Fairy Winner

Chapter 3160: Will know

Groups of demons rushed over, and groups fell.

The demons under Phosphorescent Demon Sovereign are indeed intrepid.

Not surprisingly, they always felt that it was impossible for anyone in their demon world to dare to break in, so they went out boldly to burn, kill, and looting, causing trouble everywhere, and they developed such a fearless character that would slash at the sight of people.

Zhou Shu's calm slaughter was like a machine without emotion.

It is true that there is no need to have any emotions. It is not that life and death are indifferent, but these demons are inherently lifeless, life and life are almost the same, he regards himself as a practitioner, and sticks to this concept.

At least this is the case now. As for whether it will change after sanctification, I don’t know.

The Zhutian behind Zhou Shu didn't move, nor dared to move.

The magic soldier in his hand was eager to try, but he was squeezed in his hand and couldn't move.

Only now did Zhu Tian know how much strength Zhou Shu, who had fought with him before, concealed. Fifty zhang and thirty zhang are almost the difference between Demon Lord and Great Demon Lord. This is not the difference that has been said, but what he saw before him. fact.

For him, Zhou Shu might really be an insurmountable peak. Suddenly, the Earth Demon Soldier in his hand also became dull.

In a short time, the guards in the crocodile world disappeared.

As for the demons who came to the conference, some came up to die, but most of them were scattered with birds and beasts and disappeared.

Five or six hundred practitioners, foreign races, and some sacred beasts were gathered by Zhao Yueru.

They witnessed the killing, but were uneasy.

Because they don't know whether this is a rescue or a struggle, that is, a sale without money.

This kind of thing is actually not uncommon. The two demon lords competed for property and fought fiercely. No matter how demon lords did not say, their destiny as goods has not been changed. What should be or what they should fall into the bottomless abyss.

In fact, they believe it is the latter.

Because the three demons seemed to be much more vicious than the previous ones, and their killing was a hundred times heavier.

Zhou Shu glanced at Zhutian and said calmly, "Zhutian, even if you bought these people, they just didn't pay."

Zhu Tian was stunned, "You...what did you say, I bought it?"


Zhou Shu nodded very seriously, "Didn’t your Blood Wish Demon Venerable conflict with the Phosphorescent Demon Venerable? You still fought very hard? I have avenged you and sent so many people to you. You should be very happy. Accept it."

Zhu Tian was speechless for a while, "Me, but what do I want them to do?"

"Don't you? You want to push the trouble to me again?"

Zhou Shu stroked his forehead, showing a look of embarrassment, "Well, who told me to come out with you, then I will solve it, boil the sky, you go and prepare the Demon Abyss Mayfly, we must leave here quickly, otherwise Phosphorescent Demon Lord knows, it will be difficult to send someone to catch up."

"This... isn't it all you did, what do you mean by pushing to me..."

I want to argue a few words, but when I see the trembling halberd in Zhou Shu's hand, he suddenly softens his attitude and nods, "Okay, I will prepare now. How long will it take you to solve it?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Soon, wait a few hours, you are ready."

"Didn't you say you want to leave soon..."

Zhu Tian mumbled to himself twice, but still did not dare to say anything, turned his head and walked out of the bounds.

Seeing that he had gone far, Zhou Shu walked to Zhao Yueru's side and waved his hand, a formation enveloped them and those people.

The figure shrank rapidly at a visible speed, gradually becoming Zhou Shu's original appearance.

The appearance of a practitioner.

As long as it's still a demonic body, it doesn't make sense to talk to these people, but it's enough to become a practitioner.

Everyone knows that a cultivator may pretend to be a demon, and a demon can never pretend to be a cultivator, and their devilish energy cannot be concealed.

The eyes of the group lit up.

They all understood that what they got this time was a rescue, not the claws of other demons.

A group of people wiped their tears and were about to come over to thank them, but they were blocked by Zhou Shu.

He calmly said, "Now you are in a dangerous place and you don't have time to say anything extra. You all want to leave the devil world, right?"


"Must leave!"

"I want to go now!"

The sentiment was exciting and answered without exception.

Zhou Shu nodded, "I noticed that most of you have imprints on them. Will these imprints affect you from leaving the Demon Realm?"

Some people nodded in frustration, but more people shook their heads resolutely, "No! Even if there are more stigmas, they have to leave. The stigma can be solved later, but if you don't leave now, you won't have another chance!"

"Well said."

Zhou Shu said with satisfaction, "The situation is critical now. You don't have to stick to those superfluous things. The imprint will cost you your cultivation and life at most. If you stay here, you won't even be able to keep your soul. I brought the flying boat and can hold all of you. , The speed is not slow, you can get out of the demon world in about two or three years..."

Before he finished speaking, he bowed down, and thanked him.

Zhou Shu paused and said, "There is a boundary map on the flying boat, which clearly tells you the route to leave. There are also some self-protected formations, which are easy to use. There are both immortal jade and medicine to maintain vitality. Don't worry. , And after you leave the Demon Realm, you will soon arrive at a fairy city called Xianshu City. The people there will help you solve the branding and arrange you well."

Thanks louder.

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu with admiration. She only knew about saving people, but she didn't know that Zhou Shu would arrange everything soon.

"And all you have to do is to work together."

Zhou Shu's face suddenly became serious, "I don't care what race you are, humans or others, but you have to remember that only the Demon Race is your enemy. If you are not united, no one will want to leave the Demon Realm."

These words are very necessary. Among this group of people, Zhou Shu saw the Wu Clan, the Haechi Clan, the Monster Clan Sea Clan, and the Hammer Clan and Armor Clan that have been fighting forever. If they are rescued, they will still fly boat. Fighting inside is a waste of effort.

Sure enough, the crowd was silent for a while, but soon there was a neat shout.

"Just so!"

"Everyone is harmed by the demon clan~www.ltnovel.com~ even if you have grievances before, don't mention it again! Let's talk about it after leaving the demon world!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Zhou Shu looked at them for a while, slowly took out the flying boat, and then spotted three cultivators in the crowd, all of them Da Luo Jinxian.

He said faintly, "You still maintain enough power, the flying boat is controlled by you, remember the route, don’t go wrong, don’t do unnecessary things, and remind you that you all have my soul in your body. What's the matter, I will know who is missing."

Seeing the calm Zhou Shu, the hearts of several people were stunned, and they couldn't help nodding, and they didn't dare to disobey the slightest.

Zhou Shu's previous performance also made them unable to think otherwise.

Thousands of demons, including five great demon kings, all died, and they died so simply.

(Ps: Thank you Kuang Xiao for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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