Fairy Winner

Chapter 3132: One is you

Baisha Town.

It was very different from other towns in the Demon Realm. There were white sand everywhere, fine and soft, and with a faint light. It looked very dazzling, and even the devilish energy around it seemed less terrifying.

Like a ray of light in the darkness.

Zhou Shu stared at the town, with a rare gentleness in his eyes.

"This place is a bit gloomy."

Looking at the town ahead, Zhuotian felt his chin and muttered, "It's not pretty at all."

This action should have been learned from Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu stopped and said calmly, "You are watching for me outside, don't go in."

Zhu Tian said dissatisfied, "I will bring you here to help you find someone, why do you want me to be outside?"

"Can you get in here?"

Zhou Shu dropped the demon cow, "Don’t let me say everything a second time. This will only make me not want to give you the Demon Soldier. Besides, I didn’t treat you badly when you were outside. There are horses and everything, maybe you can meet a magic lion."

"There really is a magic lion, it was taken away by Ive long ago."

Zhuotian murmured, did not refute, and walked back into the mountains, "I'll be back soon, don't you want to run!"

Zhou Shu didn't care about him at all and walked straight in.

The face is like a Pinghu, thundering in my heart.

At the gate of the town, he felt the familiar aura. Although it was hidden by layers of demonic energy and strange blood, how could he not be able to distinguish it? That was the blue bird who used to blend with him with his true soul body!

"who are you?"

Two worn and tattered demon guards appeared from nowhere, holding a halberd in front of Zhou Shu.

"Step aside."

Zhou Shu was very calm, even with a rare trace of kindness.

This is an emotion Zhou Shu has never had when facing the demon clan.

The closer he gets, the clearer he perceives. This is definitely the place where Qingque has stayed for more than ten years. Because of her existence, the whole town has become softer. To these demons, Zhou Shu also calmed down. some.

"Yes Yes……"

Although Zhou Shu's tone didn't sound scary, they could clearly feel the magic revealed.

Both people and the halberd in their hands made them tremble. It was too terrifying and too powerful. It was a force they had never touched before.

How could such a demons come to our town?

In Baisha Town, but even a demon general has never been out.

The two flinched and avoided, watching Zhou Shu walk into the town, and then dared to go back and report.

"Mayor, a big man is here!"

"What big person, what big person can we come to, a place that doesn't even produce magic iron, don't hinder my cultivation!"

"You sanzhang blood pool, what are you still cultivating? Hurry up and meet, or if the big man gets angry, you and I will all suffer!"

"Still true? Why don't I perceive anything?"

"...Who can you perceive? It's a demon who will kill you."

A group of demons walked out in a crowd, but no one was seen, only a string of footprints left on the white sand, leading straight to a hill in the distance.

Looking at the footprints, I was a little surprised.

"Go to Fengdong Mountain?"

"Who knows... shall we follow?"

"How can it be done? If you accidentally get involved, you will die. You have to go! I'm going back to practice!"

"That's not right, isn't it..."

"Don't bother me if I'm fine in the future, but I want to become the first big figure in Baisha Town!"

The guards watched the mayor leave with a dazed expression.

"That person...we read it right?"

"It must be a big man... You said, what did he do in Fengdong Mountain?"

"Who knows, but we definitely can't go, there is a forbidden area."

"Yeah, who is going to die? Speaking of which, a few years ago, that beautiful guy was involved in it?"

"Wind Cave Mountain, it seems that he only appeared after he left?"

"Who still remembers those things, and left, but that...it would be a pity to die."

The guards looked towards Fengdong Mountain and then hid to rest. When no one came, they would not stand stupidly at the door.

Zhou Shu stopped.

The hill in front of me was different from the other places, it was dark, showing the original appearance of the hill.

There are wind pillars around the mountain, because of the white sand that is constantly rotating and flying inside, it looks like a snow-white tree.

The familiar feeling became clearer and clearer, but Zhou Shu's face became darker.

The breath is very weak, and the vitality in it is weakened to the extreme, as if the wind will disappear when the wind blows.

A few steps into the mountain.

In front of him was a cave with a radius of several meters. The wind was constantly blowing from it, and the wind was like iron, making people's faces hurt.

Fengdongshan, Zhou Shu met for the first time, but not the first time I heard about it.

Last time I was in Heitie Town in Xishan Realm, and because of this, I got a good talent, Du Shuang.

Without hesitation, went into the wind tunnel.

A violent attack, Zhou Shu stood still, and walked in steadily.

The wind is moving forward in a spiral shape. I don't know how many times it has accelerated. The more you go in, the greater the resistance.

Of course, to Zhou Shu, this is nothing.

"Enter again and you will die."

A faint voice came out, using the language of the Blood Wish Demon Venerable Demon Realm.

Zhou Shu grinned, and the long-lost, comfortable smile appeared on his face. Even after a lot of deliberate concealment, the voice was still so familiar and beautiful. It was a green bird, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Last reminder."

The voice is louder, but still weak.

Zhou Shu still moved forward.


In the gust of wind, a blood arrow flew straight out.

The blood arrow has no edge, is small and solid. The blood demon power in it looks very pure, but it can be felt that there are some fine law powers in it, as if it is engulfed by magic, which means that it has to be followed.

Zhou Shu waved his hand and grabbed the blood arrow, took a look in front of him, and sighed slightly, "Oh."

"No, you are not the demons of Baisha Town...Ah, are you?"

The voice suddenly became rush, and when the excitement was beyond restraint, it suddenly fell silent, followed by a pale roar, "Don't come over!"

"I'm here, you won't have anything to do."

Zhou Shu squeezed the blood arrow tightly, as if holding an unchanging heart, his figure flashed and he reached the depths of the wind tunnel.

A few sparks flashed in the dark hole.

A slender figure turned its back to Zhou Shu, and directly in front of the figure was a white wind column several meters wide. It was no different from the Yellow Spring Gate that Zhou Shu had seen before. It was a reduced version.

Sure enough, like the Black Iron Wind Tunnel, it was the Gate of Yellow Spring that caused the wind tunnel phenomenon.

Perceiving Zhou Shu's arrival~www.ltnovel.com~, the figure trembled suddenly and almost fell.

Only quickly stood firm and walked quickly into the wind column.

Of course he can't walk.

An invisible wall blocked her.

Zhou Shu had already recovered his original form, walked slowly behind her, and said softly, "Your soul is almost gone. If you return to the soul world like this, you will definitely die."

"That's better than becoming a demon!"

The voice was a bit stern, she stood stubbornly, motionless, "I...I am no longer the original me."

"Even if it's the demons, it's you too."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand, gently turned her around, stared for a long time, and hugged her in his arms.

(Ps: I'm going out tomorrow, I may not be able to update, I'm sorry first, try to keep on.)

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