Fairy Winner

Chapter 3165: Ai 1 lol

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Actually, you don't have to thank me, I didn't do it specifically for you."

"I know."

Zhu Huan was very serious, "For the adults, you may just say something by the way, but to me, this is a great favor. The Lord Wizard once said that Zhu Rong people, if you have a kindness, you will be repaid. If Mo Ruo is dead, if you have anything to send in the future, as long as it doesn't violate the wishes of Lord Sorcerer God, Zhu Huan will follow his orders."

Zhou Shu didn't say much, "Just do what you want."

Zhao Yueru is still wondering here, "How did he come out of this Aotian?"

Zhou Shu groaned, "Aotian Demon God should be aware of my previous killing intent on Zhu Tian. When Zhu Tian and Zhu Huan were arguing, I did have the thought of killing Zhu Tian. Just a flash of thought knew it was impossible. Okay, but I didn't expect that this flash of thought would have been noticed."

He shook his head, "Aotian really cares about cooking the sky."

Zhao Yueru understood something, "Is he always paying attention to Zhutian?"

"It seems so."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Zhu Tian has always had the power of the Demon God, but he doesn't know it, and he has enough talent. It is not surprising that the Demon God pays attention to him. I think Aotian intends to make him a magician. Right."

Zhao Yueru's expression condensed slightly, "Magic, I heard that the predecessor of the devil was a magician."

"Yes, the magic envoy is the demon clan that has been approved by the demon god, and it is impossible to achieve the position of the demon lord without the approval of the demon god," Zhou Shu glanced at Zhu Tian and said slowly, "I had a feeling before. , This guy has a boundless future. I didn't expect that he was really selected by the demon god, and he was also the demon **** Aotian. Aotian may be the demon **** with the most say in the devil world. The possibility of this guy becoming a demon master in the future is not so great."

He laughed and said, "I don't know if he has made a great enemy for him, but regret is useless."

"No matter how powerful, he can't beat you."

Zhao Yueru shook her head and smiled at the corner of her mouth, "Maybe it is a good thing. With this relationship, he may not be able to deal with you with all his strength. Besides, he is afraid of you now, and he will still be afraid of you when he becomes a demon lord."

Zhou Shu paused, "I'm not afraid of him, but it's different after the demon **** possesses his body."

Zhao Yueru seemed to think, "The possession of the demon **** completely deprived the demon of his original will?"

"It looks like this just now, the magic envoy can't resist it at all."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "But the devil's will should not be taken away so easily. The devil wants to control the demon world. If the devil loses his will so easily, how can they be worthy of being a devil? They just need to find a suitable body to be a puppet. The demon **** and the demon master are more of a relationship between master and slave, not a complete subordination."

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhutian and whispered, "That's good, we can bury a thorn in Zhutian."

Zhou Shu quickly understood, "Let his self-will expand and actively resist the possession of the devil?"

"It's definitely not possible to resist actively, but after being possessed, you can resist passively, so that the demon **** is not so happy," Zhao Yueru shook her head, "just like a cultivator seizes others, but fails to clean the other's soul, even if the opponent has only a trace. If the soul is there, it is tantamount to planting a bomb for yourself. When the bomb explodes, it is too late to regret and is doomed to death."

Zhou Shu looked at her, "I understand what you mean, how did you think of it?"

Zhao Yueru was very calm, "I have experienced it."

Zhou Shu was stunned, and said nervously, "Yueru, you got the blood of a real dragon, and your body is a half-dragon body, but the soul is not affected, right? What's the matter, is there a hidden danger now, caused by the dragon clan? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"It's not me."

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu, with a smile in her curved eyes, "I just experienced that when I was in Shushan, a Jianshan disciple was taken away by the sword."

Zhou Shu thought about it carefully. It was indeed impossible. He let go of his heart and said, "It is very rare to be seized by the sword, from a sword repairer to a sword slave, but it has happened in the Xuanhuang world before. There are also places, too careless."

"In Shushan, this kind of thing is not uncommon."

Zhao Yueru gently shook her head and said solemnly, "Since the establishment of the Sect of Shushan, there have been no fewer than a hundred Jianshan disciples who were taken away by the sword. In those hundreds of years, I have met twice, one failure and one success, but the results were not it is good."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Shu Shan did it on purpose, right? It's all sword repairs. It doesn't make sense to not even understand this. Don't be careful."

"Maybe, maybe Shu Shan regards this as a test for Jianshan disciples."

Zhao Yueru frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully, "The sword intent on the Sword Mountain in Shushan is too strong. Many of the sword intents give birth to self-will, but they cannot live in the sword and become sword spirits. The sword is extremely picky, and it is difficult for the elders to be recognized, let alone ordinary sword intent. These sword intents cannot become sword spirits, but they are reluctant to dissipate, and slowly become the masterless sword spirit, wandering around the sword mountain. If the disciples around Jianshan are too slack, these sword souls will take advantage of the vacancy and enter them to take them away."

"So, it's no wonder that someone is always taken away."

Zhou Shu was a little frightened when he heard it, and looked at her with a sigh, "This Jianshan disciple is really not good enough. Not only must he comprehend the sword intent by himself, but he must also resist the attack of these sword souls at all times. It is even more difficult. ......I have suffered you too."

Zhao Yueru said calmly, "Because of this, most of the famous Shushan Jianxiu are Jianshan disciples."

Zhou Shu nodded softly, "This kind of arduous method really produces talent, and those who can't make it are eliminated."

Zhao Yueru was quiet for a while, then suddenly said quietly, "Jianshan is very good, but I don't want to go back at all."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Where are you going back, Heyin School, Xianshu City is your home."


Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu and said seriously, "I want to beat him by myself, but if I... really can't beat him, you have to help me."

"Relax, as long as you are willing to stay, no one can take you away."

Zhou Shu also agreed very seriously.

Zhao Yueru laughed, smiling very quietly and beautifully, "I wonder if Lou Gang will chase us over."

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu is very affirmative. "We have left our first and last name in Liangmiao Country, and we didn’t hide our whereabouts. Go to Shushan, maybe he already knows now, he is looking for us everywhere, he seems to be near the demon world. "

Zhao Yueru nodded lightly, smiled and glanced at Zhuotian, "Wait until he comes, let's consider this guy first."

Zhou Shu also looked at Zhutian and nodded, "What you just said makes sense, I will do it."

Zhu Tian was stunned, and he looked up and down at his own barbecue. There was nothing abnormal, and he touched his head. "You two, what are you looking at? After looking at it for so long, what's so good about me?!"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru smiled at each other and said nothing.

(PS: Thank you Mundo for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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