Fairy Winner

Chapter 3184: That makes sense

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't stop it. He was also very curious about these problems.

Sima Yi looked at Zhou Shu and said frankly, "The old man still doesn't know that it was the two saints, nor what it was because of the fight."

Caiying blinked, "Why, such a glorious thing, did your ancestors hide it on purpose?"

"It's not hiding, it can't be said."

Sima Yi nodded, "In the ancestral precepts, he repeatedly said that he was most afraid of disciples using the name of a saint, so he didn't even say who the saint was. The facts have proved that the ancestral precepts are correct. Doing despicable things in the name of a saint will inevitably lead the family to ruin."

Caiying was a little puzzled, "Why? You are all disciples of the saints. Even if you do something wrong, at most everyone will say that you ruin the reputation of the saints and it is impossible to destroy you. Everyone knows that there are saints to protect you. There will be something."

Sima Yi said slowly, "The reputation of a saint cannot be corrupted, and others are not protecting the saint's disciples."


Caiying was stunned, and seemed to understand something, "It seems that I have never heard anyone speak ill of a saint."

Sima Yi nodded, "A saint is never wrong, so if you borrow the name of a saint, whether you do it wrong or right, you are the one who is wrong in the end. Others will not say a word about the saint, but will only solve you. And then said it was a favor to help the saint and clean the door for the saint."

Caiying understood, her heart tensed, "Then this saint disciple is not a burden? If you make a little mistake, anyone can come to you for trouble?"

"That's right, that's why the Sima family has to be anonymous."

Sima Yi nodded, leaving only a wry smile, "In the past, some ancestors didn’t know how to conceal, and they said something when they did something. They thought it was to make a name for themselves and honor the saint. As a result, it would only bring trouble to the family. In this way, our blue and white blood is gradually annihilated, and it has to be said that it has a lot to do with this. The words "saint and disciple" are very harmful."

Caiying curled her lips, "It's really hard, I thought it's a good thing to have the title of Saint Disciple."

Sima Yi paused and sighed.

Caiying said again, "Since it’s not good, why don’t you just stop it? And this palace feels that you actually don’t want to throw it away, but you also want to keep the saint’s disciples, and even want to carry it forward. Isn’t that a question for yourself? ?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "You are talking nonsense again."

Sima Yi's expression became solemn, "The palace lord speaks without restraint, but he also hit the nail on the head. Yes, the Sima family has always wanted the family to flourish."

Caiying glanced at Zhou Shu triumphantly, with an expression of "Look at you and say me".

"We want the heavens to know that we are not only saint disciples, but... saints."

Sima Yi hesitated for a long time, then he said something. After speaking, he looked towards Zhou Shu and said slowly, "This is the wish of the old man and the ancestors of the past. We have met the saints, and we have helped the saints. Why do we just Being disciples of saints, why can't we be saints?"

As he spoke, his tone became excited unconsciously.

Snapped! what!

Zhou Shu pressed his palms hard, a smile appeared on his face, "You said it well, Brother Sima!"

"Don't you find it funny?"

Sima Yi was surprised, and sighed, "Laugh if you want, I know this is wishful thinking, but... heh, the disciple of the saint, it sounds loud, but it is a burden that can't be greater. For so many years , Our family has done enough."

"What am I laughing at? Why do I laugh?"

Zhou Shu looked solemnly, "Brother Sima, you are the second practitioner I have ever seen who takes a saint as a target. I admire you very much. As a practitioner, you should have such aspirations. I don't want to be a saint, what a practitioner? ?!"

Sima Yi was stunned for a moment, "You... what you said is."

He was only excited for a while, but now he was frightened by Zhou Shu's rhetoric.

I was in a daze for a while, and I didn't know what to say.

He actually didn't have the idea of ​​"don't be a practitioner if you don't want to be a saint", he just had to force it.

Over the years, the words "Sage Disciple" have become the yoke of the Sima family. There are only two possibilities to get rid of this yoke. The first is to change the name of the family and completely disconnect from the saint. The second is to become a saint. It's impossible to choose no matter what. If you choose a sinner, then there is only the second one.

The goal is illusory, but it can only be so.

It took him a lot of courage to just say the words "become a saint", but when the same words were spoken from Zhou Shu, how could he be so calm as to drink a glass of water? Is he true? Want to be a saint?

Thinking of this, his heart palpitated, as if caught by something.

Looking at Zhou Shu, I was at a loss for a while.

Caiying leaned close to Zhou Shu and said in anticipation, "The first one, is the first one in my palace? Do you remember to say this?"


Zhou Shu pressed her head, turned her slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Sima, if there is a will, everything will come true. Your family has such a plan. I will definitely support you with all my strength and hope that we can grow together. , When your family has a saint, I can follow Dengguang, Caiying, and Brother Sima will teach you, you must also use your heart."

Sima Yi didn't know whether to say it or not, but only nodded.

Finally settled down, he looked at Caiying and said, "Palace lord, blue and white blood is really useful. Communication is only one aspect, and defense is its truly amazing foundation, such as blue and white wrap, blue and white porcelain, etc. It's okay, no matter how much the gold fairy can stop it.

Caiying said without thinking, "If it doesn't conflict with the sword body, it can be applauded."

"Naturally it doesn't matter."

Sima Yi smiled and said, "Palace Master, the power of blood is not necessarily used from blood. Besides, it is blood itself and can be transformed into power. It can act with the sword body without disturbing the sword intent. To be the best support for the sword body, of course ~www.ltnovel.com~ If you want the two to complement each other, there is no problem. When you start to understand the bloodline, you will know that the power of the blue and white bloodline is definitely stronger than you think, especially The power of your blood is stronger."

Caiying waved her hand, seemingly impatient but actually very happy, "Okay, I'm going to study in this palace, let's start now?"

"Not right now, now Brother Sima and I are going to pick up people. You will stay here and learn again when we come back."

Zhou Shu looked at her with a serious expression, "Next time we go out, your bloodline power must be used. If it doesn't work, don't go out and stay in Xianshu City to teach others kendo. ."

"That...then, I just need to study hard! I don't want to teach those fools every day!"

Caiying got up anxiously and shouted, "Friend Sima Daoist, come back to teach in this palace, and teach well!"

"Definitely, surely, as long as the palace owner wants to learn, I promise the church."

Sima Yi nodded and followed Zhou Shu out, stroking his beard and smiling.

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