Fairy Winner

Chapter 3195: As King

Put down the secrets of the Seven Star Realm for the time being, and go back to Zheng Tu, you should be able to get something.

There must be a connection between Zheng Tu and the transportation of resources. But looking at it this way, it might not be that simple.

After flying for dozens of days, Xie Bai pointed to the distance, "It's almost here."

Zhu Huan couldn't help but glared, "I'm right about that. It's almost here, sir."

Zhou Shu nodded and stretched out the moon mirror. A light spot appeared in the mirror. Because there were several cloud-like formations around it, the light spot was not bright, but it still showed a crystal clear dark green. The vitality is extremely strong.

It's a bit of a mysterious yellow world.

Perceive it carefully, there is still a very strange and familiar breath.

Zhou Shu didn’t want to know what the aura came from. It must come from a magical artifact in the Profound Yellow Realm. Zhou Shu couldn’t tell what it was. If he carried the Demon Refining Pot or the Xuanyuan Sword, at this moment, the two sides resonated. Up.

But even if you don't know it, you can guess it seven or eight. There are so many Profound Yellow Realm artifacts in the heavens, and there are probably only those two types that can be here.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling inexplicably returning to his hometown, "That's right, it's here."

It turns out that adults can see it.

Zhu Huan felt a little frustrated, but that frustration quickly disappeared, thinking about it, the adults are friends of the divine envoy, so it is natural to see through the formation.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and smiled, "Zhu Huan, can you report it?"

"Of course there is no problem."

Zhu Huan nodded immediately, and only hesitated for a moment, "I don't know if those practitioners will agree."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Just say, the new emperor of the Xuanhuang Realm came to visit Jiang's house, the emperor."

Zhao Yueru stagnated when she heard the sound, and looked at Zhou Shu, a little surprised, but more proud. This may be the first time Zhou Shu claimed to be the emperor in front of other people.

"it is good."

Zhu Huan nodded subconsciously, suddenly a lot of doubts arose, "Emperor of Earth, Emperor of Humanity? What is that?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Go in and explain slowly."

Zhu Huan didn't say anything, and flew towards Kuaiweijie. The speed was too fast, and the whole person turned into a shooting star.

Not long after, the meteor fell into a void and was never seen again.

About half an hour later, the meteor flew out again, and two figures followed, and soon arrived in front of Zhou Shu.

Both the old and the young are the cultivation bases of Da Luo Jinxian. They are dressed in natural yellow blouses. They have similar looks and the same sharp eyes. Only the wrinkles on the old man's forehead are piled into gullies, and the years of vicissitudes are in it.

The young man was not polite, "Are you the one who claims to be the emperor?"

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said calmly, "Next Zhou Shu, I will see two descendants of the land queens."

"Zhou Shu?"

The young man's complexion changed slightly and he couldn't help but glanced at the old man. The old man's expression was condensed, "I don't care what your name is, how do you know the descendants of the Queen of Earth, who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?!"

Zhao Yueru had a chill in her eyes and whispered, "You are so rude!"

"Yue Ru."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and said warmly, "Blood aura cannot be hidden. The two are very close to the Jiang family of the Xuanhuang Realm I have seen. They must be descendants of the earth queens. They cannot be faked. Alas, I think the Jiang family of the Xuanhuang Realm It has been completely destroyed by the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. I didn’t expect to see the Jiang family here, which made me very gratified."

The old man's eyes stagnated, "You... are you really from the Xuanhuang Realm?"

The young man was still cold-eyed, "What does the Jiang family in the Xuanhuang world have to do with us? Even if it is gone..."

The old man turned around and said angrily, "Jiang Jie, shut up!"

After speaking, he turned to Zhou Shu and said seriously, "Is the respected driver really from the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Seeing him changed his name, Zhou Shu also smiled and nodded, "Friend Jiang Dao, she and I are both, but one came up from the Tongtian Pagoda, and the other came up by himself."

He paid attention to the eyes of the old man and the young man. When talking about Tongtian Tower, he deliberately increased his tone, and both of them obviously reacted. Seeing these reactions, he did not consciously relax. If nothing else, here There must be someone on the Tongtian Tower, but no one has to guess.

"Before the two met Zhu Huan, the purpose of the two was the Kuiwei world, right? How did you know us?"

The old man paused, "Old man Jiang Yuan, but the old man is suspicious, this matter is very important, and I have to ask clearly."

Zhou Shu pointed to the expressionless and silent acknowledgment beside him, "This one told me."

Jiang Jie was stunned, "A real shadow?"

Jiang Yuan paused and sighed, "A hundred years ago, there was indeed a Hachei clan who came to investigate, but we know that even if it is intercepted, it is useless. If it destroys the real shadow, the other party can still send the news back. I'm out, alas."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You don't need to worry about fellow daoists. There are not many people who know the news. If fellow daoists don't want the news to spread, I can help."

Jiang Jie snorted, "How can you help, can you still order Haechi country to say nothing?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's not an order, but it can be discussed."

Xie Bai said suddenly, "If the city lord speaks, the Zheng family will never dare to say half a word, it is impossible for the auxiliary country to disclose it."

Zhou Shu paused and nodded, "Thank you, let me say it."

Xie Bai nodded, "I will notify the auxiliary country immediately."

Zhou Shu has doubts~www.ltnovel.com~Can I inform here too? "

Xie Bai nodded, "As long as Xie Bai leaves Hachi country for a mission, there will be no one person. There must be a shadow in every ten worlds. It will not take long for each other to pass messages back to Hachi country."

"The auxiliary country is still... loyal."

Zhou Shu was stagnant and didn't say any more.

Should it be loyal or well-intentioned? The lord of the country clearly stated that there can only be one prophet in the Hachi country, and the auxiliary country also left the Hachi country to live in Xianshu city. Even Zhou Shu thought that the auxiliary country completely gave up this time. Right, but now it seems that there is no right. The auxiliary country still controls the right and affects the Hachi country.

"What are you playing?"

Jiang Jie looked at Zhou Shu and almost laughed, "Speaking a few words like this, I thought we would believe you?"

Zhao Yueru's face was stunned, and she wanted to say something, but when she saw Zhou Shu shrink back again, she stared at Jiang Jie angrily.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I do what I think should be done, you don't need to believe it, and I don't need you to believe it, two Jiang Dao friends, I say this, is it a clear explanation of the matter?"

Jiang Yuan stroked his beard and pondered, "Respect, what is the purpose of coming here?"

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "As the human emperor, isn't it normal to visit the descendants of the land emperor who is out of the witch world? What purpose is needed?"

"You...you are so brash, where is the emperor now?"

Jiang Jie suddenly became angry. "It's the same as that guy! Take a step back, even if you really are someone emperor, you still want to order us to fail? The emperor and the emperor were equal in the past, but now, we should It is the earth emperor that is ten times higher than the human emperor! A so-called human emperor who has betrayed the Xuanhuang Realm is also worthy to say that we live in the Witch Realm, do you have any shame!"

Jiang Yuan's face changed, "Shut up!"

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