Fairy Winner

Chapter 3159: No sound

When he was not in the bounds, Zhu Tian took the initiative to put away the mayfly.

At a glance, the very small realm is extremely small in the Mozu, with a radius of only tens of thousands of miles.

Small is small, but it is very lively from a distance. Many demons gather in twos and threes, and there are thousands of demons. Such a small world is crowded with so many demons. This kind of scene is still rare. .

After falling into the world for a while, several demons rushed over.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and he subconsciously mobilized the power of reincarnation to explore, but as soon as he moved, he thought of something, and immediately withdrew the tactics.

This habit needs to be changed.

The glance at him through the cycle of reincarnation is a reminder and a backlash for him, as if you were walking on the street, and suddenly a thunder struck a foot beside you, but it didn’t hit you but left a "down" on the ground. The word "you" feels very inexplicable, but you have to believe it.

There are not a few of the heavens who master the highest law, but there are probably not many that use Zhou Shu.

Most of them practice alone, without fighting with the world.

Perhaps excessive use of the power of the highest law is indeed a hidden danger.

He is not like Old Hu, who has been in the world of refining the demon, he has been walking in the heavens, and he has to be cautious and cautious.

In a trance, those demons had already approached.

A very respectful salute, "Several masters, are you here to participate in the auction meeting?"

"Auction Conference?"

Zhao Yueru stagnated and asked in a low voice, "There is also an auction meeting in the Demon Realm? What to sell, Demon Soldier?"

Zhou Shu also didn't understand. As for Zhu Tian, ​​he was even more confused and exclaimed, "What is an auction meeting? Are there any magic soldiers?"

"A few people who are not Phosphorescent Demon Lord? Haven't been here for a long time?"

Those demons glanced at each other, suddenly realized, and quickly explained, "The auction meeting is only available on the Demon World of the Phosphorescent Demon Lord. It has been open for thousands of years now, and we finished the Crocodile World for the auction meeting. There are many similar realms, but we are all over the Crocodile Realm around here. It is also a coincidence for the adults to come. Except for the meeting time, there are no people here at other times, and come here for nothing."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What are you auctioning?"

Zhutian touched his head and muttered to himself, "Is there anything good for auction? I really want to go and grab it?"

Several demon races stagnated, looked at Zhutian and decided to ignore, and turned to Zhou Shudao, "Major demon Lord, we sell mainly practitioners, as well as all kinds of alien races, even if they are The rarest sea clan monster clan can be found here, they are all good stuff."

"what did you say?!"

Zhao Yueru's face changed at once.

Zhou Shu gently held her, and slowly said, "Is it people selling?"

The Mozu shook his head quickly, "How can it be said that they are people? Those are the goods and tools that everyone needs."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Then you are presiding over the meeting or are you businessmen?"

"Neither, we are physicists, that is, people who help you see the quality of goods, no matter what race we can distinguish between good and bad, this is difficult to do. Is a goods suitable for sacrifice or for your practice? The auxiliary materials are very particular. If you buy a lot of goods and go back, but you can’t use them or don’t work well, it’s a waste, isn’t it?"

"Yes, I am best at watching practitioners, especially their blood soul strength, etc. If adults want to find sacrifices, hire me, as long as 30 magic jade."

"I am good at watching aliens, and I understand hundreds of alien habits. Adults can find me if they have strange requirements."

"I can find the special features of each race. Hey, for example, Yaozu, I think it is a good match for adults, don't you think about it? This kind of rare, just happens to have good goods, but it will be gone late. , Many great demon kings are rushing to buy."

"Adults don't look for anyone else. In this crocodile world, we are the most professional, not a few adults, we will not come over yet."

The Mozu thought that Zhou Shu had come to be interested, and introduced it with excitement.

Zhu Tian waved his hand and said impatiently, "I thought you were selling something good? Get out, we don't want to go to an auction meeting, we are wandering...Ah, what are you doing? There are a lot of people in this group. !"

He was shocked.

While still speaking, a ray of light flashed, and the demons in front of him all fell to the ground, their heads in different places.

Zhao Yueru glanced at him indifferently and said nothing.

She has always hated the demon clan. At that moment, her aversion to the demon clan rose directly to the top.

"What's the big deal with a few missing items."

Zhou Shu smiled coldly, his eyes passed through the corpses of several people, and fell among the demons in the distance, with killing intent in his eyes.

Zhao Yueru stood beside him, bit her lip, "I can't bear it anymore."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "I know that no practitioner can bear it. I have wronged you these days. Wait a while for me to deal with these demons. You go and release all the practitioners and foreign races in the conference, and then gather. "

Zhao Yueru paused, "Okay, but this bootian?"

Zhou Shu didn't look at Zhutian, and said for granted, "If he blocks, then kill. If he doesn't block, then we don't need to ignore him."

Zhao Yueru was a little puzzled, "Will he just look at it like this?"

Zhou Shu said with certainty, "The demons are different from our practitioners. They see the suffering of the same race, and they have absolutely no sense of blood connection. It can be said that every demonic race is a puppet in the hands of a demon god, and no one is exception. As for whether he will care, it depends on the devil's motion."

The movement has been noticed over there, and a group of demons rushed over.

Most are demons and generals, but there are also two or three great demons.

This kind of small world temporarily used for meetings didn't have much defense, and because of this, Zhou Shu was able to let go.

"Where did you come from? On the territory of Phosphorescent Demon Lord, you dare to mess around?!"

The Great Demon Lord rushed over and glared at a few people condescendingly. The spear in his hand almost pierced Zhou Shu's nose, "No matter where you are, what kind of person you are from, you should just give it to me honestly if you commit a crime. Having been a slave for hundreds of years, I, Lord Aziz, will consider whether to let you go!"

Zhou Shu sneered, his stature suddenly became taller, more than twenty feet taller than him, afraid that he would not be fifty feet tall.

"You are so tall?"

Zhu Tian was stunned~www.ltnovel.com~ Now Zhou Shu, compared with him during the battle, is not alone at all.

And the Great Demon Lord Aziz's face changed suddenly, and he shouted, "You, what kind of person are you from? Our Phosphorescent Demon Lord is not easy to provoke!"

"The Phosphorescent Demon Lord has burned, killed, and looted all these years. In its realm, some people really deserve to die."

Zhou Shu waved the halberd blankly, with black ripples centered on the halberd, spreading around like ripples.

Wherever the ripples went, the demons all fell to the ground, and there was no time to even shout, and immediately disappeared.

King Aziz was the first to bear the brunt, his hideous face was horrified, his mouth wide open, his eyes fell in amazement, and the broken spear fell down after a while, with the spear head facing downwards. In his neck, he sank deeply, indescribably strange.

Zhou Shu, who was extremely tall, was like a **** of death coming, harvesting "life" calmly and quickly.

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