Fairy Winner

Chapter 3118: meet again

It's Lord Lu, and City Lord Zhou is also here. Come on. "

Before reaching the gate of the hall, I saw the Lord of the Kingdom greet him, an old man with a kind eyebrow, and the court.

Lu Lun was stunned, and then stepped forward to salute, "Let the lord of the country welcome him, the ministers will never dare."

"you are welcome."

The old man squinted and smiled, "This is this place. The court meeting is the court meeting. It's completely different. I'm still the me who used to be, Lu Gong."

After Lu Lun saluted, he looked up and then lowered.

It does seem to be no different from the past. He has a kind face and speaks easily, but it is this smiling country lord. With a simple sentence just now, the three practitioners in the Tiankey world have been cut by one half, and the four generals It didn't get any better.

It is impossible to treat it like the past.

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Lord, meet again."

"Hehe, I was just about to find you."

The lord smiled and walked side by side with Zhou Shu, "The state banquet to celebrate the alliance is being prepared. This is a testimony of the friendship between the two countries. The lord of the city cannot be absent."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, I have a small matter to trouble the country lord."

"What's the matter, just say it."

The country's lord said with a sigh, "We are now allies, and there is no trouble or trouble."

Zhou Shu glanced at the hall, seemingly thoughtful, "The Lord of the Kingdom always cultivates here, right?"

The lord of the country smiled and said, "It's all old, and it's not enough to cultivate and linger, and it won't be long to choose a successor. It's not as good as a young man like the city lord. The future is boundless, so I have to envy it. ."

"The country's lord praised it."

Zhou Shu smiled and stretched out his finger to a corner of the hall, "Is it there?"

The decorations in the palace are very ordinary, highlighting the simple and simple words, and the corners are also the same, but there are a few futons on the ground, a small statue of Hachi God.

The lord followed his fingers and looked at him, his expression condensed slightly, "How can I see it?"

Zhou Shu didn't answer, and said slowly, "I want to ask the lord of the country to give me that small idol and watch it day and night after returning to the city."

The Lord looked at Zhou Shu and then at Lu Lun, the smile on his face finally converged, "You came for this, right?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Yes, I have friendship with its old owner."

At the moment he entered the palace, Zhou Shu felt the pen holder.

It was sealed in that little idol, and was deliberately covered with the power of Hachi bloodline.

This may be useful for ordinary practitioners, but it has no effect on Zhou Shu. The original aura of the mysterious yellow realm unique to the artifact can be noticed by Zhou Shu without having to perceive it. After all, I have been immersed in the demon refining realm day and night in the past. .

It's no use concealing it.

The country master seemed to realize something, "You came to Tiankey Mountain deliberately. I'm afraid this is also the reason?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "The city lord misunderstood me. I only perceived it when I arrived at Tiankey Mountain. I just saw it... the familiar breath of the old man's old place, for a person who has been wandering in the heavens for so long. For people, it’s really reluctant to give up."

The lord of the country laughed, "The old man is in his old place, so I can't refute it."

Zhou Shu paused and said sincerely, "The Lord has used it for a long time, I am afraid I can't get more, why not return the property to the original owner?"

Lu Lun looked at the two of them, feeling a little dazed, not knowing what they were talking about.

The Lord glanced at him and said lightly, "Gong Lu, you go out first."

Lu Lun's heart palpitated, his eyes were so cold, and he suddenly felt like he was back to the Imperial Court. He had nowhere to stand. He quickly agreed, lowered his head and walked out, didn't say hello to Zhou Shu, didn't even dare to look back. .

The palace gate closed quickly.

The light suddenly lights up, and when you look closely, it is not the light, but the horns.

They are hidden everywhere in the temple, usually invisible.

In the fluorescence, strands of power exudes, weaving into a net, covering the palace airtight.

Zhou Shujing watched quietly, not caring.

Can this little power trap him? He didn't think so, and I'm afraid the country lord didn't think so either, just to deceive people.

The lord stretched out his hand slightly, and the Haechi **** statue flew over and fell on the palm of his hand. With a light touch, the **** statue opened its mouth and dropped a three-inch cylinder.

It was very ordinary indeed, with no words or lines, only Zhou Shu looked very carefully.

The familiar origin of the Xuanhuang Realm is quite rich. It can be compared with the demon refining pot hundreds of years ago. In addition, there is a strange and illusory aura that lingers on the pen holder, like smoke and mist, constantly changing, and there is nowhere to look closely. , I don’t know the essence, I just feel that there is infinite mystery.

It was not the first time Zhou Shu felt this feeling.

Twenty-eight Su Bone Chips, as well as those three strange pieces of money, Zhou Shu had a similar feeling when he saw it. Of course, compared with now, the feeling at that time was negligible. If there is no such thing, it is more biased. Yu Wu.

Until I saw this pen holder, the feeling of Ruo Ruo Wu became clear in my memory.

The three are obviously related, the essence is the same, there is nothing wrong, and those are the power of destiny.

Obviously, the power of fate on the pen holder is the strongest, so that people like Zhou Shu who don't understand fate can also notice it.

——I just perceive it, like a castle in the air, I can see it but I can't touch it. If I really want to get it, I have to get it and study it slowly.

Zhou Shu paused, "When did the country master find it weird?"

He was very curious. He who came from the Xuanhuang realm could feel the specialness of the artifact. This is normal, but the master of Hachi, a Hachi clan born in Hachi, could also see its speciality, and he even took it as his own. Used, day and night for cultivation?

The lord stared at the pen holder and said slowly, "I am an astrologer."

"Astrologer, the prophet of the Hachi clan?"

Zhou Shu quickly understood something, and nodded, "This is no wonder, I heard that the prophets of the Hachi tribe can learn about five thousand years by observing the celestial phenomena, and they can know things for five thousand years, and everything within ten thousand years can be traced back. Foreknowledge, he is the only great wise man in the Haechi clan... Hehe, I always think this is a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true and disrespectful."

"It was originally a legend, but it was rumored to be false."

The Lord didn’t care about it, “If you can really predict, why would the Hachi clan end up in the heavens? The so-called astrologers have only some abilities that can’t be put on the table, and it’s troublesome to use, even the real shadows. No...Sometimes I would rather be an ordinary Hachi clan~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu smiled, "The lord of the country joked. "

The country master was very serious, "I really want to be an ordinary Hachi clan."

"Special is special, you can't change it if you want to."

Zhou Shu looked at the palm of his hand and said, "Ordinary Haechi people definitely see its extraordinaryness, and it is even more impossible to get so many benefits from it."

He didn't want to gossiping with the lord of the country anymore. After entering the hall, he had only this idea and got the pen holder in his hand.

This is very difficult. The formerly unknown country master suddenly possesses the top strength of Hazhi country. The reason is mostly due to this pen. The country master is absolutely impossible to give up at will.

And Zhou Shu is even more unlikely to give up.

(PS: Thank you Cross for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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