Fairy Winner

Chapter 3191: Can't offend

The Demon Abyss mayfly continued to fly and continued to eat meat.

Only flying, a black figure appeared around the mayfly.

Obviously a practitioner.

Wearing a black dress, his face became paler, as if he hadn't seen the sun for thousands of years. A pair of dark black eyes resembled a waveless deep pool, so cold that there was no breath, with breathtaking power.

"Seems to notice us?"

Boiling the sky and putting down the barbecue, looking at the practitioners dozens of miles away, there is also a hint of curiosity.

The hidden demon didn't show up, and only whispered, "It's just the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan. It should not be able to break through the virtual cover of the Demon Abyss Mayfly. He can't see us, but he can go deep here. Most of his strength is very strong. You'd better not go out. stir up trouble."

"Can't come in? Don't worry about it."

Zhu Tian continued to eat meat, "He doesn't mess with me, I care what he does, there is nothing fun for practitioners."


A soft sound.

The black-clothed cultivator's hand stretched out from his sleeve, his complexion was extremely white, almost transparent, and he held a black long sword in his hand.

The long sword is flat, the front section is round and blunt, there is no edge and no edge, if it is not the hilt, it is normal, it is simply an iron ruler.

The hidden demon's voice came out, "Shushan's sword, it seems that the red eyes were also his before, you better not be stupid."

I didn’t even look at it, the oil dripping from my mouth, he smiled, "You also said, Hunyuan Jinxian, you can’t even see through the imaginary cover of the mayfly, you can’t find us at all. I care about..."


With a flick of his wrist, the long sword was drawn without warning.

A seemingly simple fall, in fact, it has brought many changes, the sword intent is divergent, like rain hitting a pond, sending out countless ripples.

As the sword light fell, the all-sky demon energy in the void suddenly separated, like an extra door out of thin air, separating the demon energy layer by layer.

There was a low burst of sound, like rows of glass being shattered one after another, with constant noises.

In just a breath, a huge Demon Abyss mayfly appeared in the empty void. On the mayfly, a mountain-like demon race was sitting on the mayfly, with a look of astonishment and a large portion of barbecue in his mouth. funny.

The virtual cover was broken, and the Demon Abyss Mayfly, who was best at hiding in the devil qi, also appeared.


The black-clothed practitioner frowned unconsciously, staring at Zhutian, the killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

Actually encountered Demon Abyss Mayfly here?

Before he used his red eyes to probe, he faintly felt that it was some kind of strange formation, so he hurriedly searched for it. After trying to crack it, it turned out that it was not the formation. It was actually such a strange demon mount. A lot of time was wasted.

"Who are you? I didn't mess with you, but did you mess with me?!"

Zhu Tian ate up the barbecue in one bite, jumped up, and the long knife was in front of him, shouting loudly.

The Demon Abyss Mayfly also paused at the right time, and turned his huge head around, his eyes gleamed with black light, his mouth opened, and the black mist rolled in.

The cultivator stepped back, retracted his sword, and stood with his hands down.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to interrupt you waiting, you can continue."

He nodded, turned and left, not staying for a while.

The Demon Race who can possess the Demon Abyss Mayfly is undoubtedly the people around the Demon Lord. Their strength must not be weak. In addition to the Demon Abyss Mayfly, if you must eliminate the demon now, you will inevitably fall into a hard fight. If you have something to do, you should not be troubled. it is good.

"Come as you want, leave as you want, and want to run even if you bother me eating meat?!"

Where Zhu Tian is willing to let the practitioner go, he is not annoying, but he will never let it go easily if he is provoked. He immediately drives the Demon Abyss Mayfly to chase him, but the ruthless words are not finished, the Demon Abyss Mayfly is not obedient. , Hanging there still.


Before a word was spoken, Zhu Tian's expression suddenly changed.

Describes the majesty, the eyes are concentrated, and there is no more silly attitude. Looking at the practitioners in the distance, he suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Naturally, practitioners would not wait, but instead ran faster, driving the sword light far away.

It's just that they've gone far, but the cultivator feels a little weird. The great devil has been using weird magic words just now, but when he called him to wait, what did he say was the language of the immortal world? It is still the oldest kind, if you are not the elder of Shushan, you may not understand it.

"A great demon who knows the language of the ancient immortal world? Do you want to go back and have a look? Forget it, finding someone is the most important thing. It should be here. Find it early and take her back early. She is destined to belong to Jianshan."

The practitioner hesitated for a while, but didn't look back, and hurried away.

Zhu Tian, ​​to be precise, is Zhu Tian who has been possessed by the Demon God, frowning slightly, seeming to say to himself, "These little guys in Shushan are so unreliable... He ran here. Not to find him? I wanted to give him a chance, hey."

In front of him, a hidden demon was kneeling motionless.

Zhu Tian said lightly, "Look at Zhu Tian, ​​don't let him cause trouble, he will attract murder at every turn, am I very free?"

"I see, Lord Demon God."

The hidden demon tremblingly agreed, not daring to look up.

It was the first time that he saw Zhutian possessed by the Demon God, and he was immediately suppressed, and at this moment he also understood the reason why Yves had been taking care of Zhutian.

He didn't understand before, and his attitude towards Zhutian was very bad. He knew that Zhutian seemed to be inferior, but he had excellent talents, but what is talent~www.ltnovel.com~ worthy of attention? There are so many talented demons in the demons. Besides, Ive can use the power of the abyss blood pool to continuously create them. He can completely obtain the more talented demons. Why do you care about Bootian?

Want him to spend a huge amount of money, even better than Zhutian talent, follow Zhutian like a nanny?

But I don't want to, the root cause is here, it turns out that Zhu Tian was taken by Aotian Demon God a long time ago.

That is Aotian Demon God.

In the future, we must never offend the bootian again.

"What are you doing here on your knees, what about that practitioner? I just..."

After boiling the body, the blankness in his eyes quickly disappeared, "By the way, how come this rotten mayfly stopped flying suddenly? Are you stupid!"

The hidden demon stood up and whispered, "Master Zhutian, that person has already gone and can't catch up."

The mayfly gave a long whine and agreed.

"Damn it, running so fast! You two, it's useless, just watch him run?!"

Zhu Tian sat down angrily, flicked his long knife, but picked out a large piece of meat and roasted it on the fire, suddenly realized something, "Hidden Demon, what did you call me just now? My lord, you made a mistake! It’s not Ephesus, and I don’t want to hear the words sir."

"I know."

The hidden demon nodded, very obediently.

Zhu Tian glared at him, "You are weird, don't come out if nothing is wrong, just look at it."

The hidden demon quickly disappeared, "Yes, are you still planning to go to the Red Feather Demon Venerable?"

"Nonsense, I heard that there are the most masters over there, and it is suitable for my practice."

Zhu Tian waved his arms and berated the Demon Abyss Mayfly moving forward. After a few breaths, the Mayfly disappeared in the void again.

(Ps: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelid with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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