Fairy Winner

Chapter 3179: 1 model 1

The unfavorable power of reincarnation suffered another setback, which made Zhou Shu wary.

Not a bad thing.

Although Liangyuan is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time, and the power of reincarnation is Liangyuan, and you cannot indulge in it.

Only Shu Zhidao and Shu Zhili can grow with him. Sooner or later, Shu Zhidao will transcend reincarnation and leave the highest law behind. Maybe that day is still far away, but wouldn't it be good to prepare early? Besides, Shu Zhidao is now in a position between the higher-order law and the highest law, which is tantamount to being stuck at a bottleneck, and it is time to think of it further.

The flying sword was put away by Zhao Yueru.

Zhu Dashan promised, explaining to Zhou Shu his thoughts on cultivation.

He speaks badly, speaks eloquently, and misses from time to time, but he is serious.

For Zhou Shu, this was enough. He had the basis for his deduction and the actual object was in front of him. All he needed was some feeling, which happened to be what Zhu Dashan could provide.

It was a long time before I knew it, and Zhou Shu gradually gained a lot of new insights into the integration of many laws.

This side is still listening to thinking, the body side has already started the trial with the Tao furnace, and many insights can be used directly.

While practicing, a green shadow flashed over, "Zhou, that fool of Xiaozhao is back!"


Zhou Shu was startled slightly, and opened up the perception shared with the core of the source. As expected, a group of people from outside the world were speeding over and saw Sima Yi at a glance, and behind Sima Yi, there was another person who surprised Zhou Shu.

He stood up and said, "You knew it earlier than I did, and you must have not practiced well, and you knew you would walk around outside without going to the dojo."

"My palace is kind to tell you, do you still talk about this palace? Besides, this palace is to go to Qishan to have a look. Xuanhu's side is also very good now, but there is still no one," Caiying shook his head disdainfully, "Zhou, you I always ask my palace to go to the dojo, but what can those idiots teach."

Zhou Shu shook his head and walked out.

Caiying followed, "Zhou, when can someone be there?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It will be here soon."

Caiying snorted, "I always say that, except for those in Hachi Country, no one else has come."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Do you really want someone?"

"Zhou, it's you who are talking about the lack of people in Xiancheng all day long. This palace hopes that someone will come!" Caiying paused and looked at him angrily. "It's not for you, you bad guy, but now I want People? No matter how this happens, the palace will no longer care about you or Xiancheng!"

Zhou Shu touched her head and smiled, "Don't be angry, let's take the trick."

Caiying suddenly became quiet, "That guy seems to have tricked a lot of people into coming over, and it's kind of useful."

Taking a look at Zhou Shu, she laughed and jumped, her steps lightened a lot.

Soon before the passage, a group of dozens of people appeared before him.

Sima Yi stepped forward to salute Zhou Shu, "City Lord, please come to meet you in person, how embarrassed."

His look was more respectful than before. There was no other reason. What happened in Haze Kingdom was passed on to him through King Mu, so he would never doubt Zhou Shu's ability anymore, and on the way back, He secretly made the decision that in the future, the Sima family must be tied to Zhou Shu.

Such a choice is not difficult to make. Xianshu City and Hachi Country are already worthy of the declining Sima family's bet.

Zhou Shu quickly helped him up and said warmly, "I am embarrassed. Senior Sima has had a hard time traveling."

Sima Yi could not afford to bow his head and did not raise his head. He was sincere, "The old man is no more than a **** of the city lord. In front of the lord, how dare the old man call him a senior? Never, if the city lord does not change his name, how can the old man be in immortality in the future? Shucheng stands on? Please take back the word senior."

The group of people behind him looked at Sima Yi, unconsciously surprised.

Most of them were businessmen. They followed Sima Yi all the way. They were far away and suffered minor catastrophes. In the face of these catastrophes, Sima Yi’s demonstrated strength impressed them very much. Without Sima Yi, they would be very impressed. They may suffer a lot of losses. They all think that Sima Yi should be an important figure in the city of Xianshu, but seeing the scene before them, the powerful Sima Yi they admire is so respectful to a young city lord, almost submissive and humble. In the bones, he also became more curious and trusting in Xianshu City without consciously.

Such a strong character is willing to be the **** of the city lord, the strength of Xiancheng and the city lord can be imagined.

At the end of the team, a young man in white looked at him indifferently, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Shu had to change his name and smiled, "From then on, I'll call you Brother Sima."

He never thought about Sima Yi’s move, and it felt very sudden, but it was more of appreciation. Sima Yi did this in front of these businessmen, which really depressed his identity, but also gained his trust, the most important thing. What is to give Xiancheng weight, he is really a smart and good person.

He will never treat such a person wrongly.

Sima Yi was overjoyed and quickly got up, "Thank you, the lord!"

After placing a bet, he has to do it to the extreme. This move was planned long ago, and he has made a lot of preparations for this.

Losing some face is nothing. If you can be a brother to the city lord and get the city lord's trust, the destiny of the Sima family will be much better.

Two white shadows flew out from the team behind, one left and the other fell in front of Zhou Shu, and at the same time they said, "I'm back!"

Caiying was stunned for a moment, "Ah, why are there two tricks?"

"Hey Hey."

The same laughter and the same expression appeared on the two same lucky beasts.

"Not a clone?"

Caiying looked left and right a few times, still at a loss, she frowned, "Come out, which is the real trick?"

"All, all."

The two lucky beasts glanced at each other, and looked at Caiying with a smile, "I'm an idiot Caiying, I'll tell you the one who called me the master."

Caiying said angrily, "My palace won't call you! Small trick, you dare to call my palace a fool?"

"Then you never know, idiot, idiot."

Still in unison, they raised their tails high together, and their mouths were flattened with anger. The green light flashed in the hands, and the sword shadow came out heavy, "My palace tried you with the sword intent. It turns out that the trick is dumb and stupid. Weak, definitely..."

Before I finished talking, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com jumped up with two little tricks, and jumped to Zhou Shu's shoulders, one on each side.

"Try it, if you meet Zhou Shu, be careful that he beats you and scolds you, hehe."

The little tricks looked at Caiying arrogantly while rubbing their furry tails on Zhou Shu's face. They laughed happily, but they looked at Caiying more and more anxious, "You two, come down to this palace! "

"Don't come down, come up if you have the ability."

The little tricks laughed louder and louder.

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand, caught the little trick on the left, and smiled, "Little trick, stop making trouble."

"You are just eccentric."

The little trick hummed and shook his ears, and the other little trick also jumped down. The two stood together, really exactly the same.

(Ps: Thank you Chen Shihong for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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