Fairy Winner

Chapter 3197: I am not alone

Not much time was used this time.

Accompanied by Jiang Yuan, an old man walked over quickly.

She also wears a khaki blouse, but her chest is tattooed with a cluster of very fine spikelets, dark brown. At first glance, it contains infinite vitality.

He may not look much older than Jiang Yuan, but he has grace and nobility, Jiang Yuan also respects him extremely.

Jiang Yuan arched his hands, "Zunjia, this is the elder of the Jiang family, Jiang Ji."

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly condensed, and he took two steps to solemnly salute, "In the next Zhou Shu, I will meet Jiang Ji, the old Jiang clan."

Since the Lord has come, I have to be respectful.

As a person who is familiar with the classics, he is very clear about the Jiang family. For example, the names of the five most important and powerful elders are fixed. They have been inherited from ancient times to the present. They are rice, millet, rice, wheat, and sun. , Known as the five elders in the clan, and Jiang Ji has always been the third elder.

Back then, the Jiang family on Liuning Island in the Xuanhuang Realm also had five elders, but they were nameless.

And the people here don't look like ordinary people, this Jiang Ji, in the Hunyuan Golden Immortal that Zhou Shu has seen, is also considered the forefront.

Jiang Ji raised his hand in return and said in a warm voice, "You are welcome to respect the driver. I heard Jiang Yuan and the Zhu Rong clan have said about you. The old man believes that the respected driver comes from the Xuanhuang realm, and the Kuiwei community welcomes all Taoists from the Xuanhuang realm. It’s just a respectable driver, you need some tokens to prove it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's easy to say, Yueru, show him."

"What are you looking at?"

Zhao Yueru stagnated, and subconsciously took out the Sea-Treading Sword. For a time, the stars were faint.

Jiang Yuan's heart palpitated and his face changed. He immediately wanted to stand in front of Jiang Ji, but he was stopped by Jiang Ji just before he moved. Jiang Ji smiled and said lightly, "Although the Taoist implements are good, they can be regarded as untrustworthy. The flying sword in form is not owned by the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhou Shu frowned, "It's not the sword, the one that you asked you to carry before you came."


Zhao Yueru would come in comfort, only hesitated, "Here?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Old Jiang Clan, please take a few steps forward."

Jiang Yuan was not good at once, "What do you want to do? Take out the Taoist instrument and ask the elder to come forward, do you want to..."

"Don't talk nonsense about things, I think the two are upright people, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Ji waved his hand and walked slowly towards Zhou Shu. He also looked as stable as a mountain in the void. Every step he took, it seemed that the surrounding scenery was coming with him, with a strong sense of oppression. He said he was relieved, but he was actually there. Show coercion.

Zhu Huan couldn't help taking a few steps away, Xie Bai still stood in front of Zhou Shu, only his body shaking.

"Okay, you can see it here."

Zhou Shu patted Xie Bai on the shoulder, helped him relieve the pressure, and smiled, "Yueru, take it out."

Zhao Yueru nodded and spread out her palms.

A cloud of bright green light burst out, not dazzling, but it formed a dazzling shape, with clouds and mist inside, and it was blurred from a distance.


Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, but his heart was shocked, and a strong and extremely vitality surged over, and there was a feeling that he couldn't help but want to invest in it, as if there was the source of all life.

Zhu Huan's eyes widened, he couldn't see anything, but his mind was rippling, as if Zhu Rong's mother was calling him.

Xie Bai remained motionless and did not squint.

"Take it away, please put it away quickly."

Jiang Ji shook his head, vicissitudes of life with unbearable excitement in his eyes.

He could see it most clearly. In the light, there was a leaf that had never grown, or a tender sprout, that huge vitality, that breath that would never be forgotten by the perception, all reminded him of a name Jianmu, the Jiang family swore to fight for generations.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Old Jiang clan, have you seen it clearly?"

Jiang Ji nodded, his voice still trembling, "I see it clearly, it won't be clear anymore, you...where did you get it?"

Zhou Shu had expected this reaction, but it was also very unexpected.

It is impossible for the descendants of the land queen to see the bud of Jianmu without being excited.

The land emperor of the Xuanhuang world, also known as the Shennong clan, tasted everything, used herbal medicine, and blessed millions of people. For the survival and reproduction of mankind, the land emperor is extremely contributory.

The descendants of the emperor of the earth have great affection for all things that grow, and the building wood that breeds the Xuanhuang world and even the heavens is naturally more special. However, when the local emperor appeared, the Jianmu had already collapsed, and there were only Jianmu in the Xuanhuang world. Some fragments and many sacred trees were born from the fragments, so the earth emperor made a big vow to make Jianmu reappear in the Xuanhuang Realm and make the Xuanhuang Realm the center of the heavens again.

This is difficult to do, and it was not done before the earth emperor left the Xuanhuang world.

But this big vow stayed, and the descendants of the land queen still took the responsibility of re-cultivating Jianmu.

However, this is just an introduction in the classics.

The Jiang family, the descendant of the earth queen, whom Zhou Shu saw in the Xuanhuang world, never regarded this as something he should do, and even forgot about Jianmu. Of course there is nothing to blame. The Jiang family in the Xuanhuang world is gradually withering. Survival is the first priority, not to mention that Liuning Island was later occupied by the soul repair.

When he knew that there were still descendants of the Jiang family living in the witch world, he didn't think that these descendants would continue this matter.

I have been forced into the witchcraft world, and even the immortal world can't return. Can I still insist on such a grand goal? It's impossible.

This is not his random speculation, he has seen the descendants of the emperor, the group of people except the Ji family, the rest are simply totem creatures kept in the immortal world~www.ltnovel.com~ only surface value is left, all of them are busy competing for the immortal gift The resources of, no longer have the ambitions of the past, and the human emperor is even more unbearable. Xuanyuan bloodline does not know where, from the immortal realm to the heavens, almost no one recognizes the title of human emperor... I am afraid I am the only one who insists. .

But after seeing Jiang Ji's expression just now, he seemed to realize that perhaps the descendant of the earth queen had not given up yet.

This is the reason for his accident, and there is also a feeling that we are not alone. Is it possible for the three emperors who belong to humans to join hands again? If this is the case, the harvest this trip would be much greater.

This bud of Jianmu was taken from Jianmu, and of course it was approved by Jianmu.

The vitality in the Bud of Jianmu is much more majestic than the leaves of Jianmu, especially now that Jianmu is recovering day by day, and much of the vitality collected is reflected in the Bud of Jianmu. Of course, the value is much greater, and of course it is rare. The condition of Jianmu only produces one bud every 100 years.

It has the effect of healing dead flesh and bones, and surpasses all the medicinal pills currently owned by Zhou Shu. Even if the vitality disappears completely, as long as there is a trace of remnant soul, it can be rescued with Jianmu Bud. Therefore, this trip to the devil world, Zhou Shu specially I asked Jianmu for a bud, let Zhao Yueru take it, and prepared her a life.

Speaking of which Zhou Shu prepared a lot of things this time, most of them used Zhao Yueru and her sword.

After all, another important purpose of the journey to the devil is to allow her to adapt to the unblocked sea-treading sword, so as to be able to compete with Lou Gang in Shushan. (It is almost impossible to rely on her own sword intent to let her defeat Lou Gang in a hundred years. I can only put more hope on the sword. The sea-stepping sword she used before has always been sealed), the effect is very good, the process is complicated, needless to say.

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelids with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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