Fairy Winner

Chapter 3198: Not worthy of you

Zhou Shu nodded, and Zhao Yueru immediately put away the buds of Jianmu.

Zhou Shu looked at Jiang Ji and said slowly, "Can this thing be counted as a voucher?"


Jiang Ji quickly recovered his calm, and said in a condensed voice, "Jiang, open the passage, please drive into the Kuiwei Realm!"


Jiang Yuan responded loudly.

He took out a few different array charms and used them one after the other, only to see that the thick fog in front of him spread out, and a series of tall portals appeared. Behind the portals was a very long step, blooming in the clouds and mist, with different colors at the end. Kuijie.

It was smaller than Zhou Shu had expected, with a radius of about a million li, with verdant colors everywhere, full of vitality.

"Please follow me, please."

Jiang Ji raised his hand and strode ahead.


Zhou Shu returned the gift, followed by a few people, and filed down.

The steps are extremely long and are not real objects. They are layers of constantly changing clouds, but if you look closely, you can find that the clouds contain plants and animals that once existed in the Xuanhuang world. They change with the clouds and show a lifelike dynamic. As if it were still alive.

Walking in it, there was a feeling of returning to the Xuanhuang world, Zhao Yueru and Zhou Shu both took it seriously.

Zhu Huan was quite curious, "When we came before, it was not like this, we just fell off."

Jiang Yuan glanced at him, "This is a cloud stage specially used to welcome the deceased of the Xuanhuang Realm. It consumes a lot of money. You come here often and you don't need it so much trouble."

Jiang Ji turned around and smiled, "Speaking of which, this is the third time that the Kuiwei Realm has used cloud steps. After tens of thousands of years of preparation, it was wasted."

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Thank you fellow daoists for showing your love, but I don't know who it was the last two times?"

Jiang Ji paused, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "For the first time, it was also a human emperor."

Zhao Yueru's expression changed, "Could it be the Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Yueru, don't talk nonsense, when Emperor Xuanyuan was in the heavens, the Jiang family was still in the Xuanhuang Realm."

"Then..." Zhao Yueru was stunned, and realized that he had said something wrong, "Could anyone pretend to be the Emperor?"

"Yeah, we didn't expect that some people would pretend to be the emperor."

Jiang Ji sighed slightly and said coldly, "He said that he is the new Emperor who inherited the old will of the Emperor. He said so well that even the second tribe elders believed him and planned to... heh, it was disappointing. "

"he is……"

Zhou Shu wanted to ask again, but before he could say anything, Jiang Yuan said, "We don't plan to mention this matter again."

Jiang Ji calmly said, "After the Emperor Xuanyuan, there will be no Emperor. This is the consensus of the heavens. Although the Emperor Xuanyuan has done things that betray humans, his past merits are still there, and his reputation cannot be insulted by others. This is the view of our Jiang family, Zhou Shu, I am not saying these words against you, but if you really intend to become a new emperor, it’s not enough to show your credentials or say a few words. a lot of."

Zhao Yueru frowned, "What you said is very unreasonable. Zhou Shu was originally the emperor of the Xuanhuang World. This is recognized by the Xuanhuang World and the biggest reason why the fairy world wants to hunt Zhou Shu. Otherwise, why do you think the fairy world has been wanted he?"

Jiang Yuan said slowly, "The Xuanhuang Realm has been exiled by the Immortal Realm, and no news has been communicated for many years. No one knows what's going on."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't even you guys know?"

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why can we know?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, seeming to understand something, "We'll talk about this later."

Jiang Ji smiled and nodded, "Yeah, you must not quarrel. Everyone is from the Xuanhuang world. You should be in the same boat in the heavens. Don't hurt your peace and respect. You are here to visit the Kuaiwei world. I don't know what happened. ?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "I haven't been to the heavens for more than a thousand years, and I don't understand many things. I hope I can get more information from you."

"Just for this?"

Jiang Ji seemed to think, "That may not help. We have been living in the Kuiwei Realm, and we are indifferent to the outside world. We only occasionally go to the Second Immortal Realm. You may not know as much about the heavens as you."

"It depends on the information."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Of course it's more than this. As the descendants of the earth emperor, the clan elder must have not forgotten the original vow of the earth emperor? And now the Xuanhuang Realm has fallen on the edge of the heavens, as the Xuanhuang Realm is in the sky There is no reason for the descendants of Xuanhuangjie not to rescue Xuanhuangjie and restore Xuanhuangjie to its past status. I am working hard for this matter, and I believe that the descendants of the earth queen will never stand by."

Jiang Ji stagnated for a while, then smiled, "The respected driver really looks like an emperor."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "Don't dare to be."

Jiang Ji's expression was slightly condensed, and he slowly said, "I learned from Zhu Huan that the driver is very interested in one of our cars, isn't it?"

Zhou Shu glanced at Zhu Huan, and when he saw Zhu Huan hung his head quickly, he just smiled, "Yes, I do want to see that car too."

Jiang Ji nodded, turned around and stopped talking.

Zhu Huan hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "You are a friend of the Lord God Envoy, and I will obey what you say, but I must not lie in front of the statue of Zhu Rong. I can't resist them at all. Sorry."

"It's ok."

Zhou Shu is very calm, he should have thought of it long ago.

Jiang’s family is between the two witch gods, and there must be a means to check and balance the witch clan~www.ltnovel.com~ In front of them, Zhu Huan can’t keep a secret, but the problem is not big. Before meeting Zhu Huan, he decided I have gone to the Kuiwei Realm. No matter what Zhu Huan says, the Jiang family will not know that his original purpose here is to teleport the array.

Silent all the way to the end, dozens of people are already waiting.

A tall old man strode over, his beard hanging down to his belly, his shape and spirit all resembled a beautiful bearded man, and he smiled even brightly, "Hehe, I haven't seen an old man from the Xuanhuang world for a long time, brother, do you take time? Guest?"

"How come, the second brother joked."

Jiang Ji looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, and said slowly, "Zunjia, this is the old Jiang Mill of the second clan in the Kuiwei Realm, and now he is in charge of the affairs of the clan."

Zhou Shu solemnly saluted, "In the next Zhou Shu, I will meet the elders of the second race. These are my companions, Zhao Yueru, Xie Bai, and Zhu Huan. I am all thanks to them for being here."

When Zhou Shu said Zhu Huan, Zhu Huan's heart was shocked, and there was a lot of gratitude in Zhou Shu's eyes.

He thought that after telling Zhou Shu's secret, Zhou Shu would no longer pay attention to him, but Zhou Shu still regarded him as a companion, and his guilt became more and more.

Jiang Su stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes condensed suddenly, "Zhou Shu, I knew you a long time ago. Someone said that you were one of the people most wanted to catch in the immortal world. At that time, I was still wondering what kind of monster you are. The immortal world is so jealous, I didn't expect to see it today, but... it feels a bit misleading."

Zhou Shu paused and said with a smile, "You don't have to believe the rumors, and they are not as powerful as rumors."

"Hahaha, I'm just laughing."

Jiang Su suddenly laughed, and slowly said, "Those **** rumors in the Immortal Realm are not worthy of you!"

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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