Fairy Winner

Chapter 3183: Series of questions

Go back to the temple.

Xiao Zhao Xiaocai has disappeared, only Caiying is still there, looking at Sima Yi frowning.

Sima Yi saw Zhou Shu coming in, and hurriedly greeted him, "The city lord came just right."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Brother Sima, I am going to find you."

Caiying was stunned, and said anxiously, "What Brother Sima, why are you calling someone else?"

Zhou Shu glanced at her, ignored her, smiled and said, "Brother Sima, something is wrong?"

Sima Yi looked respectful, "I'll talk about the old man's affairs later, I don't know what the city lord has to do?"

"It's nothing."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Since you are back, you will have more free time in the future."

Sima Yi nodded his head, "The old man is duty-bound."

"My palace doesn't want him to teach."

Caiying lowered her head and pouted.

Zhou Shu frowned, "This is something you promised a long time ago, but now you come to regret it? Since the foundation of the city, you have not seriously learned the power of blood. Some time ago, Brother Sima was not there, but now he is back, you don’t have any. No matter what you say, you have to study it seriously."

Caiying raised her head to look at Zhou Shu, dissatisfied, "My palace is not repenting, how do you call him..."

"Hehe, the city lord doesn't have to worry about this."

Sima Yi smiled and turned to Caiying, "Palace lord Caiying, you and my fellow daoists are worthy of each other. Actually, the old man taught you how to use the power of blood, mainly to assist the city lord and you, not to make you a junior of the Sima family. The old man never thought that way."

Caiying's eyes lit up, "Don't go to Sima's house? The palace must learn, Sima Daoist friend."

Zhou Shu glanced at her, "Not big or small."

Sima Yi chuckled, "Palace Master Caiying is the incarnation of heaven and earth elves. He said that it is fine to be the same age as heaven and earth. The old man dare not call himself an elder in front of her. Besides, it is also a way to learn blood from each other.

"Yes, yes, but this palace is not that old yet, the world is the same age, how old it should be."

Caiying looked at Zhou Shu triumphantly and curled her mouth.

Zhou Shu smiled helplessly, "Even blood can be learned, Brother Sima, thank you very much."

Sima Yi nodded his head without being embarrassed at all, "It was originally what the old man should do. The city owner is too polite."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "What happened to Brother Sima?"

Sima Yi paused, and said respectfully, "The old man received the news that Sima Jia took the people in the family and will be able to reach Xianshu City in a few decades. The old man wanted to go out of the city to pick them up, so as not to encounter any problems on the road."

"so fast?"

Zhou Shu paused, and smiled with his palms, "Good thing, Xianshu City can have a lot of new forces."

Sima Yi sighed slightly, "I'm really ashamed, I don't dare to say a new force. There are only 37 members in the Sima family, most of them are not direct children, and Taiyi Daluo has only seven people. The city lord is willing to take us in, which is the blessing of the Sima family. "

"Brother Sima is too much, how can it be taken in?"

Zhou Shu frowned and said displeased, "Xianshu City is an honor to work with the Sima Family! Brother Sima, I will go to pick up the Sima Family with you later. The border has been turbulent recently. Both the Demon Race and the Immortal Realm have The action is indeed not peaceful."

"Thank you City Lord!"

Sima Yi hurriedly bowed his salute, and felt relieved.

It’s not that I’m worried about the Sima family’s troubles, but I’m taking the family to Xianshu City alone. It seems that the family is not taken seriously, and it feels like being under the fence. If Zhou Shu comes out in person, he will have the face and foundation. He is so humble. It's not in vain.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don't be too polite, to Brother Sima, I am a little curious."

Sima Yi smiled and said, "Is it the way the Sima family communicates? I also want to explain to the city lord."

As he raised his arm, a green shadow suddenly appeared on his palm, and a blue and white flower gradually formed.


Caiying couldn't help touching her shoulder, but she quickly covered her thoughts of something.

Sima Yi smiled and said, "Palace lord, you don't know the use of blue and white, you can change positions when you know it, and show it in the palm of your hand just like the old man." At this time, the blue and white in his hand has already taken shape, and it is shining, but look at the color. It is indeed much shallower than Caiying's body, which also shows that Caiying has a great future in terms of bloodline, and even if it can't play all of it, it will not be worse than Sima Yi.

The blue and white pavilion rose up, spread the petals, and some blue smoke emerged from it.

The green smoke disappeared quickly, but appeared again not far away, forming one word after another.

Very strange and beautiful.

Sima Yi said slowly, "This is the unique communication method of our Sima family. It can only be used with the power of the bloodline. The stronger the bloodline, the farther the distance can be transmitted. Sima Jia-neng sends news from outside the two worlds. The old man can be outside the eight realms," he looked at Caiying, seemingly thoughtful, "If the palace owner can grasp the blue and white blood, dozens of realms and hundreds of realms will be easy, even the ancestors."

"It's just a messenger, what's so great."

Caiying snorted, seemingly disdainful, but her eyes betrayed her inner emotions, which was actually very excited.

Sima Yi smiled slightly, "Hehe, don’t underestimate the palace lord, this way of communication is unlimited, whether you are in the demon world, whether you are in the formation or the secret world, even in the light of tomorrow, you can still transmit. In the past, it will not be blocked by anyone."

Zhou Shu surprised, "Is it all right tomorrow?"

He knew that the light of tomorrow that Sima Yi said was not a realm, but a kind of supernatural power of Zen, which was also called the supreme Buddha light by practitioners.

There is no darkness in the light tomorrow. It is said that once the light tomorrow unfolds, everything inside is open and open, which can be described as absolutely bright, and no external force can invade it, even the power of the saint and the power of the devil.

Many classics are introduced in this way, but there may be none of those who have really seen the future.

But this does not prevent many practitioners from thinking that light tomorrow really exists, a place that truly exists and is absolutely bright and fair. Who doesn't expect it?

Sima Yi hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "So the ancestor became a disciple of the saint."

Caiying curiously said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ah, I have always heard that you are the disciples of the saints, so how come you come? "

"It's a shame to say, but it is."

Sima Yi said calmly, "In a encounter between the saints, the ancestors used the blue and white blood to help the saints. It was not a big help, that is, they said a few words, but the two saints who were in the future did not have these words. , Maybe it really started fighting... Afterwards, the two saints gave a lot of rewards to their ancestors, and they also said a few good words to the outside world, and the name of the ancestor saint’s disciple spread."

Zhou Shu looked solemn, "It turns out that Brother Sima is ashamed of having such a connection? The Sima family deserves its name if he can help the saint."

Caiying stared at Sima Yi, becoming more curious, "So you are the disciples of the two saints? What kind of saints are those two, because what are they fighting? One sentence can be solved, is it a misunderstanding? It's a saint, why are there still misunderstandings, even fighting? By the way, who arranged tomorrow? Is there a third saint?"

Faced with a series of questions, Sima Yi touched his beard and was speechless.

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