Fairy Winner

Chapter 3135: Not one more

a long time.

The clouds gradually dissipated.

The green bird fully appeared, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a smile like a chrysanthemum. It was still the green bird from the past.

"I'm ready?"

She looked around at herself, from surprise to ecstasy, gradually becoming uncontrollable, and she seemed to be flying.

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Almost."


Qing Que was taken aback and looked at her arm subconsciously. Sure enough, the blood-colored vortex was still there. Although he could no longer feel the devilish attack, it would be impossible to completely eliminate it... She smiled." It's okay, this is good enough."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a way, but it's not convenient to use in the Demon Realm. Let's go out and talk about it."


Qingque was extremely happy. Seeing Zhou Shu's expression just now, she thought that the **** wish could not be removed, so she nodded vigorously, but couldn't speak.

"Said to let you recover, do you think I will give up halfway."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Tell you not to underestimate me, these things are not difficult."

"Yes, you have learned so many supreme laws, will you use others later?" Qingque relaxed completely, and laughed, "Zhou Shu, you can really do everything, in Xuanhuang This is the case in the world, and it is the same now in the heavens. I really admire it."

"Actually, it's all the same, there is no difference."

Looking at Xiaoyu Yanyan’s blue bird, Zhou Shu felt a sense of special satisfaction, as if he was back in those past days, unconsciously wanting to boast, “Maybe the heavens are simpler, after all, there is the foundation before. Unlike in the past, Xiuxian didn't understand."

Qingque glanced at him and said, "Just what you would think, the heavens, the immortal world, and the mysterious yellow world are completely different."

Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, still shook his head, "I think it's almost the same."

"You are different, it's a genius who got too much."

Qingque said with some emotion, "Don't you know, I have read many ancient books in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. I don’t know how many immortal cultivators who have soared up from the Profound Yellow Realm have been eliminated by the immortal realm. It's not bad to leave two or three. Among those two or three, there are very few who can reach the Golden Immortal. Most of them are the real immortals and they will not move forward, even those who are amazing in the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "right?"

"Why not?"

Qingque looked at him seriously, "A lot of jade slips write like this, and most of them have detailed information. There are statistics about all the cultivators in the Xuanhuang world, and it is not like a ten thousand soul sect. I have been there. Suspended Bell Sect, the classics over there are similar."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "But this time, all the practitioners on the Tongtian Tower are valued by the immortal world. I have always felt that the practitioners of the Xuanhuang Realm have an inherent advantage when they reach the heavens, and they are better than those of the original immortal realm. less."

"Have you checked it too?"

Qingque nodded lightly, "Yes, almost all the practitioners who came up from the Tongtian Tower were cultivated as geniuses by the fairy world, but think about it, there is a reason for this."

Zhou Shu pondered for a few breaths, and then suddenly said, "How can it be possible that a hundred people have come up for more than two thousand years."

"Yes indeed."

Qingque said warmly, "For these two thousand years, the immortal realm has cut the connection between the Xuanhuang realm and increased the calamity many times, making most of the cultivators of the Xuanhuang realm fall and perish without reaching the realm. It’s not possible to be an elite or not."

"I didn't think about it before. As expected, everything has two sides. The limitations of the Immortal Realm have given the Xuanhuang Realm a group of extremely outstanding geniuses."

Zhou Shu paused, with a solemn expression, "But I don't think it's right for Xianjie to do this. In fact, it's very wrong."

Qingque nodded, "It's definitely not right. Even if the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm are almost apt, they can't just close the door to advancement. No matter how good their aptitude is, everyone should have the opportunity to become immortals. Compared with the cultivators who were born and raised in some realms of the Immortal Realm, their qualifications are even worse, and they can be promoted without restriction, all the way to the true immortal smoothly. Why, because they were born in the Immortal Realm? They are all human beings from the Profound Yellow Realm, but Forcibly classifying the ranks, so many realms, deliberately restricting the Xuanhuang realm, it makes no sense."

As she talked, she was a bit angry, "I checked a lot of the information of practitioners. The more I read, the more I feel that the immortal world still has the selfishness in charge of the sect, and is extremely tolerant of the immortal world, and is extremely harsh to the Xuanhuang world, hateful and hateful. ."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I don't like fairyland."

"The more you understand, the less you will like it..." Qingque froze and laughed, "Did I say too much."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "It's okay, but I didn't expect you to check these."

"I learned from you, just look at the jade slip if you have nothing to do," Qingque grinned, "but there are not many that can be seen. Although I have entered the second sect, but not a disciple of the A sect, I still can't enter the best library, I The only thing I can see is these materials. I just thought about it when I looked at it... Well, let's not talk about it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, take care of our Xiancheng first, and talk about the rest later."


Qingque was delighted, "Then go back this time, what are you going to let me do?"

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "You can do whatever you want. If you like, you can rebuild a Wushuang city."

"If you want to have talents, you and I are not enough," Qingque's eyes lit up and she could see that she was very interested. "Zhou Shu, have you seen Mu City Lord?"

"There is no news from Mu City Lord, nothing at all."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "But Xuanhu is with me now, and I can see when I go back, I brought him out of Ming Yaotian."

"Can you do this too?"

Qingque was a little surprised, "I knew he was there, and I was still asking about it, but Ming Yaotian was really troublesome. Even the Ten Thousand Soul Sect couldn't arrange for a person to go in. Only Genting City and the Suspended Bell Sect could do it."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I am also a disciple of Genting City now."


Qingque exclaimed, "I also want to join, but they refused, saying that I am not qualified, which is very hateful! I think Genting City is a bit like Wushuang City. If you join, it will be very convenient to do things and you will definitely find it. Your message."

"Really want to join?"

Zhou Shu looked at her and laughed ~www.ltnovel.com~ I will teach you the rules at that time, and then I recommend you, as long as you want to, you can definitely do it. "

"Um...but forget it, I really want to rebuild a Wushuang city again, let's work together as a protector, plus Xuanhu," Qingque's mouth curled up, as if thinking of something, but soon became solemn "But Bailong will definitely not come."

Zhou Shu paused, "Bai Long, where is he now?"

Qingque hesitated, "I've seen his messenger once, he should be completely disconnected from us, haha."

She laughed helplessly, Zhou Shuwen said, "I will talk about it later, after all, I haven't seen anyone yet. I don't think that your friendship for thousands of years will not completely change just because you entered the fairy world."

"He is now the deputy city lord of Baidi City, and then he will take the Emperor Sword and enter the fairy garden."

Qingque shook his head slightly, "The path he walks is completely different from ours."

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