Fairy Winner

Chapter 3139: Then you try

The battle became fiercer.

From a distance, the Demon Abyss was divided into two halves. Inside, it was dimly lit, with clouds and devilish energy, tangled and entangled. Sometimes a blade of light flashed out, and thunder pierced the sky. At this time, two figures could be vaguely seen. , One high and one short, moving and quiet.

"Something's wrong."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, and flew out like an arrow.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the figure is getting bigger and bigger. When he reaches the middle of the Demon Abyss, he is already a giant with a halberd.

The halberd seemed to come alive, like a winding black dragon, vomiting devilish air, killing intently.

"What are you doing?"

Zhu Tian was about to slash with a knife, his face changed.

The Zhutian at this time looks different from before. The body is a bit bigger, even the face has become distorted, and the face is full of strange lines with twists and turns, like a few snakes with teeth and dancing claws, and the tail. It spread all the way to his arm, and the big shekou was falling on his eyes, red as blood, with several black lines in it.

The distorted face, the weird eyes, and the trembling mouth with excitement made it look particularly hideous.

"Itching for a while, come and play!"

Without saying a word, Zhou Shu waved his halberd forward, and the black dragon jumped out suddenly and went straight to Zhutian.

"Afraid you won't make it?!"

Zhu Tian was even more excited, and Babu Duo came up with a few opponents and slashed straight down with a long knife.


The sky broke and the earth cracked.

The two huge forces collided directly, instantly rolling up a huge vortex of power, the shock wave spreading all over, and the Demon Abyss vibrated violently.

Being in it, there is a feeling that the entire void is distorted.

"So refreshing, really amazing! Haha!"

Zhu Tian laughed twice, and then slashed again with his strength, and his strength and speed seemed to have improved a lot.

Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant.

Just now, he almost used all the magic power in the Great Desolate Halberd, thinking it was enough, but it seems that the limit of cooking the sky is more than that. It also shows that he is correct. The cooking sky is indeed Inspired the power of the devil.

Is it tyrannical or a demon god?

Zhou Shu is still not quite clear about the power of the devil.

There was no time to think about it, the power of reincarnation took advantage of the trend, mixed with the Great Wild Halberd, and attacked again.

In the demon world, the benefits of the power of reincarnation can be seen. It can stimulate the potential of the magic soldier, and it can also be integrated with different magic powers to exert the power of the magic soldier to a greater extent. It is both a catalyst and a fusion agent.

It is incredible for a practitioner to do this, but for Zhou Shu, it is normal.

The halberd will be collected at the touch of it.

This time there was no sight of the earth falling apart. After the collision, the earth and the earth shook and soon returned to peace.

Both of them took a step back.

It's stunned to cook the sky.

The knife just now was a powerful blow he had never had before. It felt like a touch of magic. He didn't know how to do it. The moment the knife was shot, the world was silent, and even the Devil Abyss was shattered. All the devilish energy was lost, thinking that even Yves could not be blocked, but it was still blocked by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu was at peace in his heart.

Reincarnation is really easy to use in the devil world.

At that moment, it didn’t even consume much. There was the power of reincarnation as a medium, blocking between two different magical powers. The power of the two people was like two rivers meeting together, instantly converging into a huge vortex, but immediately following the guidance. , Merged together, scattered and disappeared.

Of course, there is also the reason that Zhu Tian has just come into contact with the power of the devil, and he still doesn't use it well.

"Come again!"

Zhu Tian shook his head vigorously, his astonishment turned into more anger, and shouted loudly.

The fighting spirit was completely aroused, and the whole body was caged with a layer of black mist, and there were still a little blood in the black mist.

It seems to be wearing a thick black-red armor, tall and mighty, but very weird, especially when the armor is still dripping blood.

Zhou Shu was very indifferent, and once again confirmed the power of reincarnation in the demon world, naturally he was not too worried, and only looked at Qingque.

The demon cow is still there, and the blue bird still looks like a demon, even if it is far away, there is still reincarnation lingering.

Yunliu behind him was a little startled.

After playing well, why suddenly a helper popped up, or a demon's helper?

The two played more fiercely than themselves, but speaking of it, if this demon didn't come out, he might have sought benevolence.

He might not be able to take the two cuts just now.

But why should I take these two swords?

His mind was stagnant, and he suddenly realized something, and the whole person was shocked.

What am I doing?

Knowing that Zhou Qing's soul lamp has gone out, he desperately ran here to vent?

Want to die?

The person who killed his benefactor turned out to be his master, and both sides have kindness to himself. If he can't avenge or save others, he just gives up?

It doesn't matter if you come to the Demon World, then you can fight it hard, but you are completely indiscriminate, and you don't need to change any moves, just blindly throw the meteorite with the magic treasure? Obviously, the bottle holding the sky is not used in this way. There can be thousands of changes in dealing with the demon. This is also the advantage of the practitioner. At the beginning, Master, no, Yueming told me many ways to deal with the demon. But gave up the advantage and insisted on hard work...

What am I doing?

Zhou Shu, who suddenly broke in, gave Yun Liu a chance to calm down.

Looking at the two demon races with force against each other, while thinking quietly, they slowly smoothed out.

"Hahahaha! Refreshing!"

Zhu Tian's laughter is getting louder and louder, but it can be sensed carefully, but it gives people a feeling of unsustainable and about to exhaustion.

Others may not be able to perceive it, but Zhou Shu can see clearly.

"Don't fight anymore, you are not an opponent."

Zhou Shu Hengji stood in front of him, and said faintly, "In a few hundred years, it may be a little bit possible, but it is still far away."

"What are you talking about, I can't beat you? You haven't done anything! Are you scared?"

Zhu Tian stared at Zhou Shu, furious, holding the long knife high in both hands, slashing at any time.

"Then you try."

Zhou Shu sneered, "I'm afraid that if you go down with this knife, you will no longer be able to take this knife."

Zhu Tian still retains a trace of reason, "Why?"

"You don’t know how the demon soldiers are refined, do you? Especially the heaven and earth demon soldiers, either you control it, or you complete it, and use your flesh and blood to make it a better demon soldier. Now, do you think you Is there any power to control it?" Zhou Shu said coldly, "Boil the sky, this magic soldier is very suitable for you, but if you can't control it, you will die by the sword."

This is indeed a fact ~www.ltnovel.com~ Behind every demon soldier of heaven and earth, there are countless demons who died for it.

However, even if the power of Zhutian is not sustained, the blood soul will not be swallowed by the earth demon soldiers. The hidden demon that has been hiding around is not a display.

"I know."

The knife in Zhu Tian's hand dropped, his body gradually getting smaller, and the blood mist also dissipated.

Looking at Zhou Shu, he saluted very seriously, "Thank you for reminding me."

"I'm not reminding you, I just don't want to take back the demon soldiers sent out," Zhou Shu said indifferently, "your strength is still a lot worse than I expected, even such an ordinary earth demon soldier can't I control it well and I want to be my opponent. It's still tens of thousands of years."


Zhu Tian stared at Zhou Shu, but lost his previous arrogance, and did not speak again.

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