Fairy Winner

Chapter 3117: let me see

Zhou Shu watched the teleportation formation and slowly said, "Those dead men of the Zheng family came here through this teleportation formation, right?"


Lu Lun suddenly felt that he was a joke.

Thought Zhou Shu didn't know how to pretend to understand, but he was overwhelmed by a word, and there was no reason to refute it.

Zhou Shu looked at it for a while before turning around, "I want to take this teleportation formation away."

Lu Lan nodded, too lazy to speak, Zhou Shu took it for granted as if he was originally.

Zhou Shu looked at him directly, "In addition, I also want what Lin Zhenyu left behind."


Lu Lun stared at Zhou Shu, his pupils straightened in shock, "You, how could you know Lin Zhenyu?"

"I also know that he died in the Lin family, and all the things he left behind were taken by your Lu family," Zhou Shu was calm, "I tell you, Lin Zhenyu came from the Lin family in Weinan, and has a little connection with me, too long ago I won’t talk about revenge, but the relics must be returned.

Lu Lun was stunned there, surprised, and didn't know what to say.

Lin Zhenyu’s affairs are all secret in the three houses. They have been passed down from generation to generation. No one except the owner will know about it. However, Zhou Shu, who has never been to Tiankey Mountain before, knows everything, just like Lin Zhenyu. Still alive, just as I told him in front of him just now.

Of course he would not know that Zhou Shu saw it through the Kunlun Mirror.

Since the body is here, the Kunlun Mirror is also on him. With the power of reincarnation, everything that happens around the teleportation array can't escape Zhou Shu's eyes.

And Zhou Shu didn't tell lies.

Lin Zhenyu comes from the Lin family in Weinan, and is close relatives with the Lin family of Shenmu Mountain, separated by a mountain, but one serves Kunlun and the other concentrates on researching the formation.

Zhou Shu was once entrusted by the descendants of the Lin family in Shenmushan to take care of the Lin family.

By the way, I haven't found it yet.

The Teleportation Array was able to appear in the Xuanhuang World, and the Weinan Lin Family can be said to be the top three heroes.

The Lin family's continuous research from generation to generation, coupled with many practitioners in the Xuanhuang world, finally switched to the appearance of the Tongtian Pagoda.

That is something later, this Lin Zhenyu is the Lin family genius who soared in the early days. At that time, the development of the teleportation array was still in its infancy, and it was limited to short-distance teleportation.

Although the teleportation array is something that the Xuanhuang Realm expressly forbids to take away, he still took some parts when he left. He did not accept the immortal realm and directly ascended, but strayed into the Hachi country and was met by several cultivator families. Because of the chance that the heavens gave to the three families, he was later accepted by the Lin family, but it didn't take long before something went wrong. Because he was jealous of Lin Zhenyu's talent, some mediocre people of the Lin family killed him.

The mediocre paid his life for this, but the genius would never be reborn when he died.

In addition to the teleportation array, Lin Zhenyu also left some scrolls and a few magic weapons. The most important thing is that there is a fragment. If Zhou Shu reads it correctly, it should be the pen holder of the magical Fengshen pen.

At the moment he recognized it, Zhou Shu decided that he must get it.

I didn't expect that the Xuanhuang Realm artifact was involved in the teleportation array.

Definitely a surprise.

Every sacred tool has the ability to change the fate of others, such as Kunlun Mirror, Demon Refining Pot, and Xuanyuan Sword, the examples are here, no need to say more.

However, how to use divine tools depends on people. If you are unsatisfied, for example, the demon refining pot is used as a corpse refining pot, and the Xuanyuan sword is treated as a fierce sword. .

It didn't change until I met Zhou Shu.

Divine Tool and Zhou Shu can be said to complement each other and achieve each other, and it is the same now.

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Those things are not here, where are they?"

Lu Lun took a lot of effort and barely stabilized his mind, "City Lord Zhou, how do you know everything?"

"I ask you where is the stuff?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "How did I know it has nothing to do with you, but no one of you three has leaked secrets, so don't worry about it."

Lu Lun sighed and accepted the fact that Zhou Shu knew everything. "The city lord is really omnipotent. Alas, our three losers are not wronged at all. In fact, I don't know where those things are or are they still there. It’s too old, I’m going to find the records of my ancestors."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, but every quarter of an hour delay, I will take you a fairy artifact."


Lu Lun's heart palpitated, and for the next moment he was in the clan hall, desperately searching for jade slips and stone tablets in the pile of old papers.

I haven't been here for thousands of years, and there is a smell of decay everywhere.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Lun returned to the black room and saw that the teleportation formation was gone, and Zhou Shu was picking up a Ninth-Rank Immortal artifact in front of him, and put it in his arms leisurely.

He began to bleed again, shouting loudly, "Look, found it!"

"For too long, the original things have been corrupted, but the things recorded in it are still there, and the magic weapon he left behind is also broken. There is also a cylinder that I don't know what it is. It has been enshrined in the ancestral hall. When the Lord came to Lu's house, he felt interesting and he was leaving."

He handed over a jade slip and said hurriedly.

Zhou Shu frowned, "The Lord took it away? When?"

"More than four thousand years ago, there were still records here," Lu Lun handed over a piece of paper, "We have been studying the cylinder, but we have not been able to find anything. It feels that it is not very useful, so the head of the country took it. It should be with him now."

"I know."

Zhou Shu nodded, a little irritable inexplicably.

It is a feeling of gain and loss, how can one's own things be taken away by others?

Actually said it was useless?

It's just that you have been away from the Xuanhuang Realm for too long, and you have been with the Hachi Clan for a long time, and the Xuanhuang breath in your blood is almost gone.

If there is, how could you not know that the ordinary-looking cylinder is part of the magical confinement pen? Still studying for so long?

He can't wait to scold them.

The Fengshen Pen is an artifact that has been lost a long time ago, and it is also one of the most powerful artifacts.

There are many legends about it, and there is no need to go into details. What Zhou Shu can be sure is that the two parts of the Fengshen Pen represent the two highest laws. The Fengshen Pen is the law of order. , And the pen holder is the law of destiny, and the destiny of the gods had already been written before the gods.

He calmly said, "Let me see the name Dan you just mentioned."

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ Lu Lun can only nod and take out a bunch of medicine bottles.

Zhou Shu didn't even look at it, and received them all in his arms, "I know you still have them, so I will accept them all. In the future, if your people come to Xianshu City, I will give them some convenience, which can be regarded as a deal. "

Lu Lu watched silently.

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Now the court meeting is almost over, right?"

Lu Lan nodded, "It's over, everyone in the clan has returned one after another, the Lord announced an amnesty, and..."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Needless to say, take me to see the lord of the country, there is Lord Lao Lu."

"it is good."

Lu Lun breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent him away.

(Ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the rain of fog, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted~~~)

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