Fairy Winner

Chapter 3136: All want to know

"The Baidi City in the Immortal Realm is the Baidi City in the Xuanhuang Realm that was destroyed by Kunlun, right?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, he had always felt this way, and it seemed almost certain now.


Qingque nodded, "To be precise, the Baidi City in the Xuanhuang Realm is a branch of the Baidi City in the Immortal Realm. It is similar to the situation of the Soul Transformation Sect. The Soul Transformation Sect in the Profound Yellow Realm is a branch of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. The soul sect is not the master sect of the immortal world."

"No wonder Kunlun is so withered."

Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, “It’s hard to think about it after offending the two sects in charge.”

"You are not right."

Qingque shook his head lightly, "There is this reason, but it is more that Kunlun itself cannot produce talents. If there is a steady stream of talents, it will be difficult for anyone to suppress it. There are too many inheritances of Kunlun and it is too difficult. No disciple can truly master it. , They will slip from the sect in charge to this position."

"I am extreme."

Zhou Shu paused and smiled, "It seems that every time I make a mistake, you will point it out without hesitation, and it's unpretentious at all."

Qingque looked at him and smiled slyly, "Isn't it good? If you feel bad, then I won't talk about it later, it's up to you."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "How could it be bad? No one is talking about me now. I don't think this is a good thing."

"Actually, I can't change this habit, so you can bear it."

Qingque smiled and said, "Don't talk about Kunlun. I have inquired a lot about the fairy world over the years. If you want to know what you want to know, just ask me. Anyway, Bailong has the blood of Baidi, so it's definitely Baidi's blood. He is a descendant, and his bloodline is very pure. In fact, he is a bit similar to Xuanhu, both of whom are famous family children, but the difference is that Ming Yaotian has basically lost power, while Baidi City is right."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu was very calm, but there were some past events in his heart, not long ago.

The imprisonment of Xiaozhao and Jianlao is behind the participation of Ruyilou and Baidi City. I don’t know if Bai Long knew about this. If he knew, then it is basically certain that Bai Long did indeed take a completely different path. .

Qingque smiled slightly, "Bailong's messenger said that he was already Da Luo, and that was something more than three hundred years ago."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "It's so fast."

"His talent is already good, and it has been cultivated. It's not surprising that we don't compare the realm with him." Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, her crystal eyes were extremely confident, "Furthermore, even if the realm is not as good as him, I will not I think he is your opponent, no one can beat you."

"That's natural."

In front of her, Zhou Shu didn't have to humble himself, and nodded calmly.

Before the establishment of Xianshu City, he didn't think any practitioner outside the celestial list could be better than him, but now, even if the strongest on the celestial list is not in the top five hundred, he can't touch it, nothing. Worrying.

The strong self-confidence in the heart is displayed, and the whole person is glowing with different characteristics, which seems to have a layer of light.

"Human Sovereign will not be weaker than anyone, you should be like this."

Qingque stared at him and looked a little dazed for a while. Zhou Shu moved in his heart and was about to stretch out his hand. There was a roar outside. When he watched, someone was kicking the wind tunnel hard, trying to make the wind tunnel bigger. .

Qingque said in surprise, "Someone?"

"A lingering fellow," Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Let's go out, and it's time to leave."

"How to get out?"

Qingque hesitated a bit. She had just recovered now, so weak that she couldn't touch a bit of demonic energy, and she couldn't hide herself.

Zhou Shu took her hand, "Just go out like this."

Within a few steps, the blue sparrow changed its appearance, similar to the appearance of the previous gorefiend, but the face was a bit more hideous, and the eyes were like burning coals, emitting a few fires from time to time, and the hand was full of benefits. The toothed shield looked very gloomy and terrifying.

However, this is what others see.

Zhou Shu turned it out with a magic weapon, and then made some changes. As for the blue bird himself, it was still the same, and of course he did not touch any magic energy.

"Just know you have a way."

Qingque clenched Zhou Shu tightly, with a satisfied smile.

"Cook up!"

Standing at the entrance of the wind tunnel, Zhou Shu shouted, "What are you doing! Didn't you tell you not to come in?"

"It's been so long, who knows if you have run away?"

Seeing Zhou Shu, Zhu Tian quickly moved aside and murmured, "This mountain is so hard. After digging for so long, I can't even put a toe in."


Qingque couldn't help laughing, "You are as big as this mountain, and you won't be able to get in for a long time after digging. Are you stupid?"

"Who are you, dare to laugh at me?"

Zhu Tian noticed the blue bird, and just raised the big fist of the house, the blue bird standing next to Zhou Shu was not afraid at all, and smiled lightly, but the smile belonged to Zhou Shu only, and in Zhu Tian's eyes it was a strange expression. .

Before Zhu Tian had beaten him, he realized something and was shocked, "Blood Demon! Zhou Shu, have you found someone?"


Zhou Shu didn't bother to pay attention to him, "Keep away, don't get in the way."

"Yes Yes."

Zhu Tian quickly stepped aside, but brought a big face to him, "Since I have found someone, I should do what I promised."

Zhou Shu Ning looked at him, "Cook the sky, you get the Earth Demon Soldier, do you want to fight with me first?"

If this is the case, it would be difficult to give it. How to say that cooking the sky is also a great demon. If you really start, it will be bad if you don't take care of the blue bird. The blue bird is very fragile now and cannot withstand any blows.

I didn't hesitate to cook the sky, "I'm only looking for you second."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Is the first one?"

Zhuotian nodded vigorously, "Yes, I don't want to grab his territory, but it's very comfortable to win him once."

"There is a land demon soldier, you are not his opponent either."

Zhou Shu glanced at him and shook his head slightly, "Go back first, I will give it to you when I leave."

"How is it possible, how can I lose to him with the Earth Demon Soldier?! You are waiting..."

Zhu Tian shouted angrily for a long time, only when he turned his head he found that Zhou Shu had already gone far, and a red shadow passed through the town like lightning.

"Wait for me, wait for me!"

Zhu Tian was stunned and hurried to catch up.

The two people on the demon cow were sitting side by side, close to each other.

"Who is this guy~www.ltnovel.com~ How does he call your name directly? Is it a friend you know in the demon world? You are still like that, you can associate with any race, I tell you, the demon is really not good , They are far from the barbarians."

"No, I am called Da Demon Zhou Shu in the Demon Realm, and no one recognizes it anyway. It doesn’t matter. This guy is called Da Demon Zhu Tian. Thank him. Without him, I can’t find you now. I will pay him."

"That's an Earth Demon Soldier, just give it as you say, am I so valuable?"

"What nonsense, no amount of magic soldiers is worth it."

"Where was the magic soldier that day?"

"Don't be foolish."

"Hee hee, tell me about you now, I want to know."


(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your long-term support, :) Thanks to the book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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