Fairy Winner

Chapter 3200: The good will not come

"It really looks like a giant tripod."

   Zhou Shu looked at the mountain in front of him, "I wonder if it is natural or modified, or is it a giant tripod?"

Jiang Dingning said, "Zunjia is naturally formed. The fairy spirit in the mountains is extremely strong and suitable for the growth of all things. There are thousands of species of spiritual grass and more than 100 species of fairy beasts. It is one of the best training places in the Quewei world. I can definitely live very comfortable here."

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Thank you all the way, I plan to see for myself, okay?"

   Jiang Ding thought for a while, "Then don't bother me. There are many towers on the mountain, and they are now uninhabited. The driver can choose at will. If you have something, you can always find us."

   Watching him leave, Zhou Shu smiled, walking around, admiring the mountains.

   Zhao Yueru followed, Zhu Huan and Xie Bai were behind, Zhu Huan's face was a bit solemn, Xie Bai still had no expression.

   Zhao Yueru whispered, "You are still leisurely, these Jiang family members are too irritating."

   Zhou Shu was very calm, "It’s hard for them to admit that I am, don’t worry, we still have a lot of time."

Zhao Yueru understood something, and paused, "Shu, you have a confident look, have you understood this Kuiwei world? You know where the teleportation array is? If Lin Zhu is here, if you want to find it, We'll just take her away, and don't talk to them."

   Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled wryly, "No, I can't see clearly."

   He is not the identity of the Queen's descendant scrupulously. He didn't detect it, but really couldn't detect it.

Different from the multiple formations outside, there are no several formations in the Kuaiwei Realm, and there are not even a few guards. Everywhere is empty, it seems that you can easily see through it without the eighth sense, but in fact it is not like this. Zhou Shu had used the eighth sense to perceive the Kuiwei Realm, but had no results.

   feels very strange, but also very familiar.

   It's like ordinary people looking at the demon refining pot, even if they see through the demon refining pot, they can't see a boundary in the demon refining pot, and this is what Zhou Shu feels now.

   He seemed to have seen through the Kuiwei Realm, but he actually didn't see anything. Even the Juding Mountain in front of him couldn't see clearly. Is this Kuiwei Realm a virtual realm similar to the Demon Refining Realm? Obviously not, the Kuiwei realm exists very clearly in the void, and it is a real world, so he also has no definite answer to get along with, the only thing that is certain is that there is definitely a real strong in the Kuiwei realm.

   Whether it is a man or a god, or whatever, there must be.

   Kui Kui Jie is under the control of this strong man, he does not allow it, and it is difficult for others to perceive it.

And from this, it can be seen that it is by no means unreasonable that the Kuiwei Realm can survive between the two great witch gods. Otherwise, the few clan elders that Zhou Shu saw could destroy the Kuiwei Realm without the efforts of the witch gods. How can they allow them to survive and develop safely, even to study the teleportation array.

   is also a trouble for him.

   He can basically be sure that Lin Zhu is in the Kuaiwei Realm, but how to find her and how to take it back.

   How many threats the strong man gave him, and how to deal with it.

   Zhao Yueru was startled slightly, and thought for a while, "This world is not big, I'll look for it piece by piece, I don't believe it can't be found."

   "Don't worry, they will find it."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "The buds of building wood on our bodies are something the Jiang family aspires to gain. They let us in for this reason. We will just wait and see. We will definitely find opportunities, and they cannot be against Lin Zhu, Lin Beads are very important to them."

Zhao Yueru said slowly, "Well, listen to you, but I don't think I can talk with them. From top to bottom, they are all belittling the emperor, and there is no sincerity. I think they have given up on the Xuanhuang world. They said just now. The tone of the Xuanhuang Realm when he was exiled was clearly mocking rather than regretting...not everyone is the same as you, Shu."

   "It's too early to say this. I can't see much for the time being, they are all covering up."

   Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "Yueru, don't worry too much, it's okay."

   Zhao Yueru stagnated and frowned, "You don't think I think too much, then I don't want to. Do whatever you say, but... they want to slander you and the Emperor, I will definitely not ignore it."

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "You are right, and we are not good to bully."

   Zhao Yueru said happily, “If the good ones don’t come, if they dare to come, don’t be afraid. If they say they don’t want to listen, then we don’t have to be polite.”

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Yueru, before I understand the Jiang family’s thoughts, I can only rely on you. Do I have to rely on Hazhi Country and Zhurong tribe? They may not be able to stand out at the critical moment, and they cannot stand out. It must be the same as we thought. The only thing I can rely on after coming out is you."

   Zhao Yueru's eyes lit up, and said with joy, "What about after you understand?"

"It may be better, or it may be worse, who knows," Zhou Shu smiled faintly, turning to behind, "Thanks Bai, Zhu Huan, are you tired? How about finding a place to live first, thank you It's okay to be a shadow, but Zhu Huan, I haven't had a good rest after coming out of the Devildom."

   Xie Bai nodded, "Okay."

   Zhu Huan hesitated, "I want to ask my people to help. I believe they will listen to me, my lord."

   Zhou calmly said, "You can do whatever you want, but I don't recommend you to go. Jiang Yuan won't let go of what happened just now, he will definitely make it difficult for you."

   Zhu Huan said calmly, "My lord, I have a way."

   Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, and he immediately scolded, "Don't talk nonsense!"

It can be seen from Zhu Huan’s expression that Zhu Huan is ready to gouge himself. Since the Zhu Rong tribe can’t lie in front of the idols~www.ltnovel.com~ it’s fine if you don’t see the idols, he paused. Pause, "Thank you for accompany him, don't let him do stupid things, don't care about other things."

   Xie Bai nodded, "Okay."

   Zhu Huan looked at Zhou Shu, bowed hard, turned around, and Xie Bai followed.

   Zhao Yueru is a little worried, "They will be fine, right?"

   "With thanks, there should be nothing wrong."

Zhou Shu was relieved, "The Jiang family will not offend Hachi country for no reason. Xie Bai is standing there. They dare not overdo Zhu Huan. Even if Zhu Huan really wants to goug his eyes, they must stop it, and I I also believe that Xie Bai will be able to stand there."

   "He certainly can."

Zhao Yueru's expression condensed slightly and sighed, "Xie Bai, I really don’t know how he was cultivated. He can do everything he can to do his best at all costs... How many years do you think he has been waiting for us in the Seven-Star Realm? Huh? Even if it is a shadow, it is too difficult to stand in the void for ten years, I can hardly imagine what it is like."

   "Zhu Huan is not too bad."

   Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "It is impossible to question the loyalty of these people. This is of course a good thing for the people who use them. For them, it may not be a good thing. I don't want to cultivate such people."

   Zhao Yue thought about it, "Yes, it's a bit scary to think about it, it's not me anymore."

   (PS: Thank you for your continued support, thank you for your favorite book friends who subscribe to vote~~)

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