Fairy Winner

Chapter 3128: You're good too

After some operation, the memory learned is almost enough, and it is time to start doing things.

Now there are fewer demons in the demon blood pool, and there are about hundreds of them.

The noisy and obstructive demons are gone, but the useful demons are basically left.

What is useful?

Naturally, Zhou Shu had judged it.

While collecting memories, he also released countless divine thoughts. These divine thoughts were wrapped in demonic energy and scattered quietly in the demon blood pool. No corners were missed. Almost every demon said and did everything. These spiritual thoughts were observed and then fed back to Zhou Shu.

And therefore made a judgment.

The remaining demons are basically demon kings, and there is also a great demon king.

It's not such a realm, in fact, it's impossible to stay in it for so long, except for lack of strength, and no magic jade, and like to join in the fun.

Zhou Shu picked up the halberd and vigorously stirred it in the pool.

In an instant, waves were everywhere, and several large and small vortexes appeared on the surface of the water. Some demons were too late to pay attention, or were swept up in the air, or submerged by the pool water, making their heads full.

"what are you doing!"

"Are you looking for death?!"

"I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes, this time you can't hide it!"

"Take it to death! Demon soldiers also hand over!"

The demons immediately exploded.

Doing this kind of thing in a demon blood pool is like diving in a public bathhouse, which is simply intolerable.

A group of demons leaped and ran over and surrounded Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu calmly put down the halberd, put his hand under the water, and slowly took out a long knife.

"Another Earth Demon Soldier?"

"There are actually two Earth Demon Soldiers!"

"This... who are you on earth?"

"There seems to be no such person under Blood Wish Demon Venerable. It's unusual."

The angry demons were also stagnated, and they forgot to do it for a while.

This is an Earth Demon Soldier.

Just now they were discussing whether they wanted to find a way to grab the Earth Demon Soldiers, and even some demon races were just waiting for Zhou Shu to see when he left, but Zhou Shu just met their intentions and immediately charged. Come here, but the situation is different now. It may be too lucky to be able to take out a handful of Earth Demon Soldiers, but taking out two is completely different.

No matter how stupid they are, they know that there are few such demons and it is difficult to provoke them.

Zhou Shu glanced at them lightly, then averted his gaze, "The Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu, under the seat of the wolf-like demon, has seen you all."

It is so rude not to look at people when speaking, but these demons did not dare to do anything for a while.

"Wolf-phase Demon Venerable, it has nothing to do with our Blood Wish Demon Venerable. What are you doing in Ephesus?"

"Xianbao? This Demon Soldier belongs to Demon Venerable, too?"

The demons stared at Zhou Shu, but more often, their eyes were on the long sword.


Zhou Shu let out a long laugh, "You all want this knife? It's not difficult. As long as anyone can do one thing for me, I will give him this long knife. There is no difference! I'm afraid you don't have this. courage!"

"whats the matter?"

"Are you serious?"

"Quickly, no matter what, I will do it for you, even if..."

The demons became excited and all shouted loudly.

At this time, a huge head suddenly emerged from the demon blood pool, right between Zhou Shu and the demons.

The Demon Race was startled and stepped back unconsciously, but after seeing the Demon Race's face clearly, he backed even more.

"Boiled the devil!"

"Why are you here?"

"Didn't you say that you left the Ephesus long ago, why are you still..."

All the demons backed away and screamed with fear on their faces.

Zhou Shu was also a little surprised, even he hadn't noticed that there was such a great demon king in the demon blood pond, there were so many secrets in this blood pond.

It can be seen that this Great Demon Boiled Heaven is mostly fierce and notorious, and his strength is much higher than that of other Demon Races. The same Great Demon Lord was so scared to retreat and hated to have more legs.

Although there are already eight.

"Where am I, can you control it? Even Iver can't control it!"

The bootian scolded, and his body gradually surfaced.

It's really tall, his head is four to five feet tall, and his whole body stands up to several tens of feet, standing in the middle of a pool of blood, like a mountain.

Big Demon Lord Xishan is several feet higher, no wonder other demons are afraid.

In fact, there is a very simple way to judge the strength of the demons. That is to look at the body, the bigger the stronger.

Although not all, it is true in most demons.

This person has deep eyebrows and broad eyes, muscles and bumps all over his body, and he looks a little bit heroic. If it weren't for the pitted scars on the yellow-brown skin, it would have been more prolonged, but even so, It can be regarded as the most heroic demons Zhou Shu has ever seen.

He looked at the group of fleeing demons with a sneer, "a bunch of trash!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking the water with loud noises.

Then he turned to Zhou Shu and said in a deep voice, "I originally planned to use your halberd, but your knife seems to be more suitable for me, so let's use this one."

Zhou Shu didn't move, "I just said, it's easy to want, help me do things!"

"Interesting, you dare to ask me to do things for you, it seems you have never heard of me."

Zhu Tian fixedly looked at Zhou Shu, his face suddenly became hideous, his fierce light was extremely fierce, his devilish murderous aura stirred together, as if it had all condensed into a substantial black mist, covering Zhou Shu layer by layer.

Zhou Shu remained unmoved, and said coldly, "I have never heard of anyone below the devil."


Zhu Tian looked at Zhou Shu condescendingly, and suddenly laughed, "You are really interesting, it seems that you are really not afraid of me."

"I, Zhou Shu, have never been afraid of others, what are you!"

As soon as he said the words, Zhou Shu's figure suddenly rose, and instantly rushed to a height of tens of feet, a head higher than that of Zhutian, "I am taller than you now, so are you afraid of me now?!"

Zhu Tian looked at Zhou Shu, thinking for a while.

The body of the Demon Race is as strong as iron. Although some Demon Races have the ability to grow their bodies, it is extremely rare for them to grow dozens of times in the blink of an eye. Almost all of the Demon Races he has heard of later Become a demon.

Of course, he certainly didn't know that this was so simple for Zhou Shu.

Anyway, it’s a magic weapon, no matter how big it is, and even in the magic blood pool, you can replenish magic power at any time ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Tian put away the previous disdain, and said calmly, "You are very Great."

Zhou Shu coldly snorted, and his attitude eased a little, "You are not bad, you are the strongest I have ever seen in Ephesus, but there is no demon soldier like you? It seems that Blood Wish Demon Venerable is not. I value you very much."

Zhuotian said coldly, "What's the point of saying this, you can tell, if I want your long knife, what should I do?"

Zhou Shu paused, "It's a waste of time to tell you alone. Call them all back. I'll say it will save trouble together."

Zhu Tian's face changed suddenly, "Do you think they can do things I can't do?"

Zhou Shu ignored him, "If you want, just call everyone over. You can do the best naturally."

Zhu Tian glared at Zhou Shu, turned his head and shouted, "You all, come here!"

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