Fairy Winner

Chapter 3177: He realized

"This cold mountain's vision was born from the entanglement of this senior with the demon god."


   Zhao Yueru sighed unconsciously, "Fighting fiercely during his lifetime, but still entangled after death, just like the battle between our practitioners and the demons, which will never stop."


Zhou Shu nodded, "Under the guidance of the Demon God, Han Shan gathered all the demon energy of the Lorca world together, and the power that this senior had in his lifetime was too much and too deep. No one on both sides can do anything about it. They have maintained it for so many years. Balance."


   "It's very strange."


Zhao Yueru stared at the moon mirror, "How could such a powerful practitioner die in the Lorka Realm on the edge of the Demon Realm? As far as I know, there are not many quasi-saints who died in the Demon Realm. Except for the few, most They are all folded in the Zero Demon Abyss. There should be no one who died in other places. A quasi-sage-level powerhouse will not die easily even if he encounters a demon master, let alone on the edge of the demon world."


   Zhou Shu paused, "His opponent is too strong."


   Zhao Yueru's expression was slightly condensed, "Is it really the devil?"


   Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The devil should be one of them."


   Zhao Yueru was surprised, "There is more than one opponent, it is a siege? The demon master will besiege? You watched with the power of reincarnation?"


   Zhou Shu shook his head, "No."


No, not only because he said he would not use the power of reincarnation casually, but also because the result of using it here will not be good. His grasp of the power of reincarnation is definitely not as good as this predecessor and the demon god. He used the power of reincarnation without authorization. , It is easy to affect the balance of power between the demon **** and the corpse, breaking the pattern of Hanshan, let alone other consequences, at least it is difficult for Zhu Dashan to practice.


   And Zhou Shu also felt that using the power of reincarnation against the remains of this predecessor was a kind of disrespect.


Seniors have been fighting against the demons from life to death. They are role models for thousands of practitioners. As juniors, you must maintain sufficient awe. Zhou Shu's strength cannot help him resolve the fire of the Demon Abyss, so it is necessary to maintain the original state. Respect.


   Zhao Yueru was taken aback, "Then how did you know?"


   Zhou Shu moved the moon mirror and pointed to the corpse tens of feet away, "Look here."


   The mist in the moon mirror gradually dissipated, revealing a flying sword half inserted on the ground.


The flying sword is full of turquoise spots, only occasionally revealing a little light, and it is no longer able to distinguish its grade and material. The still white sword hilt is painted with a small hill. The strokes are very simple, but the momentum is majestic. Four claw marks that went up and down clearly appeared on the mountain, dividing the hill into five pieces.




   Zhao Yueru exclaimed, and quickly shook his head, "No, Shushan is not like this, is that Kunlun?"


   Zhou calmly said, "It should be Hengshan. I have seen this mark in the Hengshan Sword Classic, the same."


   "He is from Hengshan, is he Jian Xiu?"


   Because of this flying sword, Zhao Yueru was inexplicably angry, and more confused, "Why can't I feel a bit of sword intent?"


   "The sword intent should be exhausted, but there is still his breath on the sword, it should be the sword he used."


Zhou Shu said slowly, "So I think he has more than one opponent. It is only the demon master who left the mark of the fire of the Demon Abyss, and it is another one who consumes his sword intent with him, and there may be more than one, but One of them must have been possessed by the Blood Devouring Demon God, and can leave such deep claw marks on the Taoist artifacts. In the Devil Realm, there will be no other means besides the Blood Devouring Demon's grasp."


   The demon master has been able to use the demon to disintegrate, and it is basically a demon **** who can live in the demon world. Of course, the demon **** will not choose the demon master to possess.


   Zhao Yueru's heart was shocked, and it took a long time before he said, "A few demon gods come together to besiege him, he must be very important."


   "And as soon as he entered the Demon Realm, the Demon God came, as if he wouldn't give up without killing him."


Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It means that the Demon God has been paying attention to him, and his every move is being monitored by the Demon Race. I am really curious about which practitioner can be so valued by the Demon World... I remember Hengshan in the fairy world. It didn't exist 100,000 years ago, right?"


   Zhao Yueru responded quickly, "It is more than ninety-three thousand years. I have read some records of Hengshan. The last lord was named Sun Mu, and the realm was only Jinxian."


   Zhou Shu looked at her, "How many quasi-sages have been out of Hengshan?"


   "There seems to be none at all."


Zhao Yueru thought for a while, and said affirmatively, "Yes, there is no one. After the Hengshan sword sage Yuenan left, Hengshan fell into decline. Since then, the strongest sword repair is only the Golden Immortal, and no one can enter. Quasi-Saint."


   Zhou Shu sighed, "I think too much, if Hengshan still has a quasi-sage, Hengshan will not disappear."


   Zhao Yue thought about it, "Maybe he just used Hengshan's sword, but he is not a Hengshan person."


   Zhou Shu paused, "Maybe."


   Seven rules, plus a sword repair identity, such a person should be easy to make an impression, but he has no memory at all.


Zhao Yueru stared at the sword, not knowing what he was thinking, and suddenly said, "Can you take the sword out? We walked here, and didn't perceive any sword intent. Maybe the balance here has nothing to do with the sword intent. It won’t matter if the sword is taken away?"


   "No, the sword intent and the devil's claws have already destroyed each other, leaving only traces."


   Zhou Shu paused, "I am also thinking about how to get it. It may be useful, but it will take some time to prepare."


   Zhao Yueru looked at him, "You don't have to think about it. You may just let him move his hands when Lao Zhu wakes up."


Zhou Shu suddenly said, "What you are saying is that now that Lao Zhu sees the situation here, after his enlightenment, he will probably be able to influence his dantian, which is Hanshan, to control his own. It is probably not difficult for him to take an insignificant thing. "


   Zhu Dashan is still standing in place, but his attitude is quite different.


   was at a loss before, but now stands majestic and dignified like a mountain, as if blending with the earth under his feet.


Unknowingly, his body undulated slightly, and the ground followed along with it, which seemed to coincide with a certain pattern. The water flow in the lake accelerated a lot, and the dark river flowed a little more quickly. .


   Zhao Yueru glanced at Zhou Shu, quite delighted, "It seems that he has realized it."


   "It's so fast."


   Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously~www.ltnovel.com~ This Hanshan is indeed the same as his body, every move, almost completely following his rhythm, incredible. "


Zhao Yueru curiously asked, "Zhou Shu, if he has cultivated well, will all the power of the senior body, the magic power in this demon world, and the power of the demon **** in the mark of the demon **** be absorbed by him? Then he will What did it look like, is it really several thousand feet tall? Then how could he return to the Yunjuan realm, so tall, flying is very laborious..."


   Zhou Shu smiled, "Thinking about it, have you ever heard of a demon master who is thousands of feet high?"


   Zhao Yueru condensed her eyebrows, "This is not true. The demon master in the record seems to be about the same height as the practitioner."


"That's it."


   Zhou said comfortably, "Now he is tall, but he can't control it. He has really cultivated to a high level, and he will naturally return to the original and return to the past. You don't have to worry about it."


   Zhao Yueru covered her mouth and smiled, "I'm a little stupid."



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