Fairy Winner

Chapter 3126: Still conscious

Knowing it was the tomb of the practitioner, Zhou Shu still wanted to go in.

In addition to showing to those demons, he is a real demons, in addition, he also wants to communicate with these dead souls to get benefits.

Nothing strange.

With the power of reincarnation, there is no reason to use it. Although these dead souls are in an unconscious state, there may be some memories of the past. These memories are a great benefit to Zhou Shu.

He had no chance to do the same for the Demon Blood Pool he had visited before.

The little bit of the power of reincarnation forms a line of reincarnation, spreading along the fingers and into the water.

One of the main reasons why dead souls can exist is reincarnation, they involuntarily follow the direction of reincarnation, and rotate around Zhou Shu in the direction set by Zhou Shu.

If there are people who are good at reincarnation, you can see such a wonder.

There was a weird demon in the water, and countless souls gathered around him, but they didn't dare to approach him, like a pilgrimage.

Zhou Shu was very satisfied.

The effect is better than expected, is his power of reincarnation improved again, or is the power of reincarnation more adapted to the demon world?

Obviously, there are two reasons.

His law of reincarnation is improving every day, and the power of reincarnation is indeed more common and more common in the devil world.

A thin net appeared quietly among the group of dead souls. Every dead soul passed through when it rotated. At the same time, some of their memories were intercepted by the net and turned into pictures, which were passed to Zhou Shu. The sea of ​​knowledge.

Countless memories, from the demons, from the immortal world, and from other races, were poured in.

Most are incomplete, but also useful.

Zhou Shu was busy absorbing and screening, quite pleasant.

There was a feeling that after leaving the Demon Blood Pond, he took another step.


Zhou Shu flew up suddenly.

Flew up to several tens of feet high.

It was as if there was a column of water underneath that rushed him up.


"I met this newcomer!"

"Fortunately it's not us, luck is really good."

"This time can be more stable, great."

Seeing Zhou Shu's strangeness, the surrounding demons burst into laughter, and their original solemn expressions also let go.

When Zhou Shuluo returned to the water, there was already a halberd in his hand, staring at the demons fiercely, "You trash, dare to make fun of me?!"

"What's going on making fun of you? You're lucky if you didn't die!"

"You still take the Demon Soldier, you can't do it in the Demon Blood Pool?"

"Earth Demon Soldier, really good..."

"Where is the Great Demon Lord, hehe."

The demons are crowded and powerful, and they don't know Zhou Shu's details. They don't seem to care about Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu was violent, and the halberd flicked, and he picked a tall demons in front of him.

It looks reckless and violent, but in fact it has been carefully selected.

He also knows that these demons have basically been cultivating in this blood pool for a long time, forming groups and pairs. When they first came here, offending one is tantamount to offending a bunch. If the trouble is big, the Great Demon King of the Ephesus must come forward, but It was not easy to clean up, but it was a coincidence that Dafan he had used before was also here, hiding in the corner and focusing on cultivation, without realizing Zhou Shu's existence until Zhou Shu picked it out.

Seeing Zhou Shu's sudden action, the demons immediately became angry, and some people just jumped over.

But Dafan knelt before coming over.

"Master Great Demon Lord, you have also come to the blood pool!"

The tall body squatted down, his expression was unspeakable and humble, and respectful.

The demon who jumped over gave Dafan a fierce look, but he could only turn back, and couldn't help chanting, "It's a great demon, dare to make trouble here? There is no other great demon here. I'm afraid it won't happen."

"It's boring, I thought I could see a good show."

"I know this bonehead, I will ignore him in the future."

The demons made a noise for a while and then dispersed.

Zhou Shu still glared at them and lost his temper before turning his head to speak to Dafan.

"grown ups."

Before questioning, Dafan spoke first, "There is a weird guy in the demon blood pool who will drag people into the water. We are very careful when we are inside. We must be careful, otherwise we may die if we are dragged down. Sir, did you meet it just now?"

Zhou Shu nodded.

While collecting the memories, suddenly a black shadow rushed up from below. The power was so great. In a hurry, Zhou Shu couldn't tell what the black shadow was. He only sensed that it was not weaker than reincarnation. The best choice for complex forces is to stay away first, and then deal with it.

The black shadow didn't leave the blood pool, and soon disappeared.

"It's okay now. That guy will only come out once in a period of time. When he comes out this time, he will be at peace for at least dozens of hours," Dafan said diligently.

Zhou Shu frowned, "What's in it, nobody cares?"

Dafan hesitated, "Many people have searched for it, but they haven't found it. Some people say that the Great Demon Lord Ive made it on purpose, but no one looked for it later.

Zhou Shu paused, "Intentionally?"


Dafan whispered, "For many years there has been no war in the Ephesus, and there have not been many sacrifices to the demon gods. Later, this happened in the demon blood pool, so..."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Those people are sacrifices to the devil."

Dafan looked around carefully and nodded, "Everyone said that, but it’s okay. Less than ten people disappeared in a month, and now everyone knows that it’s not easy to get caught if you are very careful. My lord hid as soon as he arrived. It's really amazing."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "That Demon Race that disappeared before, is this how it disappeared?"

"Which..." Dafan thought for a while before he understood, "My lord said that, yes, he didn't see him like this, it's unlucky."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "It's okay, let's practice."

Dafan stayed on, "It's okay, I'm willing to follow the adults, and you can just tell them what else you have."

"If you tell you to stay away, stay away. I will naturally call you when something happens."

Zhou Shu roared, Dafan walked away, and looked back a few times, rather lamenting, that demon soldier completely hooked him.

Zhou Shufu returned to the blood pool and continued to absorb memories with reincarnation.

It's just a matter of mind.

The Great Demon Lord made it himself, grabbing the demons in his own world as a sacrifice?

It sounds like something the Demon can do~www.ltnovel.com~ but he doesn’t feel like it. The power in the dark shadow is not pure magic, and there are several kinds of laws in it. Is it another demon corpse sunk here?

But I heard from Dafan that that thing was only available in recent years, and it was a little different.

Wait for a little less people, then go down to see the situation.

Demon corpses are still very useful, especially after purification, they are quite reliable combat power.

There is Duoduo in Xianshu City.

Besides, there was a demon who had seen the blue sparrow died in his hands. It would be great if he could find some traces from here.

As he was thinking, a dead soul swam over along the line of reincarnation, and suddenly turned his head again, as if he realized something was wrong.

Still conscious?

(Ps: Thank you maitreya for your monthly ticket support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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