Fairy Winner

Chapter 3127: Save one

Fresh souls?

After looking intently, the excitement in my heart suddenly disappeared.

It's not the demon soul, and it can't be the one who has seen the blue bird. I still think too much, how can there be such a coincidence.

The dead souls of the demons are easy to distinguish. They are some loose and connected magic powers, and this dead soul is more like a normal soul, but it is not known whether it is a practitioner or another race.

If you meet it, just save it.

Struggling in the Demon Blood Pond, it will only become a sacrifice in the end, either taken away by the Demon God or absorbed by the Demon Race.

The power of reincarnation formed a small pocket, heading towards the dead soul.

The soul ran away in a hurry, but after a few breaths, he was caught by Zhou Shu.

It trembled, feeling that it was going to be completely annihilated.

Zhou Shu inserted it into his body at will, a void space that had just been established.

Realizing that there was no demon blood and devil energy around, the dead soul suddenly became active, rushing from left to right.

"Be quiet, I will let you out."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Who are you and why did you die in the Devil Blood Pond?"

"You...who are you?"

Hearing the voice from nowhere, the soul suddenly shrank into a ball, very careful.

Zhou Shu walked out, of course it was just a ray of soul thought, and looked at him frowning, "This is not what you should ask, please answer me quickly, or you will be put back, do you still want to stay in the demon blood pond? ?"

"No, no!"

Seeing Zhou Shu, the soul jumped in shock, like a sneaky fire.

Zhou Shu looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

The soul was calm for a while, and he hesitated to speak, "You are a cultivator, aren't you? I just sensed the power of the law in you. There are several types, not right, there may be more than a dozen."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "I know if I am a demon, would you still be good?"

"Thank you fellow daoist."

The soul gradually stretched out, seeming to relax, "My name is Ba Yuan, so... I am also a practitioner."

"Ba Yuan, this surname is rare," Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Are you from the Ba family? Are you a demon cultivator or an authentic demon clan?"

As far as Zhou Shu knows, there is only one line of the Ba surname, that is, the Ba family in the South Island, the Mu family in Qinghai, the Dongshan Mao family, and the Beiyuan Yu family are also called the four demon families of the Xuanhuang World. Only the Mu family is completely pure. The demon clan, and the other three will also admit some demon cultivators into the clan.

"I... I am a monster."

Ba Yuan was stunned and sighed, "Friends of Daoist even know these things."

Zhou Shu was very indifferent, "Except for the demons, most of the other races are from the Xuanhuang Realm.

"Xuanhuangjie... I haven't heard it for a long time."

Ba Yuan was slightly stagnant, and said quickly, "The Daoist said, but the immortal world now doesn't think so."

"The immortal world is the immortal world, it has nothing to do with me," Zhou Shu paused, "you answer me quickly, I don't have so much patience to wait for you."

"Yes Yes."

Ba Yuan was less restrained, and knew that Zhou Shu had to leave the Demon Blood Pond. He said everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Zhou Shu was surprised, "You have been in the Demon Blood Pool for more than 7,000 years?"

Ba Yuan nodded, "Our Ba family is more patient."

Zhou Shu couldn't help shaking his head, "This is too tolerable."

He had lost his body and strength, and could stay in this kind of magic blood pool for seven thousand years and still preserve the perfect consciousness, which he felt incredible.

This Pakistan Yuan is definitely a wizard.

Can't let it go, just this patience is worthy of Xianshu City's recruitment.

Ba Yuan sighed, "I don't think this is a good thing. If the strength is so strong, there is no need to bear it."

"There is no way to be murdered by someone, and it has nothing to do with strength. There are very few Hunyuan Golden Immortals in the Ba family, but the seniors can do it, and even board the celestial pole list. That is the embodiment of strength," Zhou Shu comforted. "Don't worry, Senior Ba, I will definitely take you out and leave the Demon Realm."

"Thank you fellow daoist."

Ba Yuan was quite pleased, "I can't afford this predecessor. You used the power of law in this demon blood pool to attract dead souls. I couldn't do it back then. Not to mention that you have maintained it among so many demons. It's so rare to be calm and calm."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's okay, what are your plans after Senior goes out?"

Ba Yuan thought about it for a few breaths, and then sighed, "I must go back to Ba's house, but it's difficult without a body. It's difficult to travel through the void."

Zhou Shu bowed sincerely, "Well, let's go to my fairy city first, gather a suitable body and then go back."

Ba Yuan was stunned, and quickly stepped away, "I can't, I can't," then he nodded readily, "Yes, Xiancheng is very suitable for me, but I am different from you. It is not easy to condense the body. ."

"Need a suitable bloodline, right?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There are hundreds of different bloodlines in my fairy city. Among them, there should be those that are suitable for seniors. Then seniors will pick and use the ones that are suitable."

These bloodlines are all collected in Xuchang Realm.

When Xiangru opened the bloodline dojo there, he specially collected bloodlines for research. With the support of King Mu and his disciples, he collected many kinds of monsters, beasts, and beasts of various races, adding up to more than a hundred species.

Ba Yuan stayed there and slowly said, "I...I don't know what to say anymore."

The dead soul trembled slightly, it was not excitement, but confusion, even fear.

As soon as he gets out of prison, he can get the best treatment right away. But if this impossible thing happens, there are only two possibilities. The other party is coaxing him and wants to do something to him, or there is Ask yourself.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I didn't ask too much. It would be great if the senior could pass on his experience to others before returning to Pakistan."

"what is this?"

Ba Yuan is still very confused, "You save me out, and I will give it to you. I can't give you anything you want."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I don't really have to learn much, but others in Xiancheng may need it."

Ba Yuan will come here~www.ltnovel.com~ You mean, let me cultivate talents for you, do you want some demon cultivation in Xiancheng? "

"It is understandable," Zhou Shu nodded slightly. What he wanted was not only the demon cultivation, but also the hope that there would be more unique dojos in the city of Xianshu, so that a hundred flowers could bloom and reproduce the scene of the Xuanhuang world back then. At this point, such a unique talent as Ba Yuan cannot be missed. "It is good for three hundred years or five hundred years. I hope you can keep your experience and knowledge in Xiancheng, even if you can only teach one or two. That's enough."

"I will try my best."

Ba Yuan pondered for a moment, nodded, and sighed, "I don't even know, now the inheritance of the Ba family is so attractive, hasn't it been so long in the Demon Blood Pond that the sky outside has changed... …"

"It hasn't changed. Senior will know if you go out and have a look. If you don't say anything, Senior should take a good rest."

Zhou Shu pulled away from Soul Nian and left him alone.

Don't worry about him doing things, reincarnation is the most restraining soul, this small space of nothingness is like a prison, he can do nothing at all.

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