Fairy Winner

Chapter 3178: Most trusted

Not long after.


   Zhu Dashan opened his eyes and walked up refreshedly, with a satisfied expression, as if he had just eaten tens of thousands of catties of meat.


   Zhou Shu looked at him with a smile, "You have enlightened, why don't you practice for a while?"


   "If you know how to practice, then what am I in a hurry?"


Zhu Dashan smiled, "What you said is that it is ten times faster than before. I estimate that at most two hundred years, I can refine this entire cold mountain into my own. At that time, it wanted to tie me up? Hey, it’s the other way around! I ran with it, and went wherever I wanted!"


   Zhou Shu nodded, "If you have confidence, that's good."


   "You still have the ability, Xiao Zhou."


Zhu Dashan looked solemnly, "If I'm alone, I'm sure I'm still ignorant and stupid, I don't know how to do it... Sometimes I think about it, if I'm like you, I think about everything. , Will it be better."


   Zhao Yueru looked at him and smiled, "Then you may not have the chance now."


   "Is that right, elder?"


   Zhu Dashan was taken aback, touching his head and saying, "Is it really a silly person who has a silly blessing? There seems to be something wrong."


Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Hehe, she is teasing you. You are not stupid. It is not something ordinary people can do if you can learn Fumo Shanti. However, everyone has different personalities, so you don't have to learn from me. It’s good for you to be like this. I am in your position and I am not as good as you."


   "Of course I won't learn from you anymore. I have to ask the bottom of everything. Do you want to exhaust me?"


Zhu Dashan looked at the lake in the distance, "What were you looking at just now? Tell you, there is now my dantian, but don't touch it. If it breaks and the power inside leaks out, this Hanshan will I can't stop it when it collapses."


   Zhao Yueru frowned, "Who is going to move your pubic area? It's not a beautiful thing, it's very weird."


   Zhou said in a soothing voice, "Lao Zhu, do you feel that there are foreign objects or impurities in your dantian?"


   Zhu Dashan nodded affirmatively, "No, everything is smooth, there are no obstacles at all. I perceive it very clearly. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to just follow the practice and it's still so smooth."


   Zhou Shu nodded, "That's good, it means that the sword didn't affect you, and it won't matter if you take it out."


   Zhu Dashan looked blank, "Sword, there is a sword in my dantian?"


   Zhou Shu opened the moon mirror and said, "No, it's there. Try to feel it, see if you can move it, and take it out."


   "Does it really exist?"


Zhu Dashan looked at the sword and felt depressed, "How did you see it? I don't know. I didn't even find it in the dantian. If it explodes someday, wouldn’t it destroy my dantian? Then..."


   Zhou Shu glared at him, "You're here again, the same as before."


   "Neither wordy nor wordy."


   Zhu Dashan shook his head quickly, and paused there, not knowing what he had done, he saw the flying sword shake a few times, and then slowly drilled out of the ground.


   The sword body is also rusty, and there are many claw marks on it. One claw even penetrates the sword body directly, leaving a gap.




   Following Zhu Dashan's roar, the flying sword flew straight up, stuck to the ground, along the pit wall, and fell in front of a few people.


   Zhou Shu quickly stretched out his hand to copy it, and Zhao Yueru leaned over.


   After a few breaths.


   "It's Hengshan's sword."


   Zhao Yueru nodded affirmatively, "The dark patterns sunken in the body of the sword and the fine serrations on the sword are all unique sword-making methods in Hengshan."


   Zhou Shu kept watching, but said nothing.


   He didn’t use the power of reincarnation to look at the remains, but it’s okay to look at the sword, right?


   However, his power of reincarnation has no effect on the sword, nor does it have any effect on the claw marks on it.


This is very strange. Now his power of reincarnation has no effect on only one thing, that is, items related to saints, and all other things will be effective if used in reincarnation, even if you can’t see through it. Feedback from magic barriers, and looking at this sword and claw marks, there is nothingness in front of them, as if they had never existed in Samsara, or their existence transcended Samsara.


   The former is impossible, because the sword is in the hand, but it is incomprehensible to say that they transcend reincarnation.


  After mastering reincarnation, he encountered this situation for the first time. Could it be that a saint deliberately erased the meaning of their existence?


However, there is another more terrifying possibility, that is, the saint or demon who looked at him through reincarnation before and began to warn him further. He does not think that the saint can deprive him of the law of reincarnation, but he must prevent It is not difficult to disturb him not being able to use the power of reincarnation normally.


  If this is true, this will be the biggest crisis he has encountered.


   means that he can no longer trust his power.


   This feeling is a bit similar to being obstructed by the heavens in the Xuanhuang Realm, but this time the problem is obviously greater.


Will the saint do this kind of thing? What is the reason for the saint to discipline him so much? It is because of the excessive use of the power of reincarnation, to understand the past of others without permission, to check the memories of all things, continue, will it? There are more serious consequences to completely lose the power of reincarnation?


   Maybe he was just suspicious, but after thinking deeply, he told himself that he must take warning.


   Even if you are suspicious, you should treat this incident as a second reminder, as a real punishment.


   You can’t keep using the power of reincarnation because it is easy to use, because others do not understand the law and seize other people’s secrets. It is indeed not good, and it also brings unnecessary cause and effect for yourself. Why do you have to use the power of reincarnation? Zhou Shu, as a founder of Taoism, what you trust most is your Shuzhidao. If you can use Shuzhi's power to solve it, don't use the power of reincarnation. Even if it’s a lot of trouble, it doesn’t matter. Exercise yourself well.


   Otherwise, even if you hide this time, there may still be major problems in the future.


It’s also funny. I used to practice for a long time in the Xuanhuang world, and I always set aside a period of time to meditate and reflect on my own, and strengthen my heart. Now when I arrive in the heavens, I have to be reminded by others to reflect on myself. Up.


   He has a decision.


   Zhao Yueru looked at him expectantly, "What's wrong, what did you see?"


   How did she know that Zhou Shu has gone through a big change in just a few breaths.


  "There is no more information~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu shook his head, "The power of reincarnation is invalid for it. "


   Zhao Yueru said quickly, "It can resist the highest law? Even if it is still intact, it can't be done."


   Zhou Shu looked at the sword and said calmly, "This shows that I am still a bit late to understand it, but one day, I will get the answer."


   Zhao Yueru was stunned, "I, I thought you were going to get to the bottom, why did you give up."


   Zhu Dashan also felt that something was wrong, "Yes, it's not like you, Xiao Zhou, you have to understand everything, and you have to figure out the principles and laws, hehe."


   "I am still me, unchanged, but this is indeed beyond the scope of my current ability, I will talk about it later."


Zhou Shu put the sword aside, smiled and said, "Lao Zhu, tell me how you practiced. Don't miss any feelings. I also want to figure out the secrets of the seven laws and magical powers here, right. For me, this is the best thing to do right now."

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