Fairy Winner

Chapter 3141: where are we going

After hesitating for a while, Yun Liu said slowly, "I will consider it seriously."

What Zhou Shu said touched him a lot, but after thinking about it, he couldn't make up his mind.

How did he come along this road, he knew very well, Yueming’s kindness to him is extremely heavy. If it weren’t for Yueming, he might not have become the first genius of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. Of course, Qingque was also a life-saving grace to him, just In order for one person to completely sever contact with another person, he really can't do it.

Looking at Zhou Shu, there is a lot of guilt and helplessness in his eyes.

Zhou Shu smiled and said nothing.

They are in a normal relationship, and he can't ask Yunliu to be as decisive as Yunli in the Xuanhuang Realm. The two have completely different personalities.

Zhou Shu has seen a lot of genius practitioners who are gentle and difficult to judge in the immortal world. For example, Yang Bai before, why not?

These geniuses have a smooth journey, rarely have tortured, and it is difficult to make decisions when encountering difficult things, and it is difficult for practitioners with such a personality to stay in the Xuanhuang Realm, and most of them will die without transition.

The fairy world is still too comfortable.

Yunliu looked at Qingque and asked, "Sister Zhou, where are you going?"

Qingque asked indifferently, "How about you?"

Yunliu paused, and thought for a while, "Me? I...I'll go back to Liangmiao country first, and I have to talk over there."

Qingque nodded, "Then tell Lei Tong, didn't he want to kill me? I am waiting for him in Xianshu City."

Zhou Shu followed, "Also, you don’t have to hide my news. You can tell Lei Tong. If you want to receive a reward from the fairy world, this is the opportunity. We will wait for him in Xianshu City. If he dare not come, say something. We can go anywhere, Yunliu, do you know how to contact the city lord?"

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Yun Liu was stunned for a while, "Senior Sister Zhou, aren't you going back to Ten Thousand Soul Sect?"

Qingque said calmly, "Yes, I have betrayed the clan."


Yunliu stagnated, and was at a loss for a while.

"You don't think I will go back again?"

Qingque smiled faintly, "I didn't plan to go back after I left. The soul lamp and soul seed in Ten Thousand Soul Sect were all destroyed by myself. Also, don't call me Senior Sister Zhou, my real name is Qingque."

"I, I understand."

Yunliu looked at Qingque, then at Zhou Shu, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't calm down for a while.

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Let’s leave first, Yun Liu, if you leave the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, you are welcome to Xianshu City at any time. Of course, you can come without leaving the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, but you won’t be an immortal. Shucheng’s guest."

Yunliu was still in a daze, Zhou Shu smiled and went with Qingque.

Swim in the void side by side, flying very slowly.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It's a pity."

"What a pity?"

Qingque was very calm, "He made a choice, and he is still a member of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. From now on, he will be an enemy or not a friend, so you are welcome."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "I'm not talking about Yunliu. Although he is a talent, he is not suitable for Xianshu City. I don't care. I'm talking about cooking the sky. If you knew that the Earth Demon Soldier could inspire him. The power of the Demon God shouldn't be given to him, and he has set up a major enemy for himself. This guy, if he becomes stronger in the future, it may be a big problem."

He had an inexplicable feeling that this Zhutian might become a demon master.

Qingque asked suspiciously, "Then why didn't you take the opportunity to kill him? Still helping him?"

"I can't kill, there are people with Ive on the side, Ive also watched, they are father and son, they will not let me do it, I really want to kill, maybe you will be in danger," Zhou Shu paused Pause, "It's a sell-off, but I don't know if it will work."

Qingque thought for a while, "It's hard to tell the favor of the Demon Race."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

Zhou Shu grasped her hand tightly and pulled up the sleeve to show the blood wish print, "There is not much devilish energy on this side. Solve this first."


Qingque let him hold his arm and said softly, "What should I do?"

Zhou Shu took out a flying sword, it was the one with the mark of Zhu Rong.

"I'm going to trouble you again."

Looking at Feijian, Zhou Shu said with a solemn expression, "Last time it was a pay for a paycheck. This time I beg you for help. If you help me now, I will definitely repay you."

After a while, the mark suddenly flashed.

The brilliance of that moment was more intense than the noon sun, and even the demon world in the distance was covered.

In the brilliance, the **** wish mark on the green bird's arm, like a sand tower on the seashore encountered a wave, quickly collapsed and gradually disappeared.

After a while.

The brilliance disappeared, and the blood wish seal disappeared.

Zhou Shu grabbed his arm and looked at it for a while, then stretched out his hand and stroked it, and nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, the breath of the blood wish seal is completely gone, and you can't feel any devil energy. Try again, is there anything abnormal? a feeling of?"

"No, it's all done!"

Qingque smiled happily and said of course, "You promised, there must be no problem."

Zhou Shu let go of his hand a little bit reluctantly, and said slowly, "No, it would be much better to have Zhurong Shaman's help. Her power is fair and honest, and it is suitable for expelling the atmosphere of the demons. Besides, what you have is only the Great Demon Lord. It’s not difficult at all to make a mark, but it’s hard for me to do it by myself. Maybe I have to reconsolidate my body."

Here I want to say that this method is not suitable for Xiao Su.

It is completely different from the Blue Sparrow, who is essentially a cultivator. Xiaosu is a demon. To use the power of the sun to drive her out is equivalent to letting her die. She can only take the path of the demon clan and let the demon blood completely overwhelm the demon blood. Row.

"Zhu Rong Wushen?"

Qingque looked at Feijian, and seemed to think of something, "Xuanhuang Realm, One Hundred Thousand Mountains, Debir Mountain, the Ceremony of All Gods."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, it is the Zhu Rong shaman of the tribe. We went together at that time. Do you remember Sud Rong? He is now Zhu Rong's envoy. We have met once, and this Zhu Rong seal is also there. When he gave it to me."

"You see, this is cause and effect."

Qingque suddenly became solemn, "If I were not for the one hundred thousand mountains with you, you might not have known Suanxiang and didn't know him. Now you can't use Zhurong Wizard's power to save me. All this is for a reason. ."

Zhou Shu smiled, showing a bit of emotion, "Yes."

Qingque looked at him seriously, "Don't be yeah, think about the process carefully, maybe you understand the law of cause and effect?"

Zhou Shu couldn't help laughing~www.ltnovel.com~ Hey, it would be so easy. "

"Don't hippie smiley."

Qingque said angrily, "This kind of law is hard to say. Maybe you will realize it for a while. If you don’t think about it now, you may miss it forever. Although you know many laws, the more you know, the better, especially causality. Law, your comfort is definitely needed."

Seeing her attentive expression, Zhou Shu understood her thoughts and said warmly, "Don't worry, I'm thinking, but it doesn't affect other things."

He remembered everything about the law in the sea of ​​knowledge and deduced it from time to time without missing a point.

"That's too much trouble for me."

Qingque glared at him, but with a smile, "Where are we going now? Back to Xianshu City?"

(Ps, thank you for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)


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