Fairy Winner

Chapter 3192: Great Wall of the Void

The boundless demon energy gradually thinned, and even a little light appeared in the distance.

Zhao Yueru was a little delighted, "Are you going out of the demon world?"

I have been in the Demon Realm for a long time without knowing it, and I have played enough. I have been in the devil all day, and my mood has become depressed. Although Zhou Shu is by his side, there is still a problem with Zhu Huan who will follow Zhou every step of the way. Shu, it's really annoying.

"about there."

Zhou Shu stared into the distance with expectation in his eyes.

Leaving the Demon Realm means not far from the Kuiwei Realm.

After a few more days, the devilish energy became thinner, and the surroundings became brighter, the stars shone, and it looked extra comfortable.

"what is that?"

Zhao Yueru pointed to the front, very curious.

A half-bright and half-dark intermittent line lay endlessly in the void, dividing the void into two halves. Some looked like a galaxy, but it was much dimmer, but the overall look was still obvious.

Zhu Huan said excitedly, "Elder, this is the Great Wall of the Void."

Zhao Yueru's expression stagnated, "The Great Wall of the Void, I've heard that it was destroyed long ago, why is it still there?"

Zhu Huan was very sad, "It's almost destroyed, but we can still see the traces of the past, and there are still effects in some places."

"Let's go and take a look."

Looking at the Great Wall in the distance, Zhou Shu said solemnly.

The Great Wall of the Void is probably the greatest "building" of the heavens, and a great cause created by countless people.

The demons were not as prevalent as they are now, and the main opponent of the fairy world is the Witches. After fighting for a long time, the two finally decided to give up.

In order to express their determination not to go to war in the future, the two clans intend to build a solid dividing line. From then on, no one will cross the boundary, and peace forever.

This is why the Great Wall of the Void was born. Although the initiators of the Wu Clan and the Immortal Realm, they also participated in many foreign races, especially the Dragon Clan who contributed a lot. After tens of thousands of years of hard work, a tens of billions of li The Great Wall of China appears at the junction of the two races. It traverses the void and is majestic. There is no second building in the entire heavens that can compare with it, and it is not just a building.

When it was completed, all the tribes were rejoicing.

The Great Wall of the Void is divided into nine sections, each of which has a different color and shines day and night, giving the originally boring void the most magnificent and magnificent scenery.

No one could imagine that this miracle that amazed the heavens was actually the work of manpower.

A few people got off the flying boat, and after a short while, they flew to the edge of the Great Wall of Void.

The tall and solid platform is also particularly eye-catching in the void. The layered brick and tile structure has all looked dilapidated, but it is still erected very firmly. They are supported by dozens of huge spheres. Stand firmly in the void, so that they will not wander or fall. Surrounding these buildings is a statue that has long been broken. Most of them have broken hands and feet, and even lost their heads, but their tolerance is still there, as if it is. The gods stood here, with a little smoke lingering around, as if there were still devout believers coming to worship at all times.

Outside the statue, there are broken array symbols, countless innumerable, silk threads connecting them in series.

I can't even see the runes, as if it turned into fly ash with a light touch.

The spheres, platforms, statues, formations, they formed a short section of the Great Wall, which continued to extend around, endlessly.

Many of them have been completely destroyed, and even no traces can be seen, but the remaining ones are still standing, with their corrupted remains, revealing their glorious history in the void.

Zhao Yueru stopped and said for a long time, "It's magnificent, how can you keep it from falling down?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There are spheres that are maintained. Those spheres are the handwriting of the dragon family. They can maintain long-term stability in the void. They will not move for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years. This is a special feature of the dragon family. Technology, the dragon clan’s beacon came from this, but it’s not unique to the dragon clan. I have seen similar ones in Hachi country. I heard that the Ba clan will also do this, but they are not as good as the dragon clan and the time is shorter."

He glanced at Zhu Huan, "Those statues are the statues of the wizard god?"

"Yes, here are the statues of Zhu Rong witch **** and Xuan Ming. They can absorb the beliefs of the witch race to maintain the normal operation of the Void Great Wall."

Zhu Huanpo said piously, "I heard that the Great Wall of Void in the past was very beautiful when it was well preserved, because the power transmitted by each witch **** is different, and the color displayed is different. For example, our witch **** is red, and Xuan Ming beside it is Cyan, Xiang Miao's side is purple, flashing segments..."

He stopped talking and looked at the Great Wall in surprise.

As he said, each section of the Great Wall showed a different color, flashing constantly, like a section of rainbow, decorated with dashes and spaces.

Only soon, the light fades.

Zhou Shu paused, seemingly thoughtful, "It was like this back then."

Those color lights are naturally caused by Zhou Shu.

Zhu Huan nodded excitedly, "I heard my ancestors say yes, but it should be more spectacular. At that time, the entire void can be illuminated by them, and the brightest stars in the sky are no better than the Void Great Wall."


Zhou Shu sighed, "How can I be compared to the real Great Wall of the Void as my little skill is just to show respect."

Zhu Huan shook his head quickly, "My lord is already very powerful~www.ltnovel.com~Zhao Yueru thought for a while, then said, "Those formations are built by practitioners. It's really a joint effort of several major races, but... Isn't it a waste of such a huge Great Wall of the Void just to divide boundaries? "

"Of course it's not just boundaries, they also have the function of resisting the enemy."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Those formations are not decorations. They can stop the cultivators, they can also stop the Witch tribe and prevent the two tribes from fighting again, but no one thought that in the future it would not stop the two tribes, but the demons, alas. "

Zhu Huan nodded, and said with regret, "The immortal world and the witch world are no longer fighting, but the demons have appeared again, and they flooded as soon as they appeared..."

"... Since the appearance of the Seven Demon Gods, the originally very small demon world began to expand rapidly. The demon races are like weeds in unregulated fields, growing fast and numerous, the heavens ushered in the greatest disaster, and a large number of races disappeared. , Even the immortal world was squeezed, but the ever-expanding Demon Race encountered the resistance of the Void Great Wall here. The Wu Clan, as well as other races and practitioners who remained here, rely on the Void Great Wall to resist the Demon Race..."

"...The Great Wall of the Void was destroyed because of this, but it also isolated the Demon Race from the Great Wall..."

"...During the period of crazy expansion when the Demon Realm was born, the Witch Realm did not lose a single word. I have to say that the Void Great Wall played the biggest role..."

"It is said that after the Demon God gave an order, the Demon Race has not crossed the Great Wall of Void again..."

"Although the Void Great Wall has become a wreck, it is still the most united testimony of the Witches, the Immortal Realm, and other races. Even today, even if there are constant conflicts, the Witch Realm and the Immortal Realm have not fought directly. "

Listening to this long dusty history, Zhao Yueru thought deeply and remained silent for a long time.

(Ps: Thank you for your continued support for Eyelid with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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