Fairy Winner

Chapter 3133: Those words

"it is my fault."

Zhou Shu stared at the blue bird and said with a solemn expression.

Qingque stagnated and raised his hand to cover Zhou Shu's mouth, "What are you talking about, how could it be your fault? It's my own cause."

Zhou Shu shook his head seriously, "It is indeed my fault. Since I built the fairy city, I want to stabilize it, so I should spread the news to let the fairy world and the heavens know, but I concealed it. If you know where I am in advance, it is impossible to be fooled by Lei Tong to come here."

Qingque looked at him and frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with you, how can you manage so much."

"It doesn't seem to matter, but it's actually very big."

Zhou Shu still shook his head, "I think very clearly. In fact, you are not the only one. There are many practitioners from the Xuanhuang Realm who are still living outside. The past and the Tongtian Pagoda. If the news of Xianshu City goes out, they will Knowing that Xianshu City, no matter if they come here or not, there will be some hope in their hearts. There is still a place in the heavens that is willing to accept them completely, so they will not be at a loss to find a goal, alas."

"I...I understand."

Qingque stared at Zhou Shu, a few clear lights flashed in his scarlet eyes, "You are right, regardless of the emperor's way, you must have the idea of ​​putting the world first, and your thinking like this just proves. You are indeed worthy of the title of emperor, do you remember that when we first met in Lingyu City, I said that you had the emperor's aura, and it really proved it later. Did I say it right?"

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Ah, I haven't thought about that much..."

"Did you think that you are like this, I understand it."

Qingque smiled, suddenly warm, "Hehe, when you hugged me just now, were you thinking about these things?"

Zhou Shu was stunned, his face flushed, "Well, this is what I thought before. I was thinking about it after knowing that you had an accident. I did do some things wrong and shouldn't hide them. After I went back, I would just To announce to the heavens, I Zhou Shu established Xianshu City."

"Well, I support you."

Qingque nodded slightly, then sighed slightly, "It's just that I am like this..."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Blood Wish Seal, right?"


The blue bird opened the sleeves, revealing an arm. The white lotus root was printed with a blood-red mark, and it was still moving. From time to time there were traces of scarlet magic overflowing from it, like a hideous face, and Like a flowing vortex.

"That's it. It will guide the blood in my body and let them automatically absorb the devil energy, thereby self-cultivating and changing my physique, as well as my soul. Although I can maintain the stability of my soul, I can't bear the vitality of my body. It’s swallowed up, until now, no matter the body or soul, the vitality inside is almost nothing, and..."

She smiled bitterly, "I know that even if my life is gone, I won't die, I will only become a real demon."

Zhou Shujing looked at her quietly with gentle eyes.

Qingque continued, "So I have stayed here for so many years, hoping to find a way to break or stop the blood wishing seal from spreading, but I can't find it, and I can't live without it. I am afraid that they will be swallowed up by them in an instant, and I will directly transform into a demon. In recent years, my vitality has become less and less, and I can't even do a little activity, so I..."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You plan to return to the soul world, but you hesitate about whether you should or not."

"You are not the worm in my stomach, how can you guess it?"

Qingque was a little surprised, but nodded happily, "I want to return to the soul realm, that is, I completely abandon my body, leaving only a trace of the whole soul back, but it is not right to think about it. After coming out, I have already It was completely separated, the soul lamp was extinguished, and even the soul seed in the soul tower was abandoned by me. After I really want to go back, this soul fell in the hands of the ten thousand souls. They didn't want to do it just how to do it, then Am I still me?"

"Definitely not, you don't know how annoying I am in Ten Thousand Soul Sect, hehe."

Before Zhou Shu could speak, she shook her head firmly, "So after I opened the entrance to the soul world, I didn't go in, and then I kept hiding here to see when I would become a demon. At the same time...you see Look there, Zhou Shu."

Zhou Shu followed her fingers and saw that the densely packed stone walls were full of weird lines, "Could it be the words of the Demon Race?"

Qingque smiled and said, "Well, who knows if you recognize the characters of practitioners after you become a demon? These demon characters are actually rare, only the ancient blood demon knows it. I have taken a lot of thought. You just learned it, you won’t understand it. I wrote some things specially so that I won’t forget it when I become a demon."

When she was listening to her, Zhou Shu had already read it, and her heart was shocked.

These words, these words...

Just about to say something, the blue bird waved casually, a cloud of blood covered the stone wall, and instantly there was nothing.

"Zhou Shu, don't ask me what I wrote, anyway, I don't need it anymore. After seeing you, I will definitely not become a demon again, right?" She looked at Zhou Shu and smiled calmly and gently. Even if you die, a practitioner must die in front of you.

"How could it die."

Zhou Shu settled down, shook his head very seriously and confidently, "Even if you were originally a demons, I can make you a practitioner, not to mention that you still have a pure soul, Qingque, you think too much. , In other words, you look down on me too much."

Qingque frowned dissatisfied, "You wronged me, I never underestimated you, from the beginning."

Zhou Shu smiled, "When I was not allowed to go to Yitian Pavilion, you were not like this."

Qingque was speechless for a while, "That...that time doesn't count."


Zhou Shu laughed, smiling very relaxedly, and said warmly, "Green Que, give me your hand."


Qingque gently handed it over and placed it on Zhou Shu's palm.

As soon as he encountered it, Zhou Shu felt chilly, and his body became stiff, and a little bit of blood flowed along his fingers, digging into the blood of the heart orifice, but unfortunately, Zhou Shu now has no blood. There is no heart.

The power of the Gorefiend is indeed very weird, and it is very different from the normal magic power~www.ltnovel.com~ Only when you contact him, you will know that if you want to solve the problem, even if it is a temporary solution, it cannot be done by a ghost. Arrived.

For decades, it has been eroded by the power of the blood demon for decades, how can it be so easy to remove.

"Wait a minute."

Zhou Shu let go, and a layer of golden light suddenly enveloped his body.

The blue bird stagnated, couldn't help but step back, whispered, "It's hot."

Jin Guang was full of vitality, as if the sun was shining directly at noon, she felt like she was about to be melted by the light.

Fortunately, the golden light was fleeting, Zhou Shu was still Zhou Shu, standing there looking at her with soft eyes.

But she felt that Zhou Shu now seemed to be different from just now.

(PS: Thank you Kuang Xiao for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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