Fairy Winner

Chapter 3174: Different

"What's the problem?"

Zhu Dashan smiled, "This cold mountain is like my stomach, you can toss it any way you want!"

"Then we are going to make trouble in your stomach, Yueru, holding a sword."

Zhou Shu smiled, but when he looked at Zhao Yueru, his eyes appeared very cautious.

As Zhao Yue knew, the sea-treading sword slipped off the palm of her hand, and the blue sword intent bloomed, covering her like a water ball.

In the blue light, her clothes are fluttering, just like that scene.

Zhou Shu was stunned before pointing to a mountain wall, "Old Zhu, go in from here."

Zhu Dashan walked over, raised his right hand, and the thick stone wall was opened like a curtain, showing a path.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Go ahead and listen to me."

A group of three people walked straight into the mountain wall.

Turning without a few steps, going up and down, going around, time passed, and it took almost two days to stop.

There was a gurgling sound in front of him, and he stared at it as an underground river.

It's not an ordinary river.

The river water has two colors of red and white, but the red is blood red, and the white is snow white. The two colors are particularly obvious, but they do not blend together. The two rivers of different colors are twisted together, up and down, and closely connected. Seeing from a distance, It's like a weird twist lying on the ground.

At the end of the underground river is a waterfall.

As the river falls, it splashes continuously, and the amount of water is getting smaller and smaller. When it reaches the bottom of the waterfall, it becomes completely cloudy.

The red and white clouds seep into the surrounding stone walls little by little, disappearing.


Zhu Dashan was a little stunned, "I never knew there was a river here, or such a weird river."

Zhao Yueru looked carefully, "Two-color river water? That red water is a blood pond, right? The magical energy in it is so strong, and the white water is similar to the fairy jade pond under Xianshu City, but not pure enough. Immortal jade cannot be born."

Zhou Shu nodded, "There are six laws of power in this water, so naturally it will not be pure, and the river water is not only two-color, but there is also a color when you look carefully."


Zhao Yueru leaned a few steps closer.

Zhou Shu reminded, "Don't run into it."

"I know."

Zhao Yueru observed carefully for a while, "between red and white, there seems to be a layer of cyan?"

"Well, the cyan is only a thread, but it is the link that maintains the balance between the two. I know that this blue thread is the power of the law of annihilation, but I still don't understand how it is formed and can it be so stable?"

He nodded slightly, and said with emotion, "The law of annihilation is recognized by the heavens as the law of evil, and he also believes that the meaning of annihilation is to swallow and change other forces. It is the least easy to control, and it is the easiest to influence other laws. The power of law, but now, these annihilating powers are firmly gathered together, not scattered or lost, and can separate the magic power from the power of law."

He knows the law of annihilation very well, not to speak of mastering it, but it is also transparent. To him, the scene before him is too incredible.

The power of annihilating the law can not only be confused with the magic power, but also can consume the power that affects other laws, but here it is clearly separated.

He didn't realize that if his own law of annihilation can be controlled freely, then the law of annihilation is also a very good high-level law, not inferior to the laws of destruction, and the power exerted may be better than these high-level laws It is better and stronger, and one step further. If this method of control is incorporated into Shu Zhi Dao, and the laws that Shu Zhi Dao cannot integrate, Shu Zhi Dao can also make great progress,-just think about it. As long as he can do this, he can even go to the ghost domain to devour the ghost king to increase his strength without affecting his mind.

But how to do it, he still has no idea.

The two knew he was enlightening, and they didn't bother him.

Zhou Shu quickly regained consciousness and pointed to the waterfall, "Here is the mountainside of Hanshan Mountain. The river water passes through here. Most of the law's power penetrates through the mountain wall, while the remaining magic power and the power of the demon **** are intercepted and absorbed by Hanshan. , Making Hanshan grow stronger and stronger is tantamount to a filtering process."

Zhao Yueru seemed to understand, "The snow outside is formed by the force of the laws that flow out?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "After these powers went out, they consumed each other with the magical energy and magical powers in the realm, and produced various anomalies. The strange thing is that they will not be offset by each other in the cold mountain, and they are clearly separated when they fall in the waterfall. , Do not interfere with each other."

Zhao Yueru said simply, "I can't figure out why."

Zhu Dashan spread his hands.

Zhou Shu didn't count on them either, just watched it seriously.

Zhu Dashan, who followed behind, suddenly screamed, as if he had made some big discovery, "Xiao Zhou, listen to what you said, this cold mountain filters out the power of unneeded laws and leaves behind the magic power that we want, just like our practice. what!"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Heaven and earth are naturally like this, and our cultivation also follows the laws of nature and nature, leaving useful things to be absorbed and refined, discarding useless ones, and slowly, people will become stronger."

"I think this mountain is alive."

Zhu Dashan said with joy, "We are now in its meridian, observing its cultivation process. The power of the law of annihilation you mentioned is kneaded by it, and various forces are separated by it. This is actually very clear. Well."

Zhou Shu laughed, "You can think so, but it's not the key. Regardless of whether it is alive or dead, what we are looking for are laws and principles."

"It's too much trouble, too complicated, I definitely can't figure it out."

Zhu Dashan shook his head, "I think, just follow it, maybe it will work."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "You don't know the principle, how can you follow it?"

"Just follow along," Zhu Dashan said seriously, "I look at this dark river now, and the meridians can move with it. Xiao Zhou, you were right before. It seems that the cultivation speed is faster and the effect is also good. much better."

Zhou Shu was stunned for a while, and suddenly said, "Has Hanshan really become your body?"

"It was originally."

Zhu Dashan said frankly, "Hanshan was originally mine, so I can learn from it. If I have to understand the principle before doing it, wouldn't it be unnecessary?"

Zhou Shu looked at him for a while ~www.ltnovel.com~ and suddenly said, "I think too much. Actually, for you, there is no need to understand the principle. As long as you find a place, you can see it and you can learn. If you do, Hanshan’s cultivation process is what you feel, and you just need to follow your feelings."

People and people are indeed different.

"Yes, that's true."

Zhu Dashan clapped his hands and was a little confused, "However, my feeling is not clear enough, it seems that this is not the whole process of Hanshan's cultivation, right?"

"Of course not. This is just the meridians. To see the whole process of cultivation, you have to go to the Dantian."

Zhou Shu pointed to the other side of the dark river, unconsciously laughed, "It's easy now, just show what you want to see in front of you, you can learn by feeling, without understanding the principle, and the result will not be bad... …Unexpectedly, this step is so simple for you. I have been thinking about it for several days."

(PS: Thank you for the long-term support of Eyelid Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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