared to kill people first at the court meeting.

For murdering at the Imperial Court, Lu Lu must be punished. What does he want to do...

He was shocked.

Lu Lun was wrong on this.

He deliberately killed Zhou Shu in public. UU Read www.uukanshu.com made the lord of the country angry. He was willing to accept any punishment, but Zhou Shu was always dead.

If the Big Four will continue the previous plan, the difficulty will increase exponentially, and even Lu Lan still has the sympathy for revenge for the tribe. If the Big Four will not continue the plan, the trouble of finding the top three can only wait for the next opportunity.

As for the punishment that Lu Lan received, no matter how big it was, it could only change the head of the Lu family. The first three families were still the first three families.

It's not only one's own side that broke the boat.

Why didn't he forget this step, the Lu family didn't care about his life or death at all.

To lose.

Xie Zheng suddenly had such a thought. He was several thousand years old in an instant, and he didn't try to stop Dao Guang.

Because he knew that the knife had fallen, he couldn't stop it.

That knife was the most important and powerful magic weapon of the Lu family and the first three imperial families. The name of Tu Yuan was a Taoist weapon that condensed the essence of the Lu family in all dynasties. It was a knife that could stifle all vitality and soul.

As soon as the knife fell, below the quasi-sage, there was almost no possibility of surviving.

Lu Lun held the long knife hard, gritted his teeth, blood dripping from his fingers, as if he was about to send everything he had into the knife.

Blood, power, or soul, and the obsession of the family for thousands of years.

The Lu family can die, but the Lu family survive.

No one can see what happened in the knife light, and the same is true for Lu Lun, but he knows what it is.

My father had told him.

Under the light of the knife, there is another world that is completely split apart. In this world, the laws of heaven and earth have ceased to operate, and no longer have any effect. Both the soul and the consciousness have lost their support, and they are stunned. There, people were slaughtered like wood, and there was nowhere to escape.

What a Zhou Shu counts.

Those eleven death guards would only die faster and worse here.

When the sword light converged, it was when Zhou Shu died.

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