Fairy Winner

Chapter 3182: Yu Yin

Zhou Shu thought about it for a few breaths, and said in a condensed voice, "I will try my best to keep him out of trouble, and save him if something happens."

Sun Juan paused, "The city lord doesn't have to make a promise, the disciple of Guigu, knows his destiny, life and death are involuntary."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I know that is your persistence, but what I say is also derived from my Tao."


Sun Juan paused, and said nothing, only a little more kindness in his eyes.

Zhou Shu looked at him, seemingly thoughtful, "By the way, you just said that he is different from you, what is the difference?"

Sun Juan said lightly, "You want to know, ask him when you come."

"Yes, I guess there is no answer to asking you," Zhou Shu spread his hands, pretending to be helpless, and hesitated. "But Brother Sun, I have one more thing I want to ask you, very important things, I really have nothing else. People can ask."

Sun Juan nodded, "Yeah."

Zhou Shu took a deep breath, "You have seen Yangmei, right?"

Sun Juan seemed to realize something, "I have seen it in the Xuanhuang Realm, but not here. Do you want me to inquire about her whereabouts in the Xuanling Sect?"

Zhou Shu was very serious, "Yes, I don't know what position you have in the Xuanling Sect, but it will certainly not be lower. Are you the real elder?"

Sun Juan did not hide it, "It is the root elder."

"Elder Root?!"

Zhou Shu was stunned for a moment, and said, "How is this... really unexpected."

The elders of the plane bell sect are divided into five levels. Except for the general elders, the other four are divided into leaves, flowers, fruits, and roots. The importance and status of the elders increase in order. The root elders are the most respected, and they all control the power of the plane bell sect. Of the real power figures, the entire Hanging Bell Sect is no more than twenty, and all are truly strong.

He previously said that Sun Juan was Elder Shi, and he felt a little too guessing. Wherever he wanted it, the facts were even worse.

It turned out to be the root elder!

This means that Sun Juan is the highest elder in charge of the sect in the fairy world, one of the heads of the hanging bell sect.

No wonder Sun Juan can jump directly from Genting City to the Suspension Bell Sect, calling for the wind and rain in the Outland. With such a position, what is the difficulty in doing this?

It's just that I always feel incredible.

The person in charge of the Suspense Sect is here. If he is tied up, what will happen to the Suspense Sect?

Sun Juan smiled slightly, "Very unexpected? In fact, I was also very surprised at the time, but the city lord doesn’t have to think too much. I, the root elder, originated from the Yu Yin of the older generation, has no real power, so I can’t call several hanging bell sects. It’s even less possible for people who are not to enter the fairy garden, that is, they are usually freer."

Yu Yin from the older generation?

Zhou Shu stopped, but didn't ask too much, he only smiled, "In any case, he is also the root elder, no one in the fairy world dares to provoke you."

"Except for senior brother, you are the first to know. I don't think this elder has much use."

Sun Juan shook his head slightly, his eyes filled with depression.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I understand, I will ask Brother Sun about Yangmei."

Sun Juan is the elder of the roots. There is no rumors in the immortal world. The blue bird who has been to the Sulan Sect many times does not know it. The ninth pawnshop who is best at inquiring about the news did not notice it. When he came out, Sun Juan was not artificial, but he really didn't care much, and he never used his identity.

It is really rare to be able to do this.

"I'll look for it, but you don't want too much hope for me."

Sun Juan's expression was condensed, "The Immortal Realm has been looking for her all the time, with no results, and I will look for it instead, it won't be much worse."

"I know."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, but his heart suddenly cast a shadow, very sad.

There was no result on the fairy world, it was indeed very difficult to find, even if it was him, some unusual frustrations appeared in his heart, and he was about to conceal it.

Sun Juan paused, with a hint of comfort, "You probably know that Yang Mei blew herself up twice in the Promise World. With her cultivation base at that time, I am afraid it will be difficult to keep her soul intact. In other words, Her figure, appearance, and even her spirit have changed. She is no longer the same as she used to be. It is hard to tell if she remembers you. It is very difficult to find her."

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly, "I thought about it many times, but I think she will remember it, but...just..."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Sun Juan's figure was shocked, and his eyes suddenly changed.

There seemed to be a dark shadow flashing in his pupils, and the light ignited, disappeared in a flash, and immediately returned to normal.

Only the change in this moment could not escape Zhou Shu’s observation. Although he was focusing on Yangmei’s affairs, Xiancheng belonged to him, and every little thing would leave a trace, even if he didn’t see it. Someone will tell him.

Sun Juan said slowly, "City Lord, the hope of finding her lies with you."

"Is it here?"

Zhou Shu looked at him, thinking of Sun Juan's momentary changes just now, and felt confused and expectant.

Sun Juan said calmly, "I heard that there have been several practitioners of the Cihang School inheritance in Outland."

Zhou Shu's heart was tense, and he said anxiously, "A disciple of Cihangzong appeared in Outland, where is it?"

He didn’t know that finding Yangmei from Cihangzong was the best way. Even if Yangmei didn’t remember anything, she would definitely remember Cihangzong, because she was the daughter of the destiny of Cihangzong that Miaodi said, she was Cihangzong. Born in Hangzong, if she is still there, she will definitely think of reviving Ci Hangzong.

But I know, I know, it’s another matter to find it. The ninth pawnshop has been in the immortal world for so many years and has not received any news from Cihangzong. As for Zhou Shu himself, he has carried the holy note for so long, except for the heart lamp and Bian Xue did not meet the second person related to Ci Hangzong.

Now that he heard what Sun Juan said, he didn't even have time to think about the abnormal situation of Sun Juan just now, and only wanted an answer.

Sun Juan shook his head, "If I knew, I wouldn't just talk about Outland. You have to find it yourself."

Zhou Shu paused and put away his disappointment, "Thank you, Brother Sun, I went to find it myself, but I want to know where those rumors came from?"

"I do not know."

Sun Juan looked a little weird. He thought about it and said, "When your Xianshu City is famous, it will be easier to find a lot."

Zhou Shu smiled, seemingly indifferent, "Then we have to fight against the immortal world."

"I should be going."

Sun Juan didn't speak any more, turned around and left.

Watching him disappear~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu still stayed where he was, thinking about Yangmei, his thoughts continued.

Qingque approached quietly and slowly said, "Shu, don't you think he was a little strange just now?"

She had been at Wanmuting, and she had seen things here through the core of the source, and came over immediately.

"I noticed, the news of the disciple Ci Hangzong did not seem to have been known to him long ago, but he suddenly got it. It was only after I asked that someone told him," Zhou Shu nodded, a little regretful, "I can pass it here. Information, but I, Xiancheng, and the core of the source were not aware of it. His ability may be bigger than I thought."

Qingque nodded slightly, "Maybe it's just that the person who delivers the message is powerful, I don't see how strong he is.

Zhou Shu paused, "I can't see it, but it won't be long before there should be an answer."

Qingque asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "After a while, Su Yi will come and he will tell me."

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