Fairy Winner

Chapter 3175: have some problem

Looking at Zhu Dashan, Zhou Shu was a little envious.


Indeed, for Zhu Dashan, it doesn’t matter whether he knows the principles or not. In fact, even if he summarizes these things and puts them in front of him, he may not know how to understand and learn, so complicated, how can he follow Hanshan? Simple?


   For Zhou Shu, only by understanding the principles can he learn to master it.


   People are different from people.


   Zhou Shu is just a little bit envious. There is nothing wrong with being like this. The moment when he understands the mystery of all things is a great satisfaction for Zhou Shu, not to mention that after being thoroughly mastered, he can learn from other things and improve his own way of comfort.


   "Along the river?"


   Zhu Dashan pointed to the dark river, a little anxious.


   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Let's go, but be careful, I don't know if there is any hindrance."


   Zhu Dashan strode ahead, very happy.


   Zhao Yueru glanced at him, "Lao Zhu, isn't Hanshan equal to your body? Why don't you even know where the meridians are? It's so stupid that Zhou Shu can find out with you."


   "Who would think so much, I thought Hanshan is a mountain."


   Zhu Dashan grinned, "Besides, Hanshan is so big, Elder Zhao, it's almost the same if you are replaced, it's not that simple."


   Zhao Yueru stagnated, "I will never be worse than you. If I don't know where it came from, I will practice it if I am confused."


Zhou Shu smiled and looked at the two of them. Since entering the Demon Realm, Zhao Yueru's words have become more frequent. Sometimes she seems deliberate, not quite like herself, but this is not a bad thing. She was indeed colder in the past, and now everyone is in the heavens. Struggle, change yourself appropriately, nothing bad.


   Along the underground river all the way down, Zhou Shu looked very carefully, and even wrote down the path.


   Several hours later, Zhu Dashan stopped.


"what happened?"


   Zhu Dashan was taken aback, "Such a big rock?"


   A huge rock in front of him blocked the way.


   One end of the underground river is closely connected with the rock, but the two seem to have no connection. The water did not touch the rock, nor did the rock drill a hole, and the water did flow out of the rock.


   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Why, Lao Zhu, you can't get through?"


   "Aren't Hanshan all big rocks?"


   Zhao Yueru also felt strange, "This situation is rare, but along the way, didn't we all come here like this? There are rocks in the way everywhere, and when you see it, you just tore it away with your hands."


   Zhu Dashan was taken aback, not knowing what to say for a while.


   Zhou Shu paused, "Is it the body's feedback to you? The body, that is, Hanshan tells you that you can't get through here? That's why you stopped."




   Zhu Dashan nodded quickly, "It's just a feeling that I can't walk anymore and can't make it through."


   Zhao Yueru smiled unconsciously, "You also said that Hanshan can be tossed casually."


   Zhu Dashan touched his head, a little annoyed, "I don't know, I feel like I've stopped here, and I can't tear this rock apart."


   "It's okay, a little problem."


Zhou Shu walked a few steps closer and looked at it carefully for a while, "This is not a stone, it is a very dense gray mist, formed by some confused forces. They block here and cannot completely stop the dark river, but can hinder the normal operation of Hanshan. To put it simply, they are like impurities accumulated in the meridians, which are obstacles to practice."


   Zhao Yueru seemed to realize something, "Impurities, is there a way to get rid of it?"


   "Yes, I will remove it."


Zhou Shu smiled with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I thought there was no flaw in the formation here, but I didn't expect it to still exist. In the process of power flow, a lot of power still leaked out, and it was confused with the magical energy around me. , The formation of such impurities does not have much impact on the whole, but it still affects the evolution of Hanshan, otherwise Hanshan could be better."


   Zhao Yueru looked at him and asked suspiciously, "How do I feel, you really regard Hanshan as a cultivator?"


   "It was originally."


   Zhou Shu nodded very seriously, "I just treat Hanshan as Lao Zhu's body. Now I am treating him for medical treatment, keeping the meridians open and able to run smoothly, otherwise Lao Zhu can't learn it well after seeing it. That's not useless."


   Zhu Dashan laughed, "I don't understand anything else, but I understand this sentence, Xiao Zhou, just do it, and just say what I need."


   Zhou Shu gently shook his head, and said in a serious tone, "It's fine if you look at it honestly. I just don't know if you will hurt when you remove the impurities."


   Zhu Dashan stagnated, and said bitterly, "It's okay, I'm used to it."


   "He lied to you, how can it hurt in the other way?"


   Zhao Yueru laughed unconsciously, "If it really hurts, just now so many people stepped on Hanshan and were still working on Hanshan. You already hurt to death."


   Zhou Shu did not speak, and walked straight to the solid gray fog.


   pondered for a long time.


There are seven powers of law and magic power in the gray fog, but they are not stable like dark rivers, but are entangled and attack each other and consume each other. The situation is very complicated, but it is not difficult to simply remove them all. .


   The reason why he thinks is because he thinks of a question. If he continues to attack, will these forces become Chaos forces?


   This is something he has been considering and experimenting.


There is a valley in the demon refining world, and there are many kinds of law fragments in it. They have entangled and consumed each other in the valley. Now it has been many years, and a similar gray mist has grown there, which is much lighter than here. , (The impurities here are at least tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years).


   He did these things just to get some real and visible chaotic power.


   Chaos is the source of all forces, so if you confuse all forces and attack each other, will they return to Chaos?


   is not only for reference to the law of chaos, but also for comfort.


He feels that the Law of Chaos and Shu Zhi Dao actually have many similarities. They can be compatible with Wanli. One produces Wanli, which can be called the source of Wanli. The other is to integrate Wanli and make use of it. (Of course, now The Shu Zhi Dao can not be compared with the Chaos Law, but in Zhou Shu's view, the purpose of Shu Zhi Dao is this), maybe the two can finally come together?


   is just a vague idea, there will be no results before he himself transcends the law, and maybe not afterwards.


   After all, the saints in the heavens ~www.ltnovel.com~ don't know if they can penetrate the law of chaos.


   Putting away his thoughts, he began to clean up the impurities.


The power of energy and the power of reincarnation are used together, one to clean up the law, one to guide the magic, and to use the magic to lure the power of the devil. The operation is naturally very complicated, but it has been deduced before, and it is not difficult. The only thing that needs attention is It cannot affect the meridians below.


   After about half an hour, the gray mist in front of him quickly melted at a visible speed.


   After a while, the gray mist completely disappeared, and Zhou Shu's figure was slightly shaken, showing a slight pain.


"what happened?"


   Both are very concerned.


   Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "It's okay, just stay with me for the time being. I won't get in the way when I go out to solve it."


   There are some messy powers that cannot be completely eliminated. Fearing that the detonation will affect the operation of Hanshan, first use the power of energy to mix them together and store them.

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