Fairy Winner

Chapter 3164: Thank you sir

Zhou Shu suddenly stagnated.

For a moment, it seemed as if the heart was pinched by someone.

How did you forget the Demon Abyss Mayfly.

Although the mayfly was transformed from the bones of the **** beasts of the Xuanhuang Realm, it can be regarded as related to Zhou Shu. Previously, the mayfly did not prevent him from investigating, but now he absolutely does not think that in front of the demon god, the demon mayfly will show kindness to himself.

Haven't been in a big battle for a long time, have my mind been paralyzed?

This guy is definitely better than Zhutian, and coupled with the devil's possession of Zhutian, I am afraid it is really bad luck.

However, the more such a moment, the more unable to give in.

A few flashes of lightning flashed through his eyes as deep as a pool, breaking the calm lake and rolling up many waves.

The fighting spirit is full, and the battle is about to start.

But no one moves first. Everyone knows that it is never a good idea to start rashly without knowing what demon the opponent is.

Take a breath.

Another breath.

Another breath.

It seemed as long as a few days passed.

"Hehe, all serious."

Zhu Tian waved his hand, but smiled, "You don't have to be like this."

Zhou Shu's expression remained unchanged.

From Zhu Tian, ​​he did not feel the intent to kill, or even the slightest intention to fight, but his vigilance did not diminish in the slightest. The momentary relaxation may bring eternal regret.

Zhu Tian paused and said, "I won't move you, because I know that if I move you, this body may not be able to keep it, and now I am still reluctant to give up. It is rare to find such a suitable body, which is of great use. Ah, not to mention that you are just a clone. I killed you without any benefit. On the contrary, it is not worth the risk of losing a good body."

Zhou Shu looked at him, seemingly enlightened, "I also think it's not worthwhile."

"This is the weakness of your practitioners."

Zhu Tian shook his head slightly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, "I am you. I will definitely let go of a battle. It is an extremely rare opportunity and challenge for a practitioner like you to fight against a demon god. You must have gained a lot, and what you paid was just a trivial clone, but you chose not to fight and gave up such an opportunity for the two burdens around you, ha ha."

Zhao Yueru and Zhu Huan's face changed.

But none of them spoke.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "They are not a burden. Without them, I would not be able to walk today. I always think that having a group of companions like them is my greatest strength. And you gave up killing for a bad body. The best chance for the biggest opponent in the future, this is the real weakness."

Boiling stagnant, suddenly laughed, "Ha ha ha! Interesting, interesting, it’s been a long time since I saw a practitioner, it’s still so interesting."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Why am I interesting?"

"Confident to arrogant, ignorant to stupid? Isn't this fun?"

Zhu Tian suddenly sneered, "You practitioners will always be so ignorant and fearless, knowing nothing, but thinking that you understand the true meaning of the world, and say something about salvation, and do stupid things over and over again. I find it funny, the last one is like this, this one is like this again."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "What happened to the last one?"

Zhu Tian thought about it for a few breaths, "It should be a guard in Zero Demon Abyss. It took 30,000 years to become a demon guard. It took some time."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "I will save him one day."

There is no doubt that the last cultivator that the demon **** met died in a certain immortal war. The corpse sank in Zero Demon Abyss, and was eventually changed by Demon Qi and turned into Demon Guard. Demon Guard is the guardian of Demon Abyss. Most of them are transformed from dead cultivators and alien races. They are powerful, but they are controlled by demons. They are similar to demons, but they are much stronger than demons. They belong to special powerhouses who transcend the rules of nature.

"There seems to be nothing to say with you."

Zhu Tian Bai waved his hand boredly, and said lazily, "Hehe, I thought it was an interesting practitioner, that's all, before I leave, I remind you not to touch him, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "I didn't plan to move him, I will be separated soon."

"Remember your words, maybe you can live longer, but I know that one day I will see you in Zero Demon Abyss, your corpse."

Zhu Tian looked at Zhou Shu, smiled faintly, and then sat down still.

"I will see you, your..."

Before Zhou Shu finished speaking, he saw Zhu Tian raising his head, staring wide-eyed, and said dazedly, "What do you see, am I not here?"

"Why don't you barbecue?"

Zhou Shu smiled. Obviously, the possessed Demon God has already left, and Zhu Tian has returned. There is no need to say anything that has not been said.

"Barbecue, barbecue... Then I will barbecue."

Zhu Tian was still a little dazed, and he nodded unconsciously, did not know where to take out a large piece of meat, and grilled it.

The Demon Abyss Mayfly has also returned to its original condition, speeding up its flight, seeming to completely forget what happened just now.

"How did you... just talk to the Demon God like that?"

Zhao Yueru stared at Zhou Shu and fell back together. His heart jumped suddenly, very anxious and chaotic.

Seeing the devil in front of her, it was really not easy for her to suppress her nervousness until now.

In fact, Zhou Shu's heart is a bit chaotic, but other people can't see it. He calmly said, "Afraid that I will anger him, just do it? It's okay, if my attitude softens, it will be the real trouble. "

Zhao Yueru was puzzled, "Why?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Looking at the situation, the one who possessed the body just now should be Aotian Demon God. His temperament is the most arrogant and suspicious. If he can't keep up with him and keep a tough attitude, he will take the initiative to try, and I may not be able to. I can keep you."

Zhao Yueru understood something and murmured, "Aotian Demon God..."

Zhou Shu sighed, "He could see my ability, and he was worried that I would try my best to deal with Zhutian, so he was reluctant to do it, but as long as he was given a chance, he would never hesitate. This time it was actually very dangerous. I was also risking just now. Only by tit-for-tat, he dare not do anything. Fortunately, the result is good. In fact, you also did a good job. Facing Aotian, if your attitude is not tough, you will definitely be overwhelmed by him."

"I just don't want you to have an accident, but I didn't think so much."

Zhao Yueru patted herself ~www.ltnovel.com~ and relaxed a lot, unconsciously bringing out a touch of gentleness in her eyes, "What you said just now is very relieved, and I am very happy to hear what those companions said... Thank you. "

Zhou Shuwen said, "This is the way it is, what can you and me thank you for? I can't get here without you."

Zhao Yueru looked at him and nodded vigorously, "After that, we will go down together."

"for sure."

Zhou Shu smiled, his tone was light but firm.

"Thank you, sir."

Zhu Huan slowly eliminated the flame from his body and walked over to salute. The etiquette was the same as before, but his expression was different. Apart from respect, he was more trusting.

What Zhou Shu said just now clearly narrowed the distance between the two.

(Ps: Thank you Huoge for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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