Fairy Winner

Chapter 3162: What trump card

Zhu Huan on Moyuan Mayfly was a little fidgety.

Looking at this huge monster, I always feel very panicked.

Suddenly, Zhu Tian said loudly, "You are almost becoming a slave. Now you can't bear even a little devilish energy?"

For the Witch Clan, the Demon Clan has a natural distrust, or discrimination. To put it bluntly, even if the Witch Clan is used as a slave, the Demon Clan dislikes it. Zhu Huan’s previous price at the auction meeting was only 30 magic jade. For a combat power comparable to that of a big Luo Jinxian, Wei is really too low.

There are many reasons for this, and I cannot describe them all at the moment.

The obvious reason is that without the care of the witch gods, it is difficult for ordinary witches to exert their strength in the demon world. Ten percent of their strength can be used for two or three to achieve good results. In the demon world, the witches have beaten the demons. The possibility is really pitiful, and it's not surprising that the demons look down on them.

Of course, there are exceptions. There are two witch races that are not affected by the demon world, but this does not include the Zhurong race.

This is not to say that the witch clan is very weak. With the blessing of the witch god, the power of the witch clan is completely different. How strong is it?

Since the development of the heavens to the present, the Dragon Realm Buddha Kingdom has been breached more than once, and even the unitary mirror realm, the center of the Demon Realm, has also suffered wars. Only the Wu Clan, no race can truly occupy their land, not even an inch.

The immortal world has always been obsessed with the Wu Clan, although it is to expand the immortal world, but why not want to break this rule?

Zhu Huan glared at him without showing any weakness, "I just feel uncomfortable, who said I'm afraid of demons?"

Boiled the sky without anger and laughed, and waved a long knife in his hand, "Don't be afraid, then come and fight me? See if you dare to be afraid?"

"Come on!"

Zhu Huan looked at him coldly, the fire on his forehead was burning.

Most of the Zhu Rong clan are fierce, and Zhu Huan is the same. Although he has been on the side of the practitioner and seems to have changed a lot, his roots will not change, and he can't help hearing provocations.


Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Cook the sky, I know what you want to do, my people will not talk about the Mayfly in the Devil Abyss, you don't have to worry about Iver's investigation, he will trouble you, you let him come to me."

"Who said I'm afraid of Yves?"

Zhu Tian snorted, but slowly put the knife down.

He did deliberately choose something to take the opportunity to kill the Wu Clan, although the reason was not because of the mayfly, but purely wanting to vent the anger of carrying the pot for no reason, but Zhou Shu had said so, he could not insist, and wanted to kill. It can't be killed.

Zhu Huan retreated to Zhou Shu's side and suddenly felt a lot more stable.

It turned out that Zhou Shu set up a formation to separate him from Warcraft and Zhutian.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Don't pay attention to him."

When he arrived in the Lorca world, he would no longer carry Zhutian. Now Zhutian has already made an enemy with the Phosphorescent Demon Venerable. The farther they are, the better.

That's right, the demons who escaped must have remembered the looks of Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru, but they were pretending to be, so it would be fine if they changed their appearance.

"I hate demons the most."

Zhu Huan nodded, a little angrily.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "You are in the Kuiwei Realm. It shouldn't be easy for you to meet the demons. Why did you get caught here?"

Zhu Huan hesitated for a moment and said, "I met the demons when I was going to the witch world to spread the news. I could have avoided it, but there was a Xuanming clan with them and he came over when he pointed at me. I hesitated. I was arrested after a while, experienced several demons, and was brought to such a far distance. What kind of conventions I had to participate in? The most annoying thing is that I was so worthless, I only marked the price..."

He was stagnant, and quickly said, "That Xuan Ming clan actually helped the Demon Clan... I didn't expect it! After I go back, I must tell the Sorcerer God about this."

"It turned out to be so."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and did not ask him how much it was worth, "I remember the relationship between the Xuanming clan and you, should it be okay?"

Zhu Huan paused, "It's not bad, I won't fight, but I can't talk about friends. The main reason is that the relationship between the two witch gods is normal. However, some of the Xuanming clan don't like cultivators very much, probably because I am in the Kuiwei world. Helping practitioners, so he dealt with me specially."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then why do you want to help the practitioner?"

"We have to obey the instructions of the Wizard God, let's say..." Zhu Huan thought for a while, "The practitioners of the Kuiwei Realm are okay. They respect the Wizard God and treat us well, and we are not too tired. Relax."

Zhou Shu nodded and said warmly, "What do you do in the Kuiwei Realm, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it."

"You have the mark of the wizard god, and I will say whatever you ask."

Zhu Huan said frankly, "They need the power of the sun and the lunar yin to do some research, and our Zhurong clan gives them strength. I don't know what is the specific thing. They use a formation method to collect our strength, which is good for us. Expenditure, but they will help us replenish it, and more, so it doesn't affect us much," he paused and said seriously, "The wizard **** will not let us suffer."

Zhao Yueru asked, "The power of the yin? It is the power of the Xuanming clan, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, Xuan Ming and Zhu Rong were originally relative witch gods. The power of the two witch gods is opposite. No one can help each other. They can't fight, but the relationship won't get better."

"The Xuanming clan also helps practitioners, but unlike us, those Xuanming clan should be forced to come by practitioners. When I saw them, they were very reluctant," Zhu Huan followed, " The one with the demons shouldn't be based in the Kuiwei Realm, but most of them have been there."

He still remembered his enemies, no wonder, how could he forget so much suffering in the Demon Realm.

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Can a practitioner still persecute the Xuan Ming clan?"

Zhu Huan nodded subconsciously, "I am also very surprised that those practitioners are in the same realm, and the Xuanming clan is on the side. There are countless strong people in the vast territory. They have not gone to provoke the Kuiwei realm, and have to send some clansmen. In the past, I really don’t know what happened."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It seems that the Jiang family's ability is not small."

Zhao Yueru thought for a while, "It should be, they can survive between two witch gods, which is really amazing~www.ltnovel.com~ It can also help the witches on both sides, there must be some hole cards, but this hole card is mostly It’s not useful in the immortal world, otherwise they can return to the immortal world."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "In fact, it is not necessarily a question of ability to survive in the fairy world."

Zhao Yueru understood something, "So, for example, you can't stay in the immortal world now. It's not that you can't stay, but that there are too many enemies."

Zhou Shu smiled and turned to Zhu Huan, "Do the practitioners in the Kuiwei world study things all day?"

"Yes, the whole world seems to be like this. I don't see much cultivation, but from time to time some new and weird things come out." After this, Zhu Huan was suddenly a little excited. "They recently developed a very strange car. Don’t rely on horses or people to pull, but sitting in that car, from this end to the other, only a few breaths, it’s so fast that people can’t believe it."


Zhou Shu paused.

(Ps: Thank you Mondo for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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