Fairy Winner

Chapter 3119: Ask presumptuously

Lu Lun outside the temple frowned, feeling very complicated.

The formation in the palace came from the Lu family, so he knew very well that when he left the palace, the formation inside was also activated.

What do you do to launch the formation for no reason? Is the country master preparing to fight Zhou Shu in it?

These two people are considered the top figures in the Hachi country. If they really fight, will the palace collapse?

Who will lose and who will win?

He only realized the true strength of the country leader today, and he is undoubtedly still above the auxiliary country, that is, the first person in the Hachi country, but Lin Qian is not included. As for Zhou Shu, he still doesn't know... …

It looks like just a big Luo Jinxian, but nothing that Zhou Shu does can't be done by Hunyuan Jinxian.

But one thing he can be sure of is that he should be better than himself, and he can't hold on to those breaths with the Butcher Knife.

He somewhat hoped that Zhou Shu would lose, and he also hoped that the country would lose. After all, these two people were his demons and gave him a heavy blow today.

Especially Zhou Shu, taking away the immortal weapon and teleportation array...too hateful.

Thinking about it, it took a long time before I knew it.

"What are you doing here?"

Huguo walked in from the outside and frowned as soon as he saw Lu Lun. Today he failed to drive the first three imperial families out of the capital. After so many years of preparations, he was still somewhat resentful and unable to resolve. "I was waiting to see the country lord. , Or was he driven out by the country’s lord? Ha ha, the current Hachi country is not what it used to be, and the country’s lord is not the same, Lord Lu!"

Lu Lun looked up at him and said coldly, "It's all losers, don't take advantage of your tongue."

Huguo stagnated, strode in.

Lu Lun said lightly, "I advise you, don't touch the nails, the lord is discussing matters."

"Discussion, what is the matter?"

Huguo said coldly, "We are all outside. Who is the Lord of the country discussing with? What else can he discuss besides us? Could it be that you ambush the dead inside and then guard outside by yourself?"

Lu Lun glanced at him, said much lazily, and walked two steps straight away.

Huguo snorted and went straight to push the door.

Compared with the first three imperial families, the four generals did not pay much attention to etiquette, and the emperors and ministers were not concerned, and regarded the palace as their own home, but there was nothing to criticize. The Hachi tribe and the practitioners were originally different.

However, except for auxiliary countries.

I pushed it twice, but the door didn't move.

Huguo looked suspicious, and glanced at Lu Lu, "Is it still right?"

Lu Lun didn't bother to care about him.

Huguo hesitated, he was really worried about Lu Lu's plot, and pushed the door hard, making it bang.

After only a few pushes, a strong force came from the hall, and the protection of the country was too late to guard, so he fell straight out, staggered and flew out hundreds of feet before standing still.


Huguo looked at the palace blankly before remembering to look at it with real eyes.

After watching for a long time, my eyes are all hazy. I can barely see the two shadows sitting opposite each other. Sometimes they look up to the sky and laugh, sometimes they chase each other. I can't tell what they are doing. Only one thing is certain. The Lord is in no danger.

"The Lord's actions recently are really unexpected."

Huguo muttered to himself while stroking his beard, concealing his embarrassment, "Then I'll wait a little longer."

After a while, Zhen Guo and Fu Guo also came over.

Seeing two people waiting at the door, they were a little confused.

Zhen Guo didn't rush in, but he stared for a while, and wondered, "Who is the Lord and who is in it?"

Fu Guo said lightly, "It's City Lord Zhou Shuzhou."

Huguo walked over, "Yes, they have been here for a long time. I don’t know what they’re talking about. Or, let’s go in and take a look? Those things are still waiting for the Lord to decide. It’s best to deal with them early. I see that. People from the three families are annoying."

Just as Lu Liu's face, he didn't care at all.

"Just wait here."

Fu Guo shook his head and stood with his hand held, the old **** was watching the sky.

Zheng Tu and Lin Baixu also hurried over there and got together with Lu Lun, discussing something.

This wait is five days.

They were a little uncomfortable, and even the most calm auxiliary country had a trace of confusion in his eyes from time to time.

The door opened suddenly.

Zhou Shu and the lord walked out together, and several people greeted them.

Fu Guo's face changed slightly, Zhou Shu at this time, not Zhou Shu a few days ago, had already changed his soul shadow.

The lord smiled slightly, "You have waited so long, are you in a hurry?"

The auxiliary country salutes, "If you have to tell the country's lord, it is not an urgent matter, it is some state affairs that need you to handle.

"You guys, think too much."

The country lord waved his hand, "As before, you can just take care of the affairs of the country. Just follow the previous court meeting. I'm tired. I have something to come back tomorrow."

The few people were all startled. The state lord seemed to be no different from the past, and even more lazy.

"Also, Fu Guo, you send City Lord Zhou out, he seems to have something to look for you."

The lord looked at Zhou Shu with a sincere smile, "City lord Zhou, come to Tianyao Mountain more in the future. If you are not in a hurry to go back this time, I really want to talk to you for several years and months. It feels like the sky will pass in a flash, it's not enough."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The host is polite, I will come often when I have time."

The lord sent Zhou Shu out of the palace and went back on his own, leaving a few people staring at each other, speechless for a while.

"Or did you leave everything to us?"

"Obviously I am the strongest, but still so lazy and pretending to be a habit?"

"The court said that the three and the four generals are coordinating together, but how do you coordinate? How should the half of the three families be divided, which one leaves the capital, and which one goes to keep the border. There is no guarantee. If I say, just go all. If you can stay in the ear world, you will be clean."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Just thinking of dividing our three families, are you four generals all right?"

"That's right, the Lord also said that we should let our cultivators be stationed abroad, and you should give up power on the Wushajie side!"

They didn't look right, and soon quarreled, letting no one.

Fu Guo shook his head and followed Zhou Shu out.

"City Lord Zhou, what can I do for you?"

Zhou Shu paused, "I'm in trouble to help the country. I want you to use it alone for a while."

Fu Guo wondered, "Who?"

Zhou Shu said, "Xie Bai, it's the death guard of the Zheng family. I want to ask him to take me to a place. Only he has been."

Fu Guo pondered for a few breaths~www.ltnovel.com~Okay, I will let him come. "

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, just let him go to Xianshu City. I have to go back before I can leave."

"I will tell him, rest assured."

Fu Guo's expression was slightly condensed, "City Lord Zhou, what did you do with the Lord in the palace for five or six days? I took the liberty to ask."

"It's nothing, I talked to the lord of the country, and asked him for something," Zhou Shu smiled, "Your lord, uh... it's still good to talk."

The pen holder is naturally available, and it is not easy to get it.

After leaving Xianshu City for so long, he has experienced a lot of battles. This time the confrontation with the Lord is the most exhausted and exhausted.

Wendou is more difficult than fighting.

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