Fairy Winner

Chapter 3193: What am i afraid of

After taking a few steps, Zhou Shu stopped to look at it.

This Great Wall of the Void, which lay in the void and experienced countless years, is located at the intersection of the three realms. It has witnessed the rise of the demon world, the rise and fall of the immortal world, and it is still the border of the witch world. How many people died here, and how many stories were left behind.

It's time to take a look.

Quietly exert the power of Shu, but see a hazy.

Unconsciously shook his head.

Shu Zhili can simulate the power of reincarnation, can manipulate the magic power in the demon world, and exert the power equivalent to the power of the highest law in a short time, but it is only so. Shu Zhili's simulation of the power of reincarnation, now only stays in At the level of strength, deep-level applications are still impossible, and retrospective methods such as the emptiness of one life and the return of one life are not available, and it takes time.

And if he uses the power of reincarnation, he always feels something will happen to him.

The saint must have been to the Great Wall of the Void. There is no doubt that there were saints and demons in the war that year.

Zhao Yueru looked at the steps not far away, suspiciously, "There seems to be some vitality left here."

Zhou Shu retracted his thoughts and nodded, "No more than 500 years, someone has been here and stayed for a while."

Zhu Huan paused, "Sir, some people will stay after most of them, trying to understand something, and some practitioners want to make the well-preserved Void Great Wall into a fairy city, staying for a long time, but can't do it. ."

Zhou Shu paused, "Are you a practitioner of the Kuiwei Realm?"

Zhu Huan did not hide it, "Yes, other practitioners rarely come here. I listened to them. They also said that the Great Wall is very strong and suitable for that kind of immortal city. If possible, it is best to cover the entire world. I moved here, but I can't do anything."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "Dragons can still try, but practitioners may not."

The site of the Great Wall is indeed very good to be used as a fairy city. The place is not big or small. The materials will not be destroyed for hundreds of thousands of years. The stable location does not worry about natural disasters. There is also a basis for formation. But the original core cannot be accommodated here, even if it is reluctant. It's just a look.

Speaking of it, he has some ways to make the Dragon Power and the Origin Core live in harmony, but there is no need to do it.

Zhu Huan paused, "My lord, after crossing the Great Wall, you will be able to reach the Kuiwei Realm in less than two months, but the place is very secret and there are many formations to cover it. If you don’t know the key, you can’t see it at all. The presence."


Zhou Shu nodded gently, "I'm going to find someone first, do you know the Seven Star Realm?"

"Seven Star Realm?"

Zhu Huan thought about it for a few moments before suddenly startled, "Are you talking about the place where the six stars are ringed together? It used to be called the Seven Star Realm? There are only six stars, and there seems to be no one on it. I heard it is very dangerous."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It should be there."

The Seven-Star Realm was the place he and Xie Bai had agreed upon. Xie Bai said that the appearance was six stars orbiting together, which was very easy to recognize.

Zhou Shu didn't know why there were only six stars but seven stars.

Zhu Huan hesitated, "I'll take you there, not far from Kuaiwei Realm, but it's closer to Xuanming Shaman God over there, I..."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You don't need to go up there, you are waiting for me outside, I'll just go over and have a look, and I will come out after finding someone."


Zhu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, a little apologetic, "The relationship between the Zhurong clan and the Xuanming clan is not very good, so we can't just go to the other side's territory."

"It doesn't matter, I may not go up, Xuan Ming clan, I don't like it either."

Zhou Shu was very calm. He didn't like Xuanming in the Xuanhuang Realm anymore. This shaman **** who treated humans harshly and cruelly, and the Xuanming clan who believed in him was the opponent of human practitioners, fighting each other for tens of thousands of years.

Xie Bai said that he would meet there, hoping it was only because it was easy to distinguish there, and not for other reasons.

However, the three imperial families are likely to be connected with the Xuanming clan, otherwise Xie Bai would not have been sent here by the Zheng family.

Be cautious.

After flying along the Void Great Wall for a while, a few people left the Great Wall and went to the Witch Realm.

Unlike the darkness of the Demon Realm, the Witch Realm was obviously much brighter, brighter than the Immortal Realm.

From a distance, the left side looks like a sea of ​​fire, the right side is a vast blue ocean, the middle is a black belt, and the boundary is particularly obvious. Obviously, the left side is the witch world where the Zhu Rong clan is located, and the right side is the Xuanming clan.

After flying for a few months, Zhu Huan paused.

Pointing to the front, "Look, my lord, it's over there. It was only there thousands of years ago. There was nothing in that position before."

The six green stars in the distance are very close together, arranged in a regular plum blossom shape, with a blue in the middle, but strangely, the six stars have the same color, but they emit light from light green to dark green. , It looks very distinct.

Zhao Yueru stagnated, "This world looks very weird."

Zhou Shu was very direct, "It is not a natural generation, it must have been built by someone deliberately, and it will not take long."

"That's weird."

Zhao Yueru was surprised, "It's very strange for you to build a fairy city in the Yunjuan world. There are still people who build a fairy city in the witch world. Do you expect there will be practitioners here? Besides building a fairy city here, the witches will ignore it? "

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Maybe the fairy city was built by the Wu clan."

Zhao Yueru was even more puzzled, "The Witch will also build a city, and is it still built like this?"

But Zhu Huan is very curious~www.ltnovel.com~Xiancheng, that is Xiancheng? I heard the practitioners in the Kuiwei world talk about Xiancheng, but I haven't seen it before. It's all like that? "

"No, Xiancheng is almost the same as the realm. It is rare that there is a clear difference from the natural realm like this."

Zhou Shu shook his head, looked at him and said, "By the way, did you just say it was dangerous there?"

"When I was in the Kuiwei Realm, the Xuanming clan who helped the practitioners said during a chat, I heard a few words occasionally, but I didn't mean to overhear," Zhu Huan lowered his head, a little embarrassed. "They didn't say what it was called the Seven-Star Realm. They only said that you must never go there. No matter who goes there, you will never come back. Many clansmen are like this."

"That was not built by the Xuanming clan."

Zhao Yueru paused, her face suddenly changed, "It's the territory of the Xuanming clan, and even the Xuanming clan can't come back? In other words, the Xuanming clan failed to prevent this fairy city from being built... it might be true. It's very dangerous. Is there any conspiracy that thank you for asking us to meet there?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Xie Bai is Xie Zheng's most trusted subordinate and will not lie to me. Anyway, I still have to go and see."

Zhao Yueru is still a little worried, "But... not even the Xuan Ming clan can..."

Speaking of danger, Zhou Shu became interested instead, looking at the six stars, "You can't fully believe what others chat with. Besides, we are not afraid of danger. Practitioners need to be in danger to make progress. Are you still afraid?"

"Who is afraid?!"

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu, her eyebrows were upside down, "It's you who are afraid, what am I afraid of? No matter how many enemies, I will kill with one sword!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his sword and flew over there.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded to Zhu Huan, and quickly followed behind.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the fourth story, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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