Fairy Winner

Chapter 3131: Kind of funny

Dozens of days passed.

Many demons participated in the search and brought a lot of news, but none of them were accurate.

It seems that blood demons are indeed rare, even in the devil world of Blood Wish Demon Venerable.

Suddenly Zhou Shu felt like looking for a practitioner from the Xuanhuang World in the fairy world.

Bang bang bang.

The door was slammed.

Zhou Shu frowned, strode out the door, and just poked it with a halberd.

Zhu Tian raised his hand for a moment, he smiled, "So angry."

"It's annoying to see you."

Zhou Shu said coldly, "Didn't you say to find the blood demon? Don't worry about finding it, and you bother me every day?"

Zhu Tian laughed, "Then I don't need to look for it myself, it's up to people to do these things."

Zhou Shu snorted, "You have a fart man, did Iver help you?"

Boiling the sky stagnated, and a hint of red appeared on his black face, "...that, I didn't ask for it."

"Is there any news?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand. Of course, this was not a bad thing. With Yiffer’s efforts, the search results would definitely be much better. Just doing so alarmed the entire Yiffer world. I wonder if it will cause trouble to the bluebirds that may be there.

"I won't come without news, haha!"

Zhu Tian stabs and stretches out his hand, "Where is the Earth Demon Soldier, let me see if it is true or not."

Zhou Shu opened his halberd and didn't bother to touch him, "Stop talking nonsense. If there is news, I will still rely on you as a little guy. I don't need to talk about the six virtues. I know he will come in two years, but What I want is now!"

"...You, you are getting more and more arrogant!"

Zhu Tian was angry for a while and raised his hands up, but he put it back after thinking about it, "If it wasn't for... forget it! The news is indeed there."

Zhou Shu looked at him and said slowly, "Let's talk."

Zhu Tian was a little proud, "Hey, in Baisha Town a few years ago, a demon clan had seen a demon clan that looked very beautiful."

"What does it matter whether it's beautiful or not, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhou Shu scolded the heavens, but he was happy in his heart, "I want to see the strength, whether it will be bloody!"

"You are indeed a warrior, you are not interested in anything."

Zhu Tian sighed, "But if it weren't for his beauty, no one would think he was a blood demon. He was very different. He was always alone, and even the demon blood pool was secretly gone by himself."

Zhou Shu said lightly, "You are still in Baisha Town now?"

In these days, he has made clear the topography of Ephesus and also knows where Baisha Town is.

Zhutian said, "If you are still there, I have brought people with you, and now your Earth Demon Soldier is in my hands! He left a few years ago, I don’t know where he went, anyway. No one has seen him again for a few years," he looked at Zhou Shu, and said solemnly, "This is the most accurate news. The first piece of news in the entire Eve world, a small place like Baisha Town, is simply Few people go, it’s not me, no one knows."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Okay, you get one point."

Zhu Tian looked confused, "What does it mean to get a point?"

"It doesn't mean anything," Zhou Shu waved his halberd to make him move away, "I'll go to Baisha Town. If I find someone, I will give you the Demon Soldier."

Boil the sky a few steps away, quickly follow behind, "I'll go with you, don't you want to run."


Zhou Shu just walked on his own, "If something happens to you or scares others, then I won't give you the Demon Soldier."

"Before I got the Earth Demon Soldier, I just listened to you, but it’s impossible if you want to get rid of me. Where can I find you?” Zhuotian nodded, "Zhou Shu, now you have the Earth Demon Soldier, I may not be Your opponent, it will be different when I have the Earth Demon Soldier. Then you can't think about it..."

After speaking, he stopped, as if he had said everything in his heart, he was stunned, and quickly bowed his head and said, "Anyway, I listen to you."

When I looked up, I saw Zhou Shu had gone far.


Zhu Tian was angrily, and chased after a few strides, "I have said so much, have you heard?"

"Why can I be patient to listen to you."

Zhou Shu didn't bother to look at him, just walk forward.

I didn't know how to cook the weather. I didn't dare to offend after thinking about it. I just followed behind slowly.

After following it for a while, I couldn’t help it, "Zhou Shu, how long will it take you to walk like this? Why don’t you go as big as you can, and one step can hold up to hundreds of steps now! Now I’m tired of following it, and I’m twisted. Yes, I can't move my legs when I walk, it's uncomfortable."

Zhou Shu ignored him, waited out of the city, paused, and took out a demon cow.

It was the four-cornered red devil bull that Xishan Realm had acquired before, and it was raised in Xianshu City even stronger, twice its size.

"Wow, you demon cow? So special!"

Zhu Tian is also the Great Demon Lord, and he can see that he is extraordinary at a glance, "It's really good! You still wear a magic soldier, but also three? No, no, I must follow you to become a wandering warrior, even the magic cow has a magic weapon. Too rich too!"

His eyes were wide open, and he didn't move, and his saliva flowed down with envy.

"If you want to be a warrior, you have to look at talent."

Zhou Shu turned around and glanced at him, stepped onto the demon cow, and the demon cow hissed and started running wildly.

A red shadow was instantly rolled up on the ground, passing through the heavy devilish energy, leaving only a bunch of fuzzy afterimages.

"Wait for me!"

Zhu Tian was anxious, and rushed forward with his big feet.

I barely caught up with the demon cow, but I was a little panting, "I said, you, the demon cow is really unusual, even I am a little tired chasing after it, it took about 1% of the effort, it would be better... if I I found the Gorefiend for you, how about you send it to me?

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Can you ride it?"

"No, but I can eat it."

Zhu Tian's mouth was shining, and there was a trace of salivation, "The meat must be delicious, and it has a lot of magic.

"Ive said that you are not a weapon. I think he is too polite."

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said frankly, "You are a prodigal, and no matter how big your family business is, you can be defeated."

"Magic cows and rabbits, isn't it just for people to eat? By the way, there are also troll lions. They taste really good." Zhu Tian couldn't help but wiped his mouth. "It's a pity that I only ate it once. Once, he was kicked out before he finished eating."

"You are amazing~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu couldn't help shaking his head. The demon lion may be the strongest monster that the demon clan can tame, let alone a troll corpse, nearly a hundred meters tall, with a roar that shocked the world. Ten demon monarchs are not close to him. Its value is extremely high. It may be more valuable than the Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifact in the Immortal Realm, but such a good thing was actually eaten by the boiled heaven... He was driven out at all Not surprisingly.

"What's this?"

Seeing Zhou Shu finally starting to take care of himself, Zhu Tian became more and more proud, "When I have the Earth Demon Soldier, I plan to go to the Dragon Realm to eat a few dragons, and go to Hachi Country to eat a few Hachis. Hey, you can Come with me, and if I have a bite of meat, you have a bite of soup."

"Wait until you have it."

Zhou Shu suddenly felt tasteless, leading the demon cow to move forward, speeding up a bit.

"Don't believe me, I have a plan, just wait..."

Zhu Tian screamed while chasing in the back, his tall body stomped on the ground, which looked a little funny.

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