Fairy Winner

Chapter 3180: Polite 1 point

Sima Yi looked dazed.

Just now, I acted in a scene with eloquent emotion and made others believe that the city lord is strong and Xianshu City is not to be underestimated. You can give me a little trick. You can play such a slapstick at the gate of the city. What do you think? Most of his painstaking efforts were also wasted.

Before, I specifically told Xiaozhao to cooperate with each other, why is it still like this?

"Small recruits and small fortunes, the two are really eclectic."

"Haha, doing business is an expert in the world, I can't think of it being so humorous, haha."

"Long knowledge, I really want to enter Xianshu City quickly."

"If the city owner can have Xiao Zhao Xiaocai and Sima Yi's subordinates, Xianshu City is definitely good."

The businessmen smiled slightly, and looked at a few people arguing in a kind manner, with no regard for them.

Sima Yi was stunned.

The little trick chuckled, and murmured a few words, "No matter what I do, they will say yes."

Sima Yi's expression stagnated, and soon understood.

This group of businessmen came to Xianshu City not because of themselves. They made money. The future lies in the tricks. Naturally, they obey the tricks. Even if the tricks do something extraordinary, they will only applaud.

People are different from people. No, the trick is not people.

Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hands, "Everyone who came to Xianshu City, they are all my important guests. You have worked hard from afar, please come into the city."

A group of businessmen followed Zhou Shu into the city, Caiying and the little tricks were still making a fuss, and the young man in white suddenly appeared beside Zhou Shu at some unknown time, with a smile on his indifferent face.

"City Lord Zhou is right under his command."

"This is not my idea, Brother Sun, why did you come to me?"

"Leaving Liangmiao Country, I will pass by you on the way, just come and see, Xiancheng is very good."

"Thank you, you left?"

Zhou Shu looked at Sun Juan, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

Sun Juan nodded and said faintly, "Liangmiao Kingdom has no more value left."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "What's strange is that the Wizarding World and the Good Miao Nationality let you go? Where is Haze Country? As far as I know, your every move is under their surveillance. You are leaving the Good Miao Nationality, they Will not miss the opportunity."

Since entering the heavens, among the people Zhou Shu admired most, no matter how he counts, there will always be Sun Juan.

Over the past few years, there has been a chaos in the outer borders, and Sun Juan should be the first contributor, and he is still a golden immortal, with a low cultivation base, but can wander among the forces of the Quartet. Come and go if you want. This can only show that, His attainments in mind and military skills have reached an unprecedented level.

"These are not important points."

Sun Juan smiled slightly, "If you want to go, there is always a way."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I haven't seen the people from the Suspension Bell Sect. Are they assured that you will enter the outer domain alone?"

Sun Juan sighed lightly, "I came to you to retell the past, but you always ask me extra things, so I have to go."

"Well, then I won't ask, Brother Sun."

Zhou Shu looked at Sun Juan and shook his head, showing a lot of helplessness.

Sun Juan stagnated, thinking of something, but also a little helpless, "Zhou Shu, now you are the lord of the city, but you are still as persistent as the Xuanhuang world. Ask it, but there is only one question. Some things, you know it. Pointless."

Zhou Shu suddenly solemnly said in a solemn voice, "Brother Sun, you are still the same as you used to be, so I'm relieved."

Sun Juan frowned, "When am I different?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I sometimes think more, but I now know that the disciple of Ghost Valley really lives up to this name."

Sun Juan paused, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Now you don't ask?"

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "You have been sticking to your way, what can I say, and if I ask or not, things will not change, so why ask more... However, I am still a little curious..."

Sun Juan shook his head secretly, "You are here again. Last time you asked me to save people, it was not so bad, right?"

"Last time it was a tens of thousands of people. This time it was just a small matter. You don't need to be so solemn." Zhou Shu smiled and thought for a while. "I have heard from you many times. One thing is certain. You should be Entered Genting City, right? Why are you now in the Hanging Bell Sect again?"

Sun Juan said frankly, "I went to Genting City to help Master deal with matters related to the door. When the matter is resolved, I will leave naturally."

Zhou Shu stopped, "Pang Bin? Did you kill him?"

Sun Juan shook his head, "No, just following Master's order, he broke his feet."

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, "I still can't hide."

Sun Juan said faintly, "He knows he can't hide, even if he leaves Guigu Mountain, he is still a Guigu disciple. In fact, this is better. He has officially returned to the door wall now and knows what he should do."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly. He couldn't hide from what he said, but it was not what Sun Juan understood. Of course he couldn't say it.

"What kind of puppet is that?"

Sun Juan suddenly pointed forward, somewhat curious.

A team of snow puppets was walking slowly, followed by the snow girl who looked like ice and snow. The businessmen's eyes were all on the snow girl, but Sun Juan stared at the puppets, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Snow puppets are unique to Xianshu City, and the maker is the woman behind."

He didn’t know that Sun Juan liked puppets, but it’s not surprising that when he thinks about it, Guiguzi and the Lu family were called Shuangjue back then. One likes to make and the other likes to use. They have cooperated many times. However, as the Lu family withered, Guiguzi’s puppets Tao seems to be deserted.

Seeing Sun Juan's eyes, he seemed to have thought of something and smiled happily.

"Then I will go and see."

Sun Juan raised his hand, walked into the puppet queue a few steps, and talked with Xue Nu.

The puppets and people quickly disappeared around the corner.

Zhou Shu was still looking at the corner, thinking about something, Caiying didn't know when to come around, "Why are you so polite to him?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Have you been watching?"

Caiying raised her head, "Where is it in this palace? Just came here. What are you asking about this? That Sun Juan is just a golden immortal now, and his talent is too bad? Besides, those business talents are the focus of today, you leave it behind Businessmen don’t care, what if they run away?"

"When the wolf comes, they won't run away, they come all the way, how can they leave without seeing the meat."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, but his expression slowly became solemn, "Caiying, you have to remember that Sun Juan is not an ordinary person and cannot be judged by his cultivation."

Seeing Zhou Shu's look~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying also nodded, and said in a puzzled way, "How can I look at it, it's all golden immortals, I can beat the palace...I can't beat you?"

"All I saw was the golden immortal. That's why I was cautious."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "If you guessed right, there should be some power in him that I can't notice, and maybe I can't resist it."

He never thought of using the power of reincarnation to detect Sun Juan, but he had a strong feeling that if he did so, he would probably encounter the third setback of the law of reincarnation, but the result was not that he could not see it at all, but A group of hazy, like looking at the Materia Medica stele.

Caiying was startled, "Ah, how is it possible? What kind of power is that?"

Zhou Shu touched her head and said with a smile, "Don't think so much, you just need to know that he is unusual."

"Well, the palace is kind to him."

Caiying nodded docilely, not stubborn.

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