Fairy Winner

Chapter 3194: Xie Bai shook his head

Zhou Shu smiled, "Elder, you are still like that, you won't be convinced when you are excited."

"Who asked you to say that?" Zhao Yueru glanced back, "I'm like this, you know I have to say it on purpose."

"Don't worry at all, you and I are together, there is nothing to worry about," Zhou Shu smiled faintly, confidently, "The Devil Realm has all come all the way, what about the Witch Realm? Even if there is a quasi-saint there, it can be very good. And withdraw, I can promise."

Zhao Yueru stopped and sighed, "It's my sword, I'm not as useful as you said."

"Just now I was very energetic, and it changed in the blink of an eye. Without you, the sword is like scrap."

Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "Yueru, Demon Realm and his party, you are growing fast, now you, after completely unlocking the seal of the Sea-Treading Sword, even the Great Demon Lord can restrain, what else is there to worry about? The experience is very effective, even if that building just came, I believe he is not your opponent."

"Just lie to me, without you, I would not have succeeded."

Zhao Yueru complained in a low voice, but her eyes were smiling.

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It can be done, besides, I'm always there, so don't worry about it."

Zhao Yueru gave him a gentle look, stepped back and stood with him, and whispered, "But, it's really weird. Why did Xie Bai choose such a place to meet? We have never been here. Only he has been here, and only he knows if there is any danger in the Seven Star Realm. What if he really has any thoughts... Think about it, if it weren't for Zhu Huan's reminder, we ran away in a daze, and there was no time to react to any danger. "

"He chose this place because it is easy to identify."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There may be other reasons, but I don't think thanking me will hurt me."

Zhao Yueru hesitated, "I hope so, I am always a little uneasy, and I don't know why it is uneasy."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "It's not surprising that ordinary cultivators find it hard to feel at ease when they hear the words Xuanming. In the past Xuanhuang world, excluding those witch races, almost all believers in Xuanming witch gods are ghost cultivators. The ghost realm's methods are terrifying, and the immortal cultivators can hear it. So Xuan Ming has a very bad impression. But I think Xuan Ming is fair and upright, even if it conflicts with humans. Regarding human beings as resource food is completely different from that of Sabi."

"Indeed, I might have thought of ghost repair."

Zhao Yueru nodded as if enlightened, "There seems to be many Xuanming believers on the Taiyin Mountain, and I didn't dare to go before."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Yes, even those cultivators who don't believe in Xuanming use the power of Taiyin, but they are not pure."

It takes a few days.

Zhou Shu pointed to the front and smiled, "Look, don't worry about it now."

The starlight in the distance became more and more obvious, and a shadow stood in the midst of several starlights. Although they were far away, it seemed to be thankful.

After a while, Xie Bai also saw them and flew over quickly.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and smiled, "Thank you, you have waited so long, I'm really sorry."

"City Lord, I should do it."

Xie Bai looked at Zhou Shu expressionlessly, "My side is ready, and I can set off to Kuiwei Realm at any time."

"Is it so straightforward?"

Zhao Yueru stunned, "Wait, thank you, you have been waiting outside all these years? Have you waited for so many years?"

Xie Bai shook his head, "In a few years, the city lord said that he came from the Demon Realm, and the direction here is facing right. There is nothing wrong with it."

Zhao Yueru froze again, "Then why are you waiting outside? Can't you go to the realm?"

Xie Bai shook his head, "No, the world is all the Xuanming clan, I don't need to go down."

"All Xuan Ming clan?"

Zhao Yueru was stunned and looked at Zhou Shu, "What's going on? Is it Zhu Huan who is lying to us?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You have a lot of thoughts. When Zhu Huan is the person of Zhu Rong, how could he deceive the envoy? There are two possibilities. First, the Xuanming clan in the Kuiwei realm does not understand the situation. Second, they said that on purpose."

Xie Bai hesitated for a while, "It is a secret that the Xuanming clan in the Seven Star Realm is known to only a few of the Xuanming clan."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "That makes sense. Most of the Xuanming clan who came here have been left behind. Others don't know, they thought they were in danger, thank you, how do you know this?"

Xie Bai said calmly, "I was assigned by Zheng Tu to deliver supplies to the Seven Star Realm, and then I learned about some things. This is an immortal city built by a sect in the immortal world and the Xuanming clan. What sect and purpose is it? I don’t know. I reported to the auxiliary country. He said that the distance between the Seven Star Realm and Hachi Country is too far, and it shouldn’t matter, so he didn’t come to investigate again."

Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru glanced at each other, both startled.

It turns out that in addition to Xiangliang Xiangmiao, the Immortal Realm has also established connections with other witch gods, and the Seven Star Realm may be another Liangmiao country.

This one is much more concealed than Liangmiao Country, and few people have noticed it.

Zhao Yueru paused, "Shu, what do you want to do in the fairy world?"

"Whether he is in charge of the sect is hard to say, but no matter who it is, it is certainly not a small force. I think he mostly wants to establish a channel. If the two realms break out or there are any signs of change, they can reach the wizarding world first. Internally, react at the right time," Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "Why can he build here? Why Xuanming agreed, I can't figure out~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Yueru sighed, "The immortal world is always restless. The hand stretched longer and longer. "

Zhou Shu looked at Xie Bai, "You have been waiting outside for so long, haven't the Xuanming people searched for you?"

Xie Bai shook his head, "No."

Zhou Shu continued thinking, "Maybe there is something in the world, leave him alone for the time being, let's go to the Kuiwei world first."

"Yes, I will lead the way."

Xie Bai flashed, he was hundreds of miles away, his arms spread out diagonally, his body was straight, like a big arrow.

It can be seen that he has great experience in leading the way.

The two followed and joined Zhu Huan within a few days.

Zhu Huan stared at Xie Bai, his face suddenly stagnated, "Where did I see you?"

Xie Bai glanced at him, very calm, "I have been to the Kuiwei Realm, and I have detected it with the real eye, and saw many people grilling, and you are the one being grilled, tied to a very thick pillar. on."

"Is that barbecue? I'm training, it's our Zhurong Clan's special cultivation method! I am the most important fire-seeker! No one else can practice without me!" Zhu Huan waited for his confession, very dissatisfied," No wonder I felt something wrong at the time, as if being stared at, but I turned my head and saw only a vague shadow. It turned out that it was you! You dare to spy on the Kuaiwei Realm. You are so brave!"

Xie Bai shook his head, "I'm doing a task, and the true eye can just pass through your formation."

"It's definitely not a good person who asked you to do the task..."

Zhu Huan realized something as he said it, and said quickly, "My lord, I'm not talking about you."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, you don't have any problems with scolding, you are indeed not a good person, what do you think, thank you?"

Xie Bai nodded, "Zheng Tu is indeed not a good person."

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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