Fairy Winner

Chapter 3129: Noncommittal

The demons came tremblingly.

But he didn't dare to get too close to Zhutian, hiding behind him.

Zhou Shu glanced at them and said indifferently, "It's not difficult for me to ask you for help. This is the territory of Blood Wish Demon Venerable, right?"

Zhuotian said irritably, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhou Shu glared, "If you want Earth Demon Soldiers, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhu Tian stagnated, snorted, but closed his mouth.

"I heard that Blood Wish Demon Venerable is best at the Blood Wish Seal. Since he has come to his site, there is no reason to see it."

Zhou Shu looked at the demons, and a lot of war intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I can't fight the devil right now, but you...hey, whoever has the **** wish mark, come out and compete with me. If you win, this The Earth Demon Soldier will give it to him! Or whoever allows me to learn the Blood Demon Seal, the Earth Demon Soldier will send him the same!"

The demons were stunned.

Zhu Tian stared at Zhou Shu, his face looked very ugly, "Blood Wish Seal? That is the skill of the Demon Venerable. You asked them to see, did you deliberately entertain you!?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "Neither? How about you?"


Zhu Tian said fiercely, "I have only heard but never seen the secret technique of Demon Venerable, how easy to learn?"

"But I look up to you."

Zhou Shu's gaze passed through Zhutian, traveling back and forth in the demons.

I saw an old man stand up tremblingly, "Zhou Shu Da Demon Lord, Blood Wish Seal..."

Before he could speak, he was grabbed by Zhu Tian and said fiercely, "Tell me first! You are so weak that you are also worthy of taking the Demon Soldier?"

The old man hurriedly said, "The Great Demon Master, you have misunderstood, and I won't either."

"Then what do you stand up for?"

Zhuotian's face flushed, and he threw the old man down again.

The old man got up and looked at Zhou Shu, "Is the Great Demon Sovereign misunderstood? The Blood Demon Seal is not for fighting."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Well, what do you mean? The Blood Demon Seal is not used for fighting?"


The old man said affirmatively, "Adults should know that Blood Wish Demon Sovereign is a rare blood demon in the Demon Race. The Blood Demon Seal is a kind of spell unique to the Blood Demon. The blood boils, the fighting power is greatly increased, and I can’t stop without killing...I was once fortunate to be planted with a **** wish mark, and blood surged all over. On the battlefield, people blocked the killing dragon and blocked the killing dragon. It's all tens of thousands of years ago, but now I still want to come..."

Zhou Shu paused, "It was used on Demon Race, what if it was used on other people?"

The old man stagnated and thought for a while before he said, "I haven't seen it, but it shouldn't be good. The blood demon's secret technique requires demon blood to be effective. If it is a practitioner, there is no demon blood, most of it Will die? No, it must die."

"You know something too."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, and one thing fell in front of the old man.

It seems that the blue sparrow has indeed been hit by the blood wish mark. This method of enhancing the power of the demon is used on the practitioner, and the result is completely different.

The old man picked it up and saw that the whole person was excited, as if he was holding the treasure in his hand, he couldn't help but salute Zhou Shu, "Thank you, sir, thank you for your kind gift! This is the first time I have seen such a good mortal soldier. ,in those days……"

"Go away!"

A big hand reached out and threw him out.

Zhu Tian looked at Zhou Shu, "You have a lot of magic soldiers, give people away everywhere?"

Zhou Shu said with disdain, "They were all snatched, there is nothing to feel bad about. If you want, I can give it to you."

Zhu Tian's eyes flickered, "Are you a wandering warrior who is honing your martial skills? Are magic soldiers so easy to grab?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Shu didn’t bother to care about him. He had also heard of any wandering warrior. They were some demon races pursuing powerful force, wandering among the demon realms, constantly looking for opponents, but speaking of it, he pretended to be such an identity. Not bad.

"Let's talk about it, I originally planned to leave here to wander around."

Zhu Tian smiled and said, "The people here are too weak and there are no good magic soldiers. Why should I go with you?"

Zhou Shu was stagnant and speechless.

This time I came to the Demon Realm, and it felt like an overlord spirit. There were always people taking refuge along the way, even this very powerful Demon Clan had to come over. It seems that this time I have a good disguise, and I have a hundred responses. Is it possible that I have become a demon. The potential of...

Of course, it was actually the reason for the Demon Soldiers, and it was hard not to let the Demon Race's heart move with such a large number of Demon Soldiers.

"None of you have a **** wish seal?"

Zhou Shu stopped looking at him and yelled at him.

"My lord, at least it's impossible for anyone here."

The old man got the demon soldier and was more diligent, "There is no blood demon here, how could there be a blood demon spell."

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "I have heard of the blood demon, but I have never seen it. What is the difference from us?"

The old man hesitated, "We mobilize magic power, they mobilize blood power. Compared to us, they are stronger and more violent. There are also some spells that we can’t use. They can also use them. They are different, they are more fragile..."

"What's more fragile is just not being hit."

Bootian snorted coldly, "I have seen a few gorefiends who slapped them with a slap. They are useless at all, they are almost human."

The old man stagnated, "It's almost like that. They really don't look like demons, but more like humans."

Zhou Shu seems to understand something.

Gorefiends are like the children of the ancient family in the demons, relying mainly on the power of blood.

And the Gorefiend looks like a cultivator, which gave him a great reminder. If the Blue Sparrow deliberately uses the demon identity to cover herself, then the Gorefiend is undoubtedly a good choice, and even her only choice. .

If he gets the **** wish mark, he will pretend to be a blood demon, and he will do the same if he changes.

He felt more and more that the blue bird was here, at least in the territory of the blood demon demon.

He looked at the Demon Race, and said in a condensed voice, "There is no blood demon among you, isn't there one in this world? They always have **** wishes. Who of you can find it and let me see it, and it will be rewarded! "

"This one……"

The demons began to think.

Soon some demons shouted, "If you find it for you, you will give it to the demons?"

Zhou Shu took it for granted ~www.ltnovel.com~ I will give it after reading it. If I have a **** wish, I will naturally give more, but what I want is to live. "

"Sure, we don't dare to offend the Gorefiend."

"In the realm of Blood Wish Demon Venerable, how could it be possible to offend the Blood Demon... Of course, except for adults."

The demons responded one after another.

"Shut up any noise!"

Zhu Tian yelled and turned to Zhou Shu, "This matter is on my body. If you find the blood demon, you will give me the earth demon soldier. If you don’t, I will follow you. Where do you go? , Anyway, I have nothing to do now."

Zhou Shu said nonchalantly, "It's up to you."

After getting a definitive response, all the demons went to call people. These demons are also nobles in the demons. Naturally, they will not go out in person, but except for that Zhutian. Obviously, they are not popular and have no subordinates. Ran out.

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