Fairy Winner

Chapter 3124: Where did it come from


Zhou Shu also had to explain, "You think too much, how can Qingque become a demon."

"so far so good."

Bian Xue patted herself lightly, "Just now your expression scared the little girl, but fortunately not, the little girl is really scared to say something."

Zhou Shu looked at her and complained a little, "Then you still have to say something, you can't talk nonsense."

"Little sister’s fault," Bian Xue apologized softly, "but little sister really can’t think of other possibilities. I think about it, the Great Demon Lord deliberately let go of the blue bird, otherwise she is a practitioner. It makes no sense to escape, what do you think?"

Zhou Shu paused, and tried his best to calmly say, "I heard that the Blood Wish Demon Venerable has a spell called the Blood Wish Seal, and his guards may also do it."

"Blood wish seal?"

Bian Xue suddenly became a little anxious, "What is that, wouldn't it be the same as Xiangru's Blood Soul Yin?"

"It is the method of the Demon Race, derived from the inheritance of the Bloodthirsty Demon God. I don't know the specific form, but most of it can affect the practitioner, such as letting the devil blood enter the body, the devil qi invades the soul, etc.," Zhou Shu looked Wei Ning said slowly, "I think it's possible that the Great Demon Lord didn't make a move, but he secretly stamped a blood wish on the blue bird, probably thinking that the blue bird is dead, and there is no need to make more moves."

"That's not terrible."

Bian Xue frowned very tightly, and she twisted out the word Chuan, feeling helpless, "What should I do, Brother Shu?"

Zhou Shuye seemed very calm, "Don't worry, trust your own calculations. She must be alive now, and she can survive from desperation. Of course, she must have not become a demon. Your calculations can never be a demon. Fate, the demons have never said fate."

"That's the same, but my sister...Blood Wish Seal, what the **** is..."

Bian Xue wanted to calm her mind, but she heard that the blue bird was probably caught by the special means of the Great Demon Lord, but she still couldn't calm down.

"Don't think about it. If you can't think of it, leave it to me."

Zhou Shu smiled confidently, pointing to Caiying, "Look at her, she is urging you, so you can go to the surrounding world to find it, maybe you have found it."

"Xiaoxue is coming, my palace is ready! Ready to go!"

Caiying also yelled at the right time. She should have heard Zhou Shu and Bian Xue's words. She just pressed her lower lip hard and didn't do anything else.


Slowly calming down her emotions, Bian Xue could only nod her head, and walked towards Caiying quickly.

Zhou Shu is still telling, "Caiying, you all be careful, try to use black eyes and don't go to unsafe places."

Caiying didn't look back, "I see, this is not the first time this palace has gone out."

Zhou Shu felt a little angry when he thought of it, "As much as you are reliable. Last time, there were people who followed, and the map was also clear. You are still lost, and I want to find you back. My plan will be destroyed. After that, Xiao Zhao and Sima Yi went to the Demon Realm."

"You think about it in this house."

Caiying shook her head quickly, "In fact, it's a trick trick. He just doesn't want this palace to follow to the Demon Realm, it's too **** him."

"Anyway, don't leave Bianxue for a while."

Zhou Shu glared at her and said in a deep voice, "Snow Girl, Jie Tu is always optimistic, and mark the new arrivals."

Bian Xue nodded lightly, "Little sister will do the same. Coming this way, brother Shu has learned all the habits of the younger sister."

"Go, go."

A sword light wrapped her up and disappeared in a flash.

Caiying's sword body is getting sharper and sharper. The speed in the void is no less than that of the ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian. Of course, there is a big gap with the strong like Gai Yubai, but the natural advantage lies there. Will surpass.

As soon as the two of them walked away, Zhou Shu's face sank and disappeared calmly.


A storm suddenly rolled up in front of him, Zhou Shuli was in the storm, his eyes red, and he was extremely angry.

The news of Qingque was not obtained from Dafan alone, but was confirmed by several demon races. Otherwise, Zhou Shu would not believe it. He can basically be sure now that the Six Virtues did not deliberately chase Qingque. , The most likely is to cast her **** wish seal.

Blood wish seal.

The **** wish seal.

Zhou Shu did not know the effect of the Blood Wish Seal. This kind of weird spell from the Demon God hasn't been recorded much in the Outer Realm of the Immortal Realm or even the Demon Realm, but can the Demon Race's methods be good? Controlling the influence of the practitioner, allowing the practitioner to change his mind, explode himself, or do things for the demon clan, or even directly enter the body with the devil blood and devil energy, and it is not impossible to turn a person into a demon servant.

If not, how could the Great Demon Lord allow Qingque to leave.

Naturally, there is no need to chase it anymore, just like giving medicine to a mouse, there is no need to wait there to see the mouse die.

At this moment, he hated Lei Tong, Yue Ming and the others. If they hadn't sent Qing Que, why would Qing Que suffer such bad luck?

The hatred with Ten Thousand Soul Sect was impossible to resolve.

After the emotions were resolved, the storm disappeared, Zhou Shu also recovered calm.

Calm down.

It is very likely that Qingque has got the **** wish mark, but it is not that there is no chance to find her and help her solve the problem.

Zhou Shu believes that Bian Xue's calculations, twenty-eight staying bone chips, and money are all miraculous things that can see the long river of fate, and Bian Xue's calculations have reached a great degree. Their conclusions should not be false.

Blue Sparrow herself will also resist the Blood Wish Seal, but to what extent it resists is hard to tell.

She may be hiding in the dead world now, but it is more likely that while resisting the erosion of the blood wish seal with a tough will, while trying to find a way to remove the blood wish seal, she stayed in a certain demon world.

Part of the Qingque's memory is still on Zhou Shu, and Zhou Shu naturally understands it very well. If she still keeps her original heart, she will definitely do so.

She likes to solve problems on her own, as long as there is a little chance, she will do it.

And her will is not to be doubted, when the Tongtian Tower fell into the fairy world, she was the one who could resist the confusion of the true fairy.

She is a body of a hundred souls, born with a very strong soul. She has practiced her heart in the nine-story tower, and has been to the Soul Burning Tower in the soul world. Even a genius like Yunliu must listen to her guidance, the **** wish of a great demon lord , May not really make her change her mind.

She does this with great risks, but it is by no means without chance.

Because of the **** wish, she ~www.ltnovel.com~ is very likely to be the Demon in the eyes of the Demon Race, and she can stay in the Demon Realm without fear of revealing her identity.

Of course, for Zhou Shu, it must be a lot harder to find her.

She would definitely cover up her breath of cultivator, completely changed her person, maybe even Zhou Shu couldn't notice it.

Let's go to the Ephesus first.

Although this is the most dangerous place on the edge, the magic flow is large. If you change yourself, you may start from here first.

After contemplating Qingque's thoughts, Zhou Shu entered the Demon Abyss again.

Still holding the halberd, transforming into a demon form, this time he didn't hide himself, and walked swaggeringly.

I met the guard several times along the way. After a glance, they all bowed their heads and put on a respectful face.

Holding the Earth Demon Soldier in his hand, the terrifying aura exuding from his body can hardly be seen directly. Where did this guy come from?

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