Fairy Winner

Chapter 3140: Inexplicably reasonable

"Um, my lord, that practitioner is leaving."

A Mozu ran over, pointed at Yunliu in the distance, and hurriedly urged.

"Broken in and want to leave?"

Zhu Tian shouted angrily, strode together, and was about to catch up.

"Don't worry, I want to try this guy."

Zhou Shu spoke lightly, but with a mountain of demeanor, Zhu Tian didn't dare to talk any more.

With a cry, the demon cow galloped over, Zhou Shu leaped up and chased Yunliu.

The remaining demons also gathered around.

"What's your business, clean up here!"

Zhu Tian glared at them, sat down and looked at the magic knife, reminiscing about his previous feelings, and smiled unknowingly.

With the Earth Demon Soldier, it feels great, strength, power that I have never had before, they have been hidden in my body before, but I have never noticed it... Is this the power of the Demon God? Where did you get it? of?

Perceiving someone behind him, Yun Liu speeded up.

Only he soon felt something was wrong, the demon cow could catch up with him tomorrow morning, but it kept falling behind, not surpassing it, like stalking.

"What do you want to do?"

He turned around, his eyes extremely cold.

Although he gave up the idea of ​​entering the demon world and begging to die, the cultivator's intent to fight against the demon is natural.

Zhou Shu didn't look at him, and said lightly, "Go out and talk about it."

"Go out and talk about it?"

Yunliu was a little surprised.

The Demon Race who left the Demon Abyss is tantamount to losing a pair of arms, but for practitioners, the void is the best battlefield.

These two demons chased him, obviously because they didn't want to let him go, but they gave up their geographical advantages. What do they want to do? Besides, after leaving Demon Abyss, can the Demon Race still catch up with him? Demon Cows are not available there.

I was surprised with only one thought, and calmed down quickly. It's not a bad thing to myself, so why not do it.

One person, one cow, slowly out of the Demon Abyss.

At the moment of leaving, Zhou Shu not only put away the magic cow, but also put away the magic soldier.

This made Yun Liu stunned.

"You are not a demon...Ah! Senior Sister Zhou?"

Seeing Zhou Shu still stunned, and then seeing the blue bird next to Zhou Shu, it was completely shocked and at a loss for what to do.

"Ah...you, you are Senior Sister Zhou, are you okay? Why are you here?"

Qingque was calm, "It's okay, Yunliu, why are you here?"

Yun Liu hesitated, "Senior Sister Zhou, I heard that your soul lamp has gone out, and I heard people say that you disappeared in the Ephesus world, so just come over... It doesn’t matter, it’s great if you are fine! You are How did you escape?"

Qingque shook her head, "It's a long story, so there's no need to say more."

Yun Liu nodded, "Yes, just fine."

After looking at it carefully for a while, it seemed that it was a real blue bird. The blue bird treated people so coldly in the past.

My heart was settled a lot. Since Qingque hadn't died, there was no need to seek revenge from the respected Master. Everything seemed to be fine, so I didn't need to think about it anymore.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Yunliu showed some caution, "Who is the Taoist friend?"

It's hard to be careless. The person in front of you is a genuine practitioner. The law and aura of his body are clear without perceiving it. It is well-ordered, and there is power in the ordinary. But this practitioner can be transformed into a demon just now. The clan, and the great demon king of the demon world still have the upper hand with force against force, which is simply incredible.

Although it seemed to be just a big Luo Jinxian, it was more terrifying than any Hunyuan Jinxian he had ever seen.

Too tough, I have never heard of it.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I have talked with you several times, and you still have the magic weapon I gave you, have you forgotten?"

"Have talked with me several times? Magic weapon?"

Yunliu quickly realized, "Are you the City Lord of Xianshu?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, this is Zhou Shu."

"Zhou Shu?"

Yunliu's heart palpitated, with a sense of inexplicable fear, and he took two steps back, "City Lord of Xianshu? Is that Zhou Shu on the list of ten thousand evils?"

"It's Zhou Shu, who is on the Ten Thousand Swordsman List, yes, you saw it."

Zhou Shu smiled and stretched out his hand, "If you have the shackles, put them on for me, and you can go to the immortal world to receive the reward."

Yun Liu stagnated, quickly settled down, and slowly said, "I believe, but I don't believe it."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What?"

"I believe you are Zhou Shu, you don't have to lie to me, but I don't believe you are City Lord Xianshu."

Yunliu stared at Zhou Shu, "Just now the abilities you showed in the Demon Abyss are enough to be listed in the forefront of the celestial pole list, and your ranking on the ten thousand fierce list is also lower, much better than me, but I have been to immortals. Shucheng, I’ve seen some situations there. Just the outside sky, it’s by no means you can... Anyway, I can’t believe that you will be the city lord of Xianshu. Besides, the city lord cannot come out. You should be sent by the city lord. The person looking for Zhou Qing, right?"

"Well, you guessed it right."

Zhou Shu spread his hands and didn't want to explain, it was unnecessary.

He wanted to expose Xianshu City to the public and make Yunliu the first outsider to know, but he didn't think that Yunliu would not believe it at all.

Well, even Zhou Shu didn't believe it.

This is Yunliu who has seen some strengths of Zhou Shu.

It's even harder to accept the change of anyone else. Zhou Shu is indeed very strong, but can a big Luo Jinxian build such a fairyland city?

But they won't know.

Most of the credit for building the city should be counted on the original core of Yunjuan Realm and Jianmu. The two of them plus Zhou Shu, plus the group of companions who followed Zhou Shu, have Xianshu City. With such a magnificent atmosphere, if only Zhou Shu is alone, even the quasi-sage may not be able to do it.

"Unexpectedly, you went to Xianshu City."

Seeing Zhou Shu's admission, Yunliu's mind was slightly relaxed, but he always felt something wrong in his heart, as if there was a voice to say that what he said was true.

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Is Xianshu City bad?"

Yunliu paused, "Very well, it is the most potential immortal city I have ever seen. If there are more people, it will be better than most immortal cities in the immortal world. I just didn't expect...you will be there."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It seems that you haven't said something, do you think I will bring disaster to Xianshu City? I will harm the city lord?"

"Maybe, you should know how much the fairy world wants to arrest you."

Yunliu was also very calm and said slowly, "But don't worry, I won't leak the news, the city lord is kind to me."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "You, it's easy to feel that others are kind to you, aren't you tired?"

Yun Liu stagnated ~www.ltnovel.com~ his face changed slightly, "Zhou Shu, the cultivator should be clear about gratitude and grievance, dripping water is also a blessing, the city lord told me the news of Senior Sister Zhou, and Senior Sister Zhou did find it here. If he didn’t lie to me, I should thank him, not to mention he gave me an excellent magic weapon."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Then your master has harmed her and treated you with gratitude and grudges. What do you do? Repay you with death?"

Yunliu froze, and began to struggle again, unable to speak for a long while.

Zhou Shu didn't stop, and said solemnly, "That can't solve any problems, I think..."

Yun Liu subconsciously said, "Then what do you think?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It's actually very simple. Compensation between grievances and grievances. Don't return to Ten Thousand Soul Sect in the future."


Yunliu was stunned for a moment, but he felt reasonable inexplicably.

(PS: Thank you Kuang Xiao for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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