Fairy Winner

Chapter 3125: I'm irritable

All the way to the end of the Demon Abyss, no one came up to stop him.

Overlooking the Ephesus below, Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed.

It's no wonder that every battle is stopped when it hits the Ephesus, and it is too difficult for other races to get here.

There is more devilish energy than expected. The whole world is like a broken egg. The devilish energy on the surface has been condensed into a gelatinous substance, thick green like patina, and the deeper it becomes, the heavier and heavier it is. It is difficult to bear, only those who are abnormal practitioners can stay.

Of course Zhou Shu is one, and Qingque may also be.

Several demons hurried over and stood in front of Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu ignored them with a look of disdain.

He pretended to be very calm and didn't worry about being exposed.

The phantom corpse in the demon soldier is exactly the same as the real demon, but it is a little bit shriveled, and with the cover of the power of reincarnation, even if the great demon comes over, it can’t recognize that the demon standing here is actually a practice. The clone of the person.

"Where do you come from?"

The demon headed by him bowed, but his expression was arrogant and his tone was rude, which was probably used to it.

Zhou Shu looked at him through his nostrils, "Under the seat of the wolf-like demon, Zhou Shu is the devil."

The faces of several people changed slightly, "The wolf-like demon is not related to our phosphorescent demon. What are you doing? Also, your name sounds very problematic!"

"What's the problem? Are you questioning me?"

Zhou Shu shouted coldly, and at the same time he paused the Great Desolate Halberd, and several gaps suddenly opened in the Demon Abyss.

Several magical vortices formed in an instant, strongly involving the demon races, and the next few were unstable and staggered.

"no no……"

The Demon Lord panicked, "Don't be angry with the Great Demon Lord, it's just like the name of a nearby practitioner, but the adult must have nothing to do with him."

"What? A cultivator, dare to have a name similar to my own? I will kill him when I have time!"

Zhou Shu roared, lifted the halberd easily, and shook it left and right twice. Those vortices seemed to be able to guide them, and they gathered together to form a larger vortex. Several demon kings could no longer resist, but could not resist. Back.

"My lord, calm down...If you do this again, I will invite the Great Demon Lord Yves to come."

It sounds like a threat, but the sound is very small.

Satisfied, Zhou Shu retracted the halberd and held it in his hand, adding a bit of mighty power.

Most demons advocate strength, bullying and fearing hardship, so he intends to be a demon who is irritable and irritable, and uses force to suppress people at every turn. In this way, it will be much easier to ask people to do things in the Ephesus world.

And it's easy to do.

Most people who don't cultivate morality are like this, he has seen many.

The demons settled down, and they were more in awe of Zhou Shu. The Great Demon Lord who held the Earth Demon Soldier in his hand might die if he didn't fear it.

Zhou Shu stared at them, "Will you not invite me in?"

"Yes Yes."

The demons did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly led the way. Some demons whispered, "Master, are you sent to the Ephesus by the wolf-like demon?"

"Yes, nor is it."

Zhou Shu nodded and nodded halfway through, and suddenly said angrily, "Do you ask what these do, does it have anything to do with you? Don't you let me in if I don't tell the purpose? When will the phosphorescent Demon Lord's territory not allow demons to enter? Now, why don’t I know?"

"Small talkative."

The Mozu slapped himself fiercely and obediently led the way.

This great demon is still moody, and it is better to be less in charge. He is really going to provoke him, and no one will make a head when he stabbed himself to death with a halberd.

Speaking of it, it is also the problem of Phosphorescent Demon Venerable. There are grievances everywhere, and the relationship with many demon Venerables is not good. There will always be demon clan coming to take revenge.

Wordless all the way into the world.

Zhou Shu glanced around, "Where is the Demon Blood Pool?"

The demon clan pointed the direction and hesitated, "The demon blood pool in the Ephesus world, even the great demon king has to pay..."

"Do you think I didn't bring the magic jade? Is this enough for you?"

Zhou Shu erected his halberd, pointed at him, and the demon clan immediately said nothing.

Seeing Zhou Shu swaying towards the Demon Blood Pond, the Demon Race shook his head and quickly went back to report.

They have seen a lot of irritable Majesty, and people who engraved "I'm irritable" on their faces like Zhou Shu's face are rare.

I really don’t know what the Great Demon Ephesus will do when he knows it, but no matter what you do, as long as you don’t let them see him again, I’m really worried. Next time I see him, the halberd will probably be taken from him. Poked in his heart.

Zhou Shu strode towards the Demon Blood Pond, using a pace that the six relatives did not recognize.

He is very convinced that even if the Blue Sparrow is in the Ephesus, it is impossible to go to the Demon Blood Pool, but he still wants to go. That is a necessary guarantee for people to believe that he is the Great Demon Lord. How can a Demon Clan not go to the Demon Blood Pool? At the same time, the Demon Blood Pool is also the place where the Demon Race is most concentrated. It is very convenient to inquire about the news. In addition, Zhou Shu has his own purpose.

By the way, he has explored it again, but it has no effect.

Devilish energy is not a hindrance to him, but he can't sense the breath of a blue bird, nor can he detect any vitality.

It is also expected that if the blue bird is really in the demon world, it will definitely suppress its own breath, and it will not be felt if it is a little far away, and the unique vitality of the practitioner will be eliminated by the sky of devil unless it is very close. Otherwise, I can't feel it.

Pay the fee and enter the magic blood pool.

No matter how irritable you behave, you still have to keep the rules.

If you really break in, it is not the few demons who have no one's head to offend, but the entire Demon Realm.

He is not that stupid.

The Demon Blood Pool in the Ephesus was huge, larger than any one Zhou Shu had ever seen. Although it was large, the Demon Blood and Demon Qi was still very strong.

It is not unreasonable to form the Demon Abyss.

There are thousands of demons in the blood pool, and unlike those in other places, their expressions are very solemn, maybe they dare not waste time.

Zhou Shu paused, and he felt the power of reincarnation thoughtfully, and saw another weird picture. The underwater is more lively than the surface. There are countless shadows struggling, rolling, and silent. Scream.

This scene has never been seen in other Demon Blood Pools.

As the border, the Ephesus world that has experienced countless wars, the blood pool here, I don't know how many creatures were buried.

Those shadows are the dead souls drowning in the pool of demon blood.

Some of them are practitioners, some are other races, and some are even demons. Their power and body may become sacrifices to the demon gods, or they may be swallowed by other demons. They have lost their self-awareness, but they still look forward to rebirth. .

It looked strange and terrifying, but Zhou Shu didn't hesitate and walked directly into the blood pond.

Waves suddenly surged under the water~www.ltnovel.com~Of course, this is something that ordinary demons cannot perceive.

Those dead souls are coming towards Zhou Shu.

Sure enough.

Zhou Shu can completely hide his breath, but there is one thing he can't hide.

That is vitality.

There is life in life, except for the demons.

He uses reincarnation to cover up, and ordinary demons can't see the difference, but these dead souls are exceptions. They have been soaked in the blood pool for many years, and they are naturally contaminated with the power of annihilation, and they are most sensitive to vitality.

Such a pool of demon blood is simply the grave of a practitioner.

(Ps: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

(Pps: The latest update is very late, because I got back late, sorry.)

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