Fairy Winner

Chapter 3163: What devil

"I know that adults won't believe it."

Zhu Huan grinned, "I didn't believe it when I heard it, but I sat there once later. It was indeed like that. It was not fake at all. I didn't know what was going on. My eyes opened and closed, and I brushed it. almost there."

Zhou Shu looked solemn, "Are you sure it's just a car?"

Zhu Huan was serious, "Yes, I stopped in the yard, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then arrived at the destination."

Zhou Shu paused, "Is there any formation or something at the destination?"

Zhu Huan thought for a while and shook his head, "No, just in front of the other entrance of Kuiwei Realm. There are three entrances in Kuiwei Realm. The one in the middle is never open. You can only go on both sides to enter."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I understand, thank you."

Zhu Huan hurriedly said, "You don't have to be polite, your lord, just ask if you have anything. You are a friend of the Lord God Envoy, and I must obey."

Just looking at Zhou Shu is a little puzzled, why do you want to ask so clearly?

Zhou Shu fell into deep thought.

The car is essentially a teleportation array, but it is very different from the teleportation array. If what Zhu Huan said is true, it means that the teleportation array itself is also given the power of the law of space, and the teleportation is no longer the two teleportation arrays. The behavior between time, but directly shuttled back and forth with the teleportation array.

This undoubtedly advances the transmission array technology a big step.

Unexpectedly, the teleportation formation of the Kuiwei Realm had developed to this point.

In the past when the Xuanhuang world’s transmission technology was popular, there was a teleportation stone for a short time. It could use a stone-like array to transmit things, but the teleportation stone can transmit things with a long startup time and a short distance. It will be destroyed after one time. Compared with the car that Zhu Huan said, it is very similar to the Great Escape Talisman of meditation. The only difference is that the teleportation stone can determine the location, but the transmission distance is not as good as the Great Escape Talisman.

The energy and resources consumed by a teleportation formation are similar to that of a teleportation formation, and even more troublesome, but the effect is not as good as a talisman, and the gains outweigh the losses, and this research has slowly ended.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, if you continue to excavate the teleportation stone at that time, it is possible to build a teleportation vehicle.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu was slightly startled. Lin Zhu had also made several teleportation stones.

Could the teleport vehicle in the Kuiwei Realm also be related to Lin Zhu?

He looked at Zhu Huan, his eyes flashed with heat.

Zhu Huan was stunned and panicked, "My lord... my lord, what are you going to do?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu only glanced at him, then turned his head, secretly disappointed.

He looked at Zhu Huan and naturally wanted to use the power of reincarnation to investigate and see if he could get some information in the Kuaiwei world, but as soon as the power of reincarnation came out, it was blocked, not a magic barrier, but a flame barrier. .

The flame mark on Zhu Huan's body naturally resisted his investigation.

After all, it is the witch clan protected by the witch god.

It can be cracked forcibly, but I am afraid that the gain is not worth the loss, not only offending Zhu Huan, but also offending the witch god.

Forget it, you will always know when you get to the Kuiwei world.

Zhu Tian sits in the middle alone, boring.

He doesn't have a barbecue anymore, he might have noticed it, and it would be unlucky to follow Zhou Shu.

I got the Earth Demon Soldier from Zhou Shu. I thought I could continue to have good luck with him. How could I know that somehow he carried such a big pot, and the whole world was taken by Zhou Shu. Afterwards, the Phosphorescent Demon Venerable became angry. May not be able to hold it.

But if there is any way, if you can't beat it obviously, you can only memorize it.

He has caused countless misfortunes in his life, but it is the first time for him to make troubles like this, and for the first time in the realm of other Demon Lords, but the bigger problem is that this misfortune was not caused by him at all.

In the depression, the palm of his hand suddenly became hot, and he stared at it unconsciously.

The brand on the palm of his hand was a lake, a volcanic lake, and it was full of magma. He remembered that it was for manipulating the Demon Abyss Mayfly, and Ive helped him to engrave it.

But at this time, the lake seemed to come alive suddenly, there was a gurgling noise, and huge bubbles came out of the brand, and his hand seemed to be melted by the brand and became a part of the lake.


With an exclamation, he lost consciousness.

Zhou Shu and the others naturally noticed the abnormal movement here, and they were also very alert.

"A cultivator is sitting on the Demon Abyss Mayfly. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't even think of it, haha."

The dull and distant voice came from the mouth of Zhutian, using the oldest immortal language, and there was a weird feeling that could not be said.

Zhou Shu looked at Zhutian, his complexion extremely solemn.

Zhu Tian still looks like Zhu Tian, ​​but his attitude has completely changed. The previous Zhu Tian was just a brash man except for the mighty aura, but now Zhu Tian has a deep vision and a calm demeanor, yet relaxed and natural. Full of the air of the king.

Is it the demon master who disintegrated the demon, or is it possessed by the demon?

The disintegration of the demon requires the demon lord to be nearby, and there will be no demon lord nearby, not to mention the ancient immortal language, which is now extinct in the immortal world, and there are almost no demon clan that can understand in the demon world, and can speak it. , Only the devil of the past.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu palpitated.

Although he didn't feel much oppression, he knew that this should be his strongest opponent since he entered the heavens.

It's very strong in itself, plus the possessed Demon God, what kind of enemy it will be, I can't even imagine.

I don't know why the demon **** suddenly possessed and boiled the sky, but this is the case.

"You all stand back."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Yueru behind him, instantly changing his appearance.

Compared with using the power of reincarnation to call the magic weapon, the body can perform better, let alone use the magic to deal with the devil, what can it be if it is not a food delivery?

Shu Zhili is the right way, and these years of cultivation will not let me down.

He has this confidence.

His expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly, "Which Demon God is your Excellency?"


The two people behind him were stunned.

Isn't it bootian? How did you become a devil?

You were the Great Demon Lord just now, but now you have become the Demon God, a figure equal to the witch holy man?


Zhao Yueru paused, squeezing over to stand beside Zhou Shu, with a sword in his hand and faith in his heart.

Zhu Huan didn't back down either. The flames on the brows and shoulders instantly exploded ~www.ltnovel.com~ covering the whole body and became a burning man.

"Burn my holy flame, bless my people!"

He chanted his unique greetings and strode forward, but instead stood in front of Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't say much.

Protecting other people is his subconscious move, but he can't stop others from fighting.

When he was in the Xuanhuang Realm, he would still want to stop, but when he got here, everyone had his own goal, and it was a wrong thing to be determined to be there.


It seemed to be responding to something, suddenly there was a long cry.

The flying Demon Abyss mayfly hovered in the air, turned its huge head, eyes like a fire wheel, and stared at the three people.

(Ps: Thank you Mondo for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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