Fairy Winner

Chapter 3137: Think so

"It's almost here, won't you give it to me?!"

Seeing the two close together, Zhu Tian jumped out untimely, "Zhou Shu, are you talking about it?"

Zhou Shu on the demon cow turned his head and said, "What is the hurry, I will give it to you when it arrives."

"Also, I think you have a problem!"

Zhu Tian looked at Zhou Shu, and said in confusion, "Zhou Shu, didn't you find the blood demon to see the blood demon mark? Why are they not fighting for so long, what are two people doing when sitting together? Strange things that I don’t understand, don’t look like a comparison at all."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "There is a problem, but it has nothing to do with you. You got the Earth Demon Soldier, what else is not satisfied?"

"Yes, very satisfied."

Suddenly, he patted his leg hard, making a sound like a bell, "However, you haven't given it to me yet!"

"It's all right, take it."

Zhou Shu couldn't stand it anymore, so he threw the long knife away.

He still had several of these types of Earth Demon Soldiers, all of which were obtained from the blood pool of Samsara, but unfortunately there were no Heaven Demon Soldiers.


Zhu Tian took over the Demon Soldier and looked up to the sky with a long smile.

Amidst the laughter, the Earth Demon Soldier gradually grew up, and in the blink of an eye, it went from a few meters to a few meters.

The knife is awe-inspiring, and the sky is powerful.

Zhou Shu was slightly startled, and suddenly, there was a feeling of seeing the devil.

Although it is a feeling, it cannot be underestimated. Under careful consideration, one of the demon gods I saw in the demon temple a few days ago seems to be very similar to the current Zhutian. Does he have the power of a demon god? Was inspired by the Earth Demon Soldier?

Such things are rare, but they are not uncommon.

"I want to fight you now!"

Zhu Tian held the demon soldier, and the wind and clouds surging between his waves made his whole person a little different.

Zhou Shu calmed down quickly and said coldly, "Go back and do your thing, don't bother me if it's okay."

Seeing Zhou Shu who was driving the cow away, he boiled the sky stagnantly, and hurriedly shouted, "Zhou Shu, don't go far, I have fought with Yves, and I will be a wanderer with you. Go to hone martial arts!"

"Great Demon Lord!"

A vague figure suddenly emerged from the devilish energy in the distance and fell in front of Zhu Tian.

The figure and the devilish energy were almost completely integrated, if it hadn't taken the initiative to show up, there would be no demon race here.

"It's you?"

After cooking for a while, he waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, the person has been found, I don't want you to find it, let's go."

The Demon Race who couldn't tell whether it was real or imaginary calmly said, "It's an adult who asked you to do something. You promised it. The adult will help you, and you must also help the adult."

"So fast... afraid of me running?"

Boiling the sky stagnated, he said helplessly, "Then tell me."

The blue bird on the demon cow was very curious, "Zhou Shu, what demon is that?"

"Hidden Demon."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "The rare and very strong special demons, they are almost completely integrated with the demonic energy, and they are very concealed. Whether it is fighting or doing things in peace, they can play a lot of special roles. When the practitioners attacked the demons. At the time, he suffered a lot from the hidden demon, but the hidden demon is not a naturally generated demon, but cultivated by many methods. To make a hidden demon is not simpler than a good demon soldier. The great realms of the devil, such as the unitary mirror realm, the blood wish realm, and so on, can only be cultivated. I can't think that there are hidden demons in the Eve realm. It should be entrusted to other realms to help him cultivate.

"Ever is also very rich."

Qingque suddenly became a little worried, "Won't he follow us just now?"

"No, I watched. I felt it before he came over, and he came here," Zhou Shu shook his head. "The one who came after Zhutian should be a demon who understands Zhutian."

"That's good."

Qingque breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, "That boiled sky is quite interesting."

The hidden demon quickly disappeared.

Zhu Tian said angrily, "What is wrong, I didn't get the Earth Demon Soldier to deal with the practitioner!"

Zhou Shu paused, "What kind of practitioner?"

"On the other side of the Demon Abyss, a very powerful cultivator came. He passed through five or six waves of guards, and he was almost at the door. Ive asked me to go over and take a look. If I can take it, I will take it, but don’t kill. "Come on," Zhu Tian strode forward while still cursing, "I have something out of my bounds and I can't get out of the blood pool, so let me do it. When I leave, see who your name is?"

"I'll go and see with you."

Zhou Shu led the demon cow, and suddenly changed direction, following Zhu Tian.

What did Zhutian realize, "Do you like killing practitioners?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Why do you ask?"

"I don't like killing practitioners, why do you want to go with me?"

Zhu Tian said suspiciously, "Ask what's so strange, many demons take pleasure in killing practitioners, and I think you are too."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I am not. Practitioners are different from us. Fighting with them can't hone martial arts, so I don't like fighting with them."

"Yes, I am like that too! I don't like their twists and turns at all!"

Zhu Tian nodded excitedly, "It's no good to fight with them anymore. You won't be able to use anything you rob. At most, you can throw people into the blood pond as sacrifices. In fact, I don't understand why the devil likes this kind of sacrifice."

Zhou Shu smiled, without speaking.

The demon **** does not like cultivators, he just likes to destroy all valuable, vital and regular things, and cultivators are precisely the kind of creatures in these heavens that carry these to the extreme.

"You don't like it, then why do you want to come with me, are you afraid that I won't lose?"

Zhu Tian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly became angry, "You are afraid that I will insult your Earth Demon soldiers, aren't you?"

"Insulting is also insulting yourself. It's my business."

Zhou Shu was very cold, "I just want to see your level, but I dare not show my ugliness?"


Zhu Tian glared at Zhou Shu, and walked away without a word.

It looked like step by step, but strangely, the speed was surprisingly fast, as if the ground had shrunk under his feet.

Zhou Shu also looked at it a few more times. If he realizes it, it is not that the Demon Race can also use the law of space, but that it uses the changes of the devil energy, very delicate and complicated methods. This boiled the sky is also something of.

The demon cow also accelerated and followed closely behind.

Qingque whispered ~www.ltnovel.com~ Do you want to save that practitioner? Are they from Xianshu City? "

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "No, it should be Yunliu. At this time, there will be no other practitioners who come to Ephesus."

"Yunliu? Is that Yunliu of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect? Do you know him?"

Qingque was stunned, "But what is he doing here?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "He is here to find you. He regards you as a lifesaver, and he came to Liangmiao Country to find you specially. We have talked a few words."


Qingque thought for a while before remembering it, and shook his head. "It's not so exaggerated. It's strange to say a few words. He is also one of the best geniuses in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, and he can't even pass the Burning Soul Tower. The Soul Burning Tower is not as good as the nine-story tower in our Wushuang City."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Although I haven't seen the Burning Soul Tower, I think so too."

Wonderful book house

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