Fairy Winner

Chapter 3130: Walk through

Not long.

Several demon guards walked in and looked around, "Which is the Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu, please, please!"

Zhou Shuslow stood up, "I am."

It's almost time to talk about it. After such a mess, it's a little strange that the main demon king hasn't come forward.

"I have seen the Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu."

The guard walked over to salute with a respectful look.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "What can Iver do if I have you?"

The guard bowed and said, "It's nothing big, but I heard that a strong demon clan is here. As a master, he must treat him well. That's what the Great Demon Ive confessed. If the Great Demon is fine, you might as well go to the Demon. The hall and his party."

"Then go, you have work."

Zhou Shu didn't get stuck, jumped out of the Demon Blood Pool, trembling, and walked out swaggeringly.

This place is obviously more formal than the Xishan Realm, and even the Demon Temple has it.

The Demon Temple is a palace prepared for the coming of the Demon Lord. The ordinary Demon Realm will not build it, and the ordinary Great Demon Lord is not qualified to discuss matters in it.

The magic temple is similar to the palace of the practitioner, but it is many times larger.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be able to accommodate a great demon who was tens of feet.

Walking in the corridor of the Demon Temple, there is always a feeling of being stared at by the Demon God.

It seemed as if there was a Demon God's Eye behind him, and his every move was in it. Anything wrong would be destroyed by the Demon God's power.

But Zhou Shu knew that it was just a feeling. If there was such a big danger, he would have sensed it a long time ago.

Knowing that he was coming to the Demon Realm, Zhou Shu also deliberately brought out the holy notes, and there is also a layer of protection outside the furnace. His holy notes are the flawless holy notes, from the quasi-sage of the Cihang Sect, against the demons, guarding the mind, and foreshadowing in advance Dangerous, both can be excellent.

The seven demon gods' patterns are drawn in the promenade, in various poses, lifelike.

Most of them highlight a fierce word, which makes people shudder when they see it, except for one Demon God, who is the God of Fallen Heaven.

Standing in the air, looking down on the earth, fluttering in white clothes and walking on the green lotus, there is a sense of turbidity and clarity in the world. Upon closer inspection, there is still a trace of compassion in his eyes, as if I was sighing. If this is not a magic temple, Zhou Shu must think he is a saint.

It was the first time that Zhou Shu saw such a wide range of demons murals, and Zhou Shu stopped for a while.

The obsessions of the past have surfaced again, and I unconsciously followed the demon painter's brush, which is quite desirable. After only looking at it for a while, I feel that painting has improved, which is not bad.

Speaking of which, painting Tao is also a rare Tao shared by demons and practitioners.

But he didn’t look at it in depth, and didn’t use reincarnation to test.

Here, reincarnation probably has some effect, but if you want to do this, it is really possible to attract the devil.

The devil is not something he can fight against.

The demon masters of the demon world are generally stronger than the quasi-sages of the immortal world, and much stronger.

After all, there are only three Demon Lords in the entire Demon Realm.

At the end of the corridor is a hall. The master hasn't arrived yet, and the guards and attendants are working diligently. Zhou Shu continues to observe.

There is a giant painting hanging in the hall, which should be made of special materials from the demon race. At first glance, it feels like being there.

In the picture is the Devildom.

The Unitary Mirror Realm at the center of the Demon Realm is like a bottomless abyss. The specific shape of the realm cannot be seen, only the boundless and endless demon energy radiates.

There is no realm in a large area around the Unitary Mirror Realm, and it is completely dead, as if all the realms have been swallowed by the Unitary Mirror Realm.

Ten thick passages stretched out around the abyss, that is, the Ten Demon Abyss that changed the color of the fairy world.

This is the only way to the Unitary Mirror Realm, and it is also one of the most terrifying places in the Devil Realm. I don't know how many practitioners died here.

Ten Demon Abyss connects ten great realms.

Those ten realms are now the main realms of the top ten demon lords, the blood wish realm, wolf phase realm, phosphorescent realm and so on.

The name of the world is the same as that of the demon. This is also a very different place between the demon world and the immortal world. When Zhou Shu was called Xianshucheng, he also encountered a lot of resistance. To call the world by his own name is disrespectful to the heavens. Taboo.

However, it was not that the Demon Lord changed the name of these worlds, on the contrary, it was the Demon Race who became the Demon Lord who changed their name because of the world.

These worlds are as old as the demons.

With these main realms as the center, many small realms have been expanded separately, and these need not be said too much.

It was not the first time Zhou Shu saw the map of the devil, but he felt the same, but only here, he naturally did not miss it. It was a trivial thing to copy them into his map in earnest.

In the future, he is destined to go to the united mirror world.

The greatest enemy of the practitioner is there, who doesn't want to see it.

"Hehe, Demon Lord Zhou Shu, he really has a good body!"

Common demons greetings.

Zhou Shu looked back, and a demon who was about the same size as Zhu Tian came in with a laugh.

If you look closely, you can see that not only the figure and posture, but also the appearance is somewhat alike. If you look further, the two people are almost carved out of the same mold.

Seeing Zhou Shu's doubts, Ive smiled and said, "Hahaha, Zhutian is my inadequate child and the most troublesome one."

Zhou Shu returned a gift, "So, it was rude just now."

"no, I'm fine."

Iver shook his head slightly, "That guy, he is not a weapon, he owes a beating. If the Great Demon Lord is willing to help, I can't be more happy, but the Earth Demon Soldier doesn't need to be given to him. This kind of thing that takes a lifetime has to be practiced by myself. He just doesn’t understand this truth."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "It's just a few magic soldiers, don't care."

"Hehe, the devil is really proud!"

Iver looked at Zhou Shu with interest, and seemed to think, "The Great Demon Lord is really a wandering warrior? Looking to the face, you and the group of guards are different from each other. If you say anything, use the halberd to poke people, killing people like Ma, it's not like it at all."

"Say whatever you see, I still understand that."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "In fact, you are not the same as the Great Demon Lord. There are rumors about how violent you are. It seems to me that it is not the same thing."


Ive smiled while touching his palms, and Zhou Shu followed with a smile, tacitly.

Ephesus can be the master of such an important world. He is definitely not an ordinary demons. His mind and head are comparable to those of practitioners. He is very deep and introverted. Zhou Shu is not too much to make ~www.ltnovel.com~ both of them. Wearing a mask.

"Are you really sent by Demon Venerable Wolf?"

Ive seemed to understand something, showing a little caution, "Is there anything wrong with the wolf-like demon?"

Zhou Shu paused, pretending to be deep, "This... there is nothing wrong for the time being."

Iver nodded slightly, "That's a borrowed way. Why not stay here for a few more days?"

"I'm about to harass, I don't know what the Great Demon Lord has arranged, I am obliged."

Zhou Shu agreed. He didn't want to have any conflicts with Ive now. The two sides were in peace, doing their own things, and not obstructing each other. This meeting was just a cutscene.

"Then stay here, there are many empty places next to the Demon Blood Pool. The Great Demon Lord can choose one at will."

Ive said with a smile, only a lot of thoughts hidden in his heart, the wolf-like demon sent someone over, what is this going to do.

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